Basic parameters > Receipts > Input modes 

This screen is used to create, view, modify and delete an Input mode, that defines those rules applicable to the input to stock of items.

This input mode gathers all the management rules (linked to the item) implemented during an input addressing phase.


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Screen management

After the code of the input mode has been entered, entry is sub-divided between 2 tabs.



The input mode is a code comprised of 2 significant characters.




The following fields are present on this tab :

This code represents the input mode. This input mode gathers all the management rules (linked to the product) implemented during an input addressing phase. This code is controlled in the input mode table.

  • Description (field IMDDESAXX)


  • Short description (field IMDSHOAXX)


  • Active (field ENAFLG)

Select this check box to activate the current record.

Disabled records keep their content and setup but cannot be used (by recalling their code) on other records (documents, settings ...), or for mass processes.

The authorizations to a given function can prohibit the creation of an active record. In this case, the check box is disabled by default. It can only be modified by an authorized user or through a signature Workflow.



Tab General




The first parameters are used to specify if the input addressing algorithm must test the picking addressing and, in the affirmative, on the basis on which criteria:
Threshold. Input of the object is authorized in picking location only if the available quantity on the location at a moment "m" is less than the replenishment threshold. The system can split the movement.
Object. The object is authorized in picking location only if the movement as a whole is accepted in the location.
Always. The system fills the picking location to its maximum. The input movement can be split depending on the available space in the picking location.

Priority location

No. Systematic input to location of type "Reserve" (FIFO order strictly complied with).
Yes always. input to location of type "Picking" if the available space permits it (the FIFO order may not be complied with).
Yes if reserve empty. input to Picking location if and only if the Reserve is empty, and the space in the Picking location is insufficient (FIFO order strictly complied with).

Picking proximity(Available from version G2). If the box is checked, the management of the picking proximitywill be used.

Object incomplete on picking. An object is considered to be incomplete when the ratio between: The actual CU quantity / CU quantity of the palletization standard is less than the percentage (% incomplete) defined in the pallet container record of the item.

If the box is checked, the incomplete object will go to the picking location if the accommodation capacity of the location permits it. The system fills the picking location to its maximum. The input movement can be split.

If the box is not checked, the incomplete object will systematically go the the reserve location. (FIFO order strictly complied with).

Merging on input (Available from version G2)

No. The merging module is not used when input locations are searched.

Yes. The merging will be systematically used by the location search algorithm when a pallet is input to stock, irrespective of whether this pallet is complete or incomplete.
In that case, the merging cannot be partial, in other words, the merging takes place if the algorithm finds a maximum of 2 stock objects into which the incoming object can be merged; otherwise the incoming object is not merged.
This option uses the maximum FIFO deviation setup authorized for this item.

Yes if incomplete. Merging will only be used for pallets considered by the system to be incomplete, in other words, those pallets whose quantity is less than the product of the quantity of the standard pallet by the percentage of incomplete pallets of the item container.
In that case, the merging cannot be partial, in other words, the merging takes place if the algorithm finds a maximum of 2 stock objects into which the incoming object can be merged; otherwise the incoming object is not merged.

Yes if not standard. Merging will only be used for pallets considered by the system to be incomplete.
In that case, the merging can be partial, in other words, the merging takes place if the algorithm finds a maximum of 2 stock objects into which the incoming object can be merged; the balance is then addressed without merging to a location allowing the incoming object to be accommodated.

Single merging store.This setup informs the system on how to deal with the splitting a of pallet between 2 pallets stored in reserve.

If the box is checked, the system only suggests the splitting of a pallet between 2 pallets if they are located in the same store. This store is the priority input store of the item in the case of an input or of a store imposed in the input line.
In case of a transfer, it is the original store.

If the box is not checked, the system can suggest the splitting of a pallet between 2 pallets located in different reserve locations.

Irrespective of the setup setup, an object is incomplete if the quantity is less than the quantity of the standard pallet multiplied by the incomplete object percentage of the item container.

ABC classes chaining. If the box is checked, using the sequencing rules stipulated in the ABC classes table is authorized.

If the check box is cleared, using the sequencing rules stipulated in the ABC classes table is prohibited.

Chaining assignment classes. If the box is checked, using the sequencing rules stipulated in the Assignment classestable is authorized.

If the check box is cleared, using the sequencing rules stipulated in the assignment classes table is prohibited.

Container correspondence. If the box is cleared, using data from the Container correspondence table is prohibited.

If the box is checked, using data from the Container matching table is authorized.

Incomplete object correspondence. (Available from version G2) If the box is cleared, using the data in the Incomplete object correspondence table is prohibited. Available in a later version.

If the box is checked, using data from the incomplete object correspondence table is authorized.

Serial number management(Available from version G2). if the box is checked, the serial number management is triggered on input.

Single container. Available in a later version.

Single-product. Available in a later version.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1


  • Available location management (field PICASPMGT)

Defines the management method of the available space for the picking locations: either on a threshold basis (the object input is only authorized to a picking location if the available quantity in the location at an instant t is lower than the threshold level), or on an object basis (the object is only authorized in a picking location if the movement as a whole is accepted in the location), or always (the system fills the picking location to its maximum level).

  • Priority location (field PIOPICSLO)

Specifies whether the picking locations have priority on input.

  • Part.object in picking (field IPAPIC)

The incomplete pallet will go to picking if the location accommodation capacity allows it. The system fills the picking location to its maximum. Theinput movement can be split.

  • Picking proximity (field PKP)

If the box is checked, the management of the picking proximity will be used.


  • Partial object capacity excess (field MAXPICINC)


Merging in input

  • Merging in input (field MRG)

Stipulates the rules used if an input merging needs to be carried out during the input location search.

  • Unique merging store (field UNQSTOMRG)

This parameter tells the system whether the merging must take place in a single store of if it can take place in several stores, searched according to the store chaining rule.


  • ABC classes chaining (field ABCCHN)

If the box is checked, using the sequencing rules stipulated in the ABC classes table is authorized.

  • Chaining assignment classes (field ASGCHN)

If the box is checked, using the sequencing rules stipulated in the Assignment classes table is authorized.

  • Container correspondence (field CTRCSP)

If the box is checked, using data from the Container matching Table is authorized.

  • Incomplete object correspondence (field IPAEQVRUL)

Using the data from the Matching table of incomplete pallets is authorized.

  • Serial N° management (field SRNMGT)

The management of the serial numbers is triggered on input.

  • Single container (field SNGCTR)

Available in a later version.

  • Single item (field SNGITM)

Available in a later version.

Cross Docking

  • Automatic Cross Docking PO (field CDKAUT)

If this parameter is checked, the launching of the Cross-Docking POs is automatic further to the input addressing.

  • Homogeneous cnt level (field CDKLVL)

Specifies the minimum level of the homogeneous container that will be addressed in Cross-Docking mode.



Tab Checks



Expression of movements

Separate movements.Mention, for each container level, of the fact that the part of the incomplete, homogeneous, pallet in the level concerned (see the examples) should be isolated in a separate movement.

If the value is No, the homogeneous part in the level is expressed in the equivalent level in the next section.

If the value is Yes, the homogeneous part in the level is isolated and it constitutes a separate movement.

Mvt level. Mention, for each container level, of the fact that the part of the incomplete, homogeneous, pallet in the level concerned should be regrouped in a given container.

The entered value must be higher than or equal to the equivalent level (see the following examples).

For instance:

The automatic palletization cases presented below are only one instance of the possibilities provided by the setup combination: "Separate movements of level" and "Express container in level"

In the examples below, the received item presents the following standard palletization:

1 PP1 = 24 CC1 (10 ACU) = 240 ACU

I.e. a received quantity of 217 ACU.

Configuration no. 1

The graphical representation of the pallet is the following:



The operator wants to store this non-standard incomplete pallet as is in their warehouse.

The setups are set up in the following fashion:






Create separate mvt





Express mvt in level





Result: 1 PP1 of 217 CUs.

Configuration no. 2

The operator wants to store pallets of complete boxes in a reserve location.
Any incomplete box must be separated to be stored in locations dedicated for that purpose or directly in a picking location (depending on the set up of the item input mode).

The graphical representation of the pallet is the following: 






Create separate mvt





Express mvt in level





Result:       1 PP1 of 21 CC1 = 210 CU
                  1 PP1 of 7 CU

Input criteria priorities

The optimum values of the most important criteria will be kept as a priority to the other criteria.

Depositor + Item.
Optimum: Search for locations assigned to the pair (Depositor - Item) or already occupied by this pair but not filled.
Downgraded: Search for empty non-reserved locations.

Optimum: Search for locations in the priority store assigned to the product.
Downgraded: Use of the Chaining store table.

ABC class.
Optimum: Search for locations having an ABC class identical to the one allocated to the product.
Downgraded: Use of the "Chaining" setup in the ABC class table.

Assignment class
Optimum: Search for locations having an assignment class identical to the one assigned to the product.
Downgraded: Use of the "Chaining" setup in the Allocation class table.

Optimum: Search for locations having a reference container identical to the one entered (or already occupied).
Downgraded: Use of the Container correspondence table.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Reserve priority

  • Criteria (field INPCRI)

Specifies the order of priority of the input criteria.

Block number 3

  • Complete quantity a priority (field INPCRIQTY)

Upon looking for a reserve location (in the input addressing algorithm), this flag can be used to force, as a priority, the addressing of the input movement in a single location if it is possible.

Grid Expression of movements

  • Homogeneous level (field LVL)


  • Sep. Mvts. (field SPMCRE)

Mention, for each container level, of the fact that the part of the incomplete, homogeneous, pallet in the level concerned should be isolated in a separate movement. There are two possible values, either No (the homogeneous part in the level is expressed in the level corresponding to the Movement level field), or Yes ((the homogeneous part in the level is isolated and forms a separate movement).

  • Mvt level (field LVLMVT)

Mention, for each container level, of the fact that the part of the incomplete, homogeneous, pallet in the level concerned should be regrouped in a given container.



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Value unit control.

Tables used

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