Use this function to perform the mass generation of interviews, by type and period.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Creation of an interview campaign

After entering the different criteria, click on the [Create] button to validate the interview campaign.


An interview campaign must be launched for each interview type. It is not possible to generate a group of records for different interview types.

Particular cases:
  • In the case of a multi-contract employee, records are created according to the number of contracts.
  • In the case of an employee whose contract-chrono concerns several active activity periods, the interview refers to the last active period.
Duplication principle

A record can be duplicated if the interview period is modified. Use this action to recover useful information from different campaigns without having to enter it again.

  • The cycle of the new record is 'In progress' independently of the initial validation cycle ('In progress', 'Validated N+1', 'Validated N+2' if the record is generated from the portal and 'In progress', 'N+1 validated', 'N+2 validated', 'Validated N+1', 'Validated N+2').
  • The header data are retrieved except the campaign code if it was entered. A new code is attributed.
    The standard job and the position come from the "Career" record if the "Career follow-up" option is activated. If the option is not activated, the information comes from the "Contract" record.
  • The data from the "General" tab are retained.
  • In the "Performance" tab, the new objectives from the previous interview are loaded.
  • The data from the "Skills" tab are not retained. They must be reinitialized.
  • In the "Prospects" tab, undertaken training periods correspond to the interview period. The requested training periods are entered by the manager during the interview.
  • The data of the "New objectives" tab correspond to the objectives for the following period. The previous entries are hence not retained.
  • In the "Comments" tab, comments from the previous interview are retrieved and displayed in the "Previous interview evaluator" and "Previous interview employee" fields. (grayed-out fields, non-modifiable). The comments of the new interview can be entered in the "Evaluator" and "Employee" fields.

Entry screen


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Code (field COD)
  • Active (field ENAFLG)
  • Title (field DESAXX)
  • Short title (field SHOAXX)
  • Evaluated period from (field STRDAT)
  • Evaluated period to (field ENDDAT)






By default, the following reports are associated to the function :

 LISTCEV : Campaign list

This can be changed by a different setup.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are present on the window opened through this button :



  • Evaluation range (field STRDAT)


  • field ENDDAT


  • Skills iInitialization (field INICPC)
  • Simulation (field SIMUL)

When this box is checked, the operation is not really executed, but only simulated. The resulting detailed trace file describes what would have been performed if the operation had not been executed in this mode.


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)


  • All sites (field ALLFCY)



  • All departments (field ALLSRV)







  • Employee ID (field MATSTR)

This field defines the selection ranges of the registration numbers to be processed by the function.

  • field MATEND


  • Other criterion (field CRI)


Click on this button to generate the interview campaign.
The criteria selected by default are those chosen by your HR manager.

Once the campaign is generated, the interview records are automatically stored in the Evaluation function.

The following fields are present on the window opened through this button :



  • Evaluation range (field STRDAT)


  • field ENDDAT



  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

Alphanumeric characters used to identify a company in a unique way .
Within a single company, it is possible to define one or several sites.
A company cannot be defined as a legal company (it serves for reporting purposes only).

  • All sites (field ALLFCY)


  • All departments (field ALLSRV)







  • Employee ID (field MATSTR)

This field defines the selection ranges of the registration numbers to be processed by the function.

  • field MATEND


  • Other criterion (field CRI)


SEEINFOThis function is only available once the interviews have been generated.

Use this button to generate a progress report for a campaign in progress.
Select the different criteria then click on the [OK] button to validate the selections.

A window displays the progress report of the campaign both in the form of a table and a graphic.
A double click on a line displays the detail per employee.

The following fields are present on the window opened through this button :



  • Evaluation range (field STRDAT)


  • field ENDDAT


  • Status (field STASTR)
  • field STAEND



  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

Selecting this box means that the processing is launched for all the companies (otherwise, they have to be specified).

  • All sites (field ALLFCY)

If this box is selected, the processing is launched for all the sites (otherwise, it is necessary to specify which site).

This number is used to identify the site in a unique way.
A site belongs to one and only one company.
A site can represent a geographical location (plant, company, etc. ) or a responsibility center.

SEEWARNING All operational management actions are carried out from within a site.

Each user can be associated with a default site or a site by module. Depending on the function being used, the default site is submitted automatically. It can be modified with another site which has been authorized for the user, based on the user's authorizations.

  • All departments (field ALLSRV)

If this box is selected, the processing is launched for all the departments (otherwise, they have to be specified).





  • Employee ID (field MATSTR)

This field defines the selection ranges of the registration numbers to be processed by the function.

  • field MATEND


  • Other criterion (field CRI)


SEEINFOThis function is only available once the interviews have beengenerated and it only concerns records with the status 'In progress', 'N+1 validated', 'N+2 validated'.

Use this button to send a reminder via a workflow to the managers or employees late in entering interviews.
Select the different criteria then click on the [OK] button to validate the selections. A window asks you to enter the recipients for the reminder e-mails.

Typographical conventions
  • If a line is entirely colored, an anomaly exists in the recipient e-mail address or the recipient user record is missing. The line cannot be selected and no notification can be sent.
  • If a line is partially colored, an anomaly exists in the e-mail address of one of the signature management participants or the user record of one of them is missing.

Validating this new screen returns a reminder notification to the designated employees.

Menu Bar

Functions / Interviews

This option, only available once the campaign has been generated, gives a direct access to the interviews.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation