Basic parameters > Logistical units > Ranges of parcel 

This table allows the definition of the different parcel ranges that will be used during the   pre-packingor during the declarative packing.

A parcel range regroups  1 to  n  parcel type(s) distinguished by their acceptable dimensions, weights or volume.

The parcel composes the principal access key to the definition of the parcel itself. It allows to differentiate for a given  families of  items or in the case of a particular flows (export, ....), the type of preferential packaging that will be retained.

The number of parcel ranges and their description has no limit.

Available from version G2..


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Screen management

The keying in is done on an unrolling table on one bar. The parcel ranges are keyed in one by one.

Entry screen


The information to be keyed in are :

Parcel range. alphanumeric codes of a maximum of 2 characters.

Title. Clear description of the parcel ranges

Short title. Shortened description of the parcel range (10 alphanumeric characters). This description might be used in the printouts.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Code of the parcel range. The range forms the main access key to the definition of the parcels themselves. It is used, for specific product groups or in the case of specific flows (export, etc.) to indicate the preferred packing type that will be selected.

  • Description (field PRADESAXX)


  • Short description (field PRASHOAXX)




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Code exist already in line N

The same Parcel range was keyed in two times in the different parts of the table..

Tables used

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