Refer to documentation Implementation
To create the output configuration, a depositor must be selected, then the tabs dedicated to each flow must be completed.
Entry of the depositor code.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It covers the notion of order giving customer for the service provisions.
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The setups of this tab are linked to the management of the delivery orders of the current depositor. Some values can be transferred at the level of each DO header.
Inter-site printing: report code of the "inter-site" DN used for the shipment of an inter-site round. The load preparation list follows this print-out if the DO preparation mode is of load preparation type. If it is not entered, the "inter-site" DN will not be printed. The "normal" DN will be the one to be printed according to the set-up of the DO header ("Transport" tab).
These setups apply to all the DOs of the depositor shipped within the framework of an "inter-site" round.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Flow control. This parameter is linked to the parameter of the product record called "Output locking". |
| If the box is not checked, a DO partly covered or not covered at all is automatically closed further to the moving to status 9. A DO is fully kept (moving to status 2-Pending nth preparation) if: To finally close it, it then becomes necessary to go to each DO and close each one in turn. |
| This parameter is connected with the "higher container" parameter of a picking location. If it is not checked, the movement is then expressed according to the reference container of the picking location. |
| If the box is not checked, the management of generic rounds is not activated. Rounds can be created without round code or with a generic round code. If the box is checked, the management of generic rounds is activated. |
| If the box is checked, the DO portfolio can be accessed in the carrier calculation function.
| If checked, the depositor is taken into account when submitting an automatic wave creation recurring task. |
| Used to check on entry or via an interface the entry of several DO entities with the same document reference. |
| This is used to indicate the management rule applied to the data of the "ship-to customer" in a DO. There are three possible values:
Addressing priority
| Upon wave launching, used to provide the system with the most important criterion in the choice of the DOs to be dealt with. The 2 fields "Service priority" and "Partial delivery" are 2 fields of the DO header. |
Picking addressing
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| If the box is checked, this means that an operator code is necessary to validate the pickings, the parcels (prepacking) or the SUs (prepalletization). |
| If the box is checked, this means that an operator code is necessary to validate the parcels created upon DO declarative packing. |
| If the box is checked, this means that an operator code is necessary to validate the palletization orders (PAO). |
| If the box is checked, this means that a control has been carried out to ensure that the operator has removed the stock object from the proper location. This set-up is combined with that of the store, the location and the product record. |
| Stipulates if the system must print the shortage report by product at the end of the wave. |
| Stipulates if the system must print the list of shortages by DO at the end of the wave. |
| Stipulates if the system must print the list of the preparation loads at the end of the wave. |
| If the box is checked, the temporary DN is systematically created and printed upon wave launching. The DN no. is assigned to the output movements. |
| If the box is checked, the final DN is systematically created and printed upon shipment confirmation. |
| If the box is checked, the differing DNs are printed only if changes have been introduced to the temporary DNs, upon shipment confirmation. The DN no. assigned to the movements remains the temporary DN no. |
Delivery note
| Name of the report for the print-out of the DN and packing list, jointly printed if the DN is in the packing stage. The name set up here is used as the default value of the corresponding DO header field. |
| Report code of the Delivery Note to be printed during the shipment of an "inter-site" type round. |
These setups are used within the framework of the DO wave launching with a merging of flows type preparation mode.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| The grouping code is used for the merging of flows. |
| This flag must be taken into account within the framework of the activation of the merging of flows. When the box is checked, the movements will be processed according to the parameters on small and large volumes. |
TO setting up
| These parameters are used within the framework of the creation of TOs during the first phase. If the box is checked, the system will create removal preparation single area TOs. |
| If the box is checked, the system will create removal preparation single area TOs. |
| If the box is checked, it means that the TOs will be sub-divided so as to comply with the load delimitations defined in the preparation area. The load calculation will always be carried out in the removal preparation area. In the case of removal preparation multi-area TOs, it is mandatory to specify the preparation area to be considered for the calculation in the "Prepa Area" field. |
| Stipulates the preparation area to be used for the load splitting in the the case of multiple removal preparation area TOs. |
Transfer validation
| If the box is activated, then the transfers of flow merging type will be validated automatically. Otherwise, a user will have to manually validate the transfers. If the validation is automatic, entry of the operator code and location control key will be prohibited irrespective of the setup. |
Launch step 2
| Manual, Automatic. These options are only available if transfer validation is automatic. In that case, the 2nd preparation phase can be performed automatically, depending on the selected parameter. |
| Triggers the printing of the transfer orders at the end of the wave. |
| Triggers the printing of the transfer labels at the end of the wave. |
These setups are used within the framework of the DO wave launching with a load preparation mode, be it a declarative or pre-packing mode, with or without merging of flows.
The Shipment confirmation setup is also used for DOs without load preparation.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Evolution status
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| Specifies if the parcel palletization phase is active for the current depositor. |
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| Specifies if a unitary parcel loading declaration must be carried out. |
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| Informs the system on the use of the "Shipment confirmation" function for a DO, packed or not. Note: it is not necessary for all the pickings (parcels/P.O.) of a DO to be validated for the shipment of a DO (partial shipment) to be confirmed, if shipment deferments are used. |
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| Forcing the system to create a single-parcel movement makes it possible to minimize the splitting of references in the parcels. It opens a new parcel when it is not able to prepack a whole movement inside the same parcel. The movement is single-parcel if there is a parcel with a sufficiently large size to pack it. Using this parameter can only increase the number of constituted parcels. |
| This parameter tells the system if the prepacking must be carried out in strict compliance with thesequencing of the picking addresses. Using this parameter can only increase the number of constituted parcels. |
Actual parcel weight entry
| This specifies whether the actual weight of a parcel must be entered in the parcel validation program:
| Parcel range used by default to pack a product. |
| Parcel range and type used by default to package a product container as is, often referred to as 'ET'. |
Type of parcel used by the prepacking algorithm to package the stock objects that can be shipped as is. |
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| SU type used by default to palletize a parcel as is during prepalletization. |
| This flag is used to choose whether to close: |
Key in real SU weight
| This specifies whether the actual weight of a SU must be entered in the SU validation programs.
| If it is checked, it is possible to only regroup parcels from the same DO into a SU. |
| Stipulates if the system must automatically assign a SU number to a large parcel when the latter is validated. |
| It will be possible to regroup in one SU parcels belonging to the same CR, i.e. parcels with identical information (round, carrier, transport mode, ship-to customer code, company name (1st line), delivery postal code, Incoterm code and location). |
| SU type used by default during automatic palletization and specified upon creation of a SU. |
| Specifies if a parcel label must be printed upon wave launching of the parcels or during the declarative packing of the DO. |
| This option applies to the SU label and PO prepal only parcel printing. If the option is ticked, upon launch of a prepal PO in picking, SU labels and parcels are printed with the same thermal printer no. 2 of the picking area. If the option is not ticked, the SU labels and parcels are printed separately: |
| This indicates whether a SU label must be printed on SU wave launch or on auto palletization (PAO) |
| This indicates whether the PAO print must be printed upon creation of a palletization order (PAO). |
SSCC management
| If it is checked, the generation of the SSCC codes is activated for the parcels. |
| If it is checked, the generation of the SSCC codes is activated for the SUs. This flag can only be activated if the SSCC management is activated for the parcels (previous flag checked). |
Stock on dock
| if it is checked, on-quay localization of parcels is managed for the depositor. |
| If it is checked, the entry of an operator code will be requested for the validation of any parcel/SU stock on quay. |
| If it is checked, SU localization on quay in managed. |
| If it is checked, the parcel/SU transfer operations will be automatically validated. If it is not checked, the parcels/SUs will keep their status "Pending transfer" and the stock on quay will have to be validated manually. |
These setups are used for Cross-Docking management.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Cross Docking
| If the parameter is set to Yes, Cross-Docking is managed on output. Otherwise, it is not managed. |
Control level
| Specifies the last phase that can be crossed by the DO lines as long as the Cross-Docking requirements are under process for the DO. |
Output addressing
| If this parameter is checked, the output addressing takes account of the available stock (and not the current stock) of the Cross-Docking store. Otherwise this stock is ignored. |
| If this parameter is checked, the output addressing takes account of the unavailable stock (and not the stock pending input) of the Cross-Docking store. Otherwise this stock is ignored. |
| If this parameter is checked, the output addressing takes account of the stock pending input into the reserve locations. Otherwise this stock is ignored. |
Requirement expression
| If the parameter is checked, the non-addressed input movements are taken into account for the requirement expression during output addressing (a requirement will be created if at least one input movement is destined for the Cross-Docking). |
| If the parameter is checked, the expected inputs pending receipt (status 2, 3 or 4) are taken into account for the requirement expression during output addressing (a requirement will be created if at least one expected input line is destined for Cross-Docking). |
| If the parameter is checked, the requirements will always be expressed (created Cross-Docking PO) even if there are no expected or direct inputs to be dealt with by Cross-Docking. |
Grid Priority
| Specifies the order of priority of the checked criteria. |