Refer to documentation Implementation
The screen is made up of three tabs : a header tab, a Flow tab and a DO lines tab.
This tab displays the information of the wave needing an arbitration of the of the shortage. The Number, the DO no, and the number of DO lines in shortage.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Numerical sequence assigned automatically by the system upon wave launching. |
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This tab displays the DO lines of the wave affected by a shortage by group if they have the same characteristics (same item code, same container, same stock nature, same FIFO date, same lot no, same reservation no, same support no).
For each group of DO lines, the chart specifies the quantities (ordered, in shortage and transferred on the splitting zones) so with the DO number and the DO lines composing it.
The user can select the line requiring a ventilation of shortages by ticking on it.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| No help linked to this field. |
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This tab : details the DO lines of the group selected from the Flow tab.
For each DO line, the system specifies the DO no and reference, the DO line, the code, the company name and the post code of the client consignee, the urgency and the priority of the processing of the DO, the management type of partial delivery of the DO, the quantities ordered and in shortage on the DO line. displays the CU quantity in shortage for all the DO lines processed and the CU quantity not transferred left to be distributed on the DO lines.
By default, Warehousing assigns the available quantities to the DO having the most important service priority or to DO forbidding partial delivery according to the parameter ‘Addressing priority’ of the output configuration.
This screen allows to differently distribute the quantities in shortage on the DO lines of the wave.
The user carry out the distribution of the shortages by keying in the CU quantities not transferred on each DO line.
The quantity in shortage assigned to each DO line cannot be greater than the quantity qrdered.
The sum of the quantity in shortage of the DO lines should be strictly equal to the quantity in shortage of the item.
The user validate the ventilation by the button or cancel it by the button.
The processing of the shortage ventilation will update the quantities transferred and not transferred of the DO lines of the wave.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
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| Quantity expressed in CUs which, if equal to zero, means that there are no CUs that are not transferred for this DO line (i.e. no shortages) and which, if positive, means that there are CUs that are not transferred to the allocation location (i.e. shortages). |
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In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Error zone ‘CU not transferred’ : Maximum quantity : X
The quantity in shortage keyed in for the DO line is greater than the quantity launched in preparation.
Not balance ventilation
The sum of the quantities in shortage keyed in on the DO lines is different to the total quantity of the shortage.