Refer to documentation Implementation
To create a generic wave, you assign it a code that identifies it in a unique way, with 10 characters and a title. You can then specify your selection criteria.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Code used to identify a generic wave. |
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| Select or clear this check box to respectively enable or disable the Sort code.
| Indicates the order by which the generic waves are launched if there is no dedicated recurring task. |
| Name of the memo code associated with the generic wave. |
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| If this box is checked, a single wave by DO is created by the recurring task. |
| If this box is checked, a recurring task can add DOs to a non-launched, previously created wave. |
| Used to select the DOs that are managed in flow total. |
| Three-character code identifying the set of sort criteria applied to a wave or preparation area. This code is linked to a picking order from the wave or preparation area.
If the Sort code is assigned to a generic wave, it is also applied by default to the waves created from that generic wave. |
Load limit
| Activity whose load needs to be measured according to 1 to 3 units of measure. |
| Unit for which a load needs to be calculated. |
| Indicates that the OL selection should be restricted as soon as the specified limit has been reached. |
Directive missions
| This flag is used to initialize the "to block" flag of the wave resulting from a generic wave. This setup only concerns missions with a picking type (PKOMVT, PKOPRC and PKOSHP) and missions with a merging of flows transfer type (TRFMERG). All the other mission types will apply the setup of the missions. |
| This flag is used to initialize the "Priority" flag of the wave resulting from a generic wave. This setup only concerns missions with a picking type (PKOMVT, PKOPRC and PKOSHP) and missions with a merging of flows transfer type (TRFMERG). All the other mission types will apply the setup of the missions. |