Generally the containers defined for the same product can be, for example:
The number of product containers defined by management level is not restricted, except for level 5 (only one level 5 per product).
Level 5 is mandatory to create a product.
The user will thus be able to define 'n' pallet types (level 1) of various sizes and containing different quantities.
For a given product, you can delete a product container only if it is not in stock or if it is not defined in a movement (archived or not).
Refer to documentation Implementation
A product container is created using 4 tabs:
The STK quantities for level 1 to 4 containers are calculated automatically from level 5.
The container is in actual fact the concatenation of the container type and code.
The container type represents the packing nature of a product and it specifies the level it has to occupy in its palletization program.
The container is an element of the specified container type.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Product code defined in the GEODE product table. |
| Select this check box to activate the current record. Disabled records keep their content and setup but cannot be used (by recalling their code) on other records (documents, settings ...), or for mass processes. The authorizations to a given function can prohibit the creation of an active record. In this case, the check box is disabled by default. It can only be modified by an authorized user or through a signature Workflow. |
| The term Container encompasses the type and code of the container. |
|   |
Enter the following information in this tab:
Notes on the container homogeneity level: Upon validation of the put away list or creation of adjustment movements, the system will not accept incomplete containers below the homogeneous level of each of the container levels.
Authorized and advised homogenous levels on input:
Container | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Level 1 | . | X | . | . | . |
Level 2 | . | . | X | . | . |
Level 3 | . | . | . | X | . |
Level 4 | . | . | . | . | X |
Supplier EAN codes:
Depending on the "Unicity check" flag (Sites function, General tab), you can allow the same EAN supplier code for several product containers from a same site.
It is however entirely possible to define two different codes for the same supplier on a single product container. A supplier can have several shipping locations (a warehouse in Marseille, 1 warehouse in Brussels). As a consequence, a product shipped from Marseille can have a different supplier EAN code from the code of a product shipped from Brussels.
Nesting management:
Specify if your products can be nested into each other when preparing the parcel. This optimized prepacking method is used to reduce the number of parcels, for products that can be nested, such as buckets.
You then need to specify:
Each time a product is added to the stack, the added volume is automatically calculated and displayed in the Umpteenth product volume field.
This setup is only available for level 5 product containers.
The prepacking algorithm can also be used to split one output movement into multiple output movements, thus creating multiple stacks of products to be packed.
Example: If an output movement includes 16 products but the Maximum field is set to 10 products, the output movement is split into two movements: one for 10 products and the other for 6 products.
The prepacking algorithm also considers the availability of the parcel types when preparing the output movements. If an output movement includes multiple products but no parcel type is available for this specific number of products, then each product will be processed individually.
Example: If an output movement includes 10 products, but no parcel type with a capacity of 10 products is available, each of the 10 products will be packed in another parcel type.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
|   |
| Container of next lower level of a product container. |
| Quantity of container of next lower level of a product container. |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
| Vertical dimension of an entity. Mandatory. Two digits after the comma |
|   |
| Dimension of an entity along its shortest side (perpendicular to the depth). Mandatory. Two digits after the comma |
|   |
| Dimension of an entity along its longest side (perpendicular to the width). Mandatory. Two digits after the comma |
|   |
| Net volume calculated automatically from the data entered in "height", "width" and "depth". Three digits after the comma. |
|   |
| The tare represents the weight of the container packing. The system uses the tare of the container and the gross weight of the lower level container to calculate the gross weight of a container. |
|   |
| It corresponds to the gross weight of the container, including the support or the packaging. |
|   |
| Linear metering of an entity. |
|   |
UPC code
| The EAN code is the standard used for Mass Distribution in France. Its structure and use are defined by the GENCOD standard. |
Palletization plan
|   |
| Select this check box to specify if the product can be nested. Nesting is only available for level-5 product containers. |
| Enter the maximum number of products that can be nested. |
| After adding a product to the stack of nested products, enter the added height. |
|   |
| After adding a product to the stack of nested products, this field automatically displays the added volume. The calculation is as follows: |
|   |
Homogeneous level
| Minimum homogeneity level required upon input to stock of a product container. Upon validation of the putaway list or creation of adjustment movements, thesystem will not accept incomplete containers below the homogeneous level of each of the container levels. |
| Specifies the unit weight of the STK unit (stock unit). It can only be entered in a 'Unit' container (level 5 container reserved for items managed with SUs). |
|   |
| Specifies the unit volume of the STK unit (stock unit). It can only be entered in a 'Unit' container (level 5 container reserved for items managed with SUs). |
|   |
Hazardous materials
| The density is a coefficient used to calculate the net quantity of hazardous materials of a product container: Hazardous material qty = (gross weight product container - tare product container)/density The density can be modified for "liquid" products only (they are products characterized by their referred unit of "Volume" type). On the other hand, the density cannot be modified and it is equal to "1" by default for the "solid" products (they are products characterized by their referred unit of "Mass/Weight" type). Note: This setup belongs to the hazardous material functionality. |
|   |
|   |
Grid Supplier EAN
| Code of the supplier who must be defined in the supplier table. |
| The supplier EAN code is a code used to identify a supplier-product-container trio. This code is used in the receipt procedure by supplier EAN code. |
Use the input tab to define the product container input rules:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Input allowed
| Authorizes inputs to stock of the product container. |
| Code of the store sequence. The store sequence defines a priority input store to which stores can be linked if the addressing to said priority input store turns out to be impossible. |
| Priority store previously created in the store chaining. |
| This parameter mentions the maximum number of containers that can be located in the initial search store. It is also used to limit the occupancy of the advanced reserve area for a picking proximity search. |
| The ABC class is characteristic to the location and item container. The ABC class features one of the 5 criteria allowing optimization when putting items away in GEODE. |
| For each location, a priority assignment class is defined. It usually takes into account the caracteristics of the products that will be stored on said location: Lightweight product, heavy product, hazardous material, etc. |
| This parameter mentions one of the assigment classes, for which the sequencing will not be performed for this location. |
| This flag can be checked only if the 'Support number management' parameter is triggered in the 'Stocks Configuration'. This parameter is used to trigger or deactivate for each product container the entry of a number for each handling support being used (cable drums, rolls, etc.). This option requires a unitary receipt procedure (in other words, object by object). |
| Specifies from which value the system must consider this container as being incomplete and deal with it as such. If this field is not entered, the system considers that there never is any incomplete pallets for this container. If this field is assigned 100%, the system considers that any non-standard pallet (on the basis of the palletization program of the product record) for this container in incomplete. |
Block number 3
| This parameter (only valid for pallet containers) is used to perform the calculation of the maximum level in multi-pallet locations (bay or mass). To be able to be used, the container must be addressed to a location whose maximum level calculation was peformed in number of containers on the ground (parameter of the Storage Type table). This enables the system to stack this container on as many levels as the value of this parameter (always higher than 1). |
| This value represents the number of containers to be substracted when calculating the number of containers for a location managed in number of containers on the ground (concept of pallet "overriding" the last level). This parameter is only valid for pallet containers (level 1). |
Use the output tab to define the product container output rules.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Output allowed
| The system authorizes outputs from stock of the container of this product. |
Palletization plan
|   |
Dispatchable in state
| Informs the system whether or not the container is submitted to packaging during prepacking, either not (the container must be systematically packaged during prepacking) or yes (the container is shipped as is during prepacking) or yes if in standard (the container is shipped as is only if its quantity corresponds to the standard palletization program). |
Minimum reserve output
| Minimum homogeneity level required for the stock of a product container after sampling. For a homogeneity level n, it must be possible to express the resulting stock as an integer of containers of level n.
| This parameter specifies if the product container must be used as a packing modulus when it is not dispatchable as is. |
| Concerning the prepacking and especially an output movement shippable as is, it specifies the parcel range to be used by default for the packing as-is of a standard type movement (full according to the product palletization program). |
Concerning the prepacking and especially an output movement shippable as is, it specifies the parcel type to be used by default for the packing as-is of a standard type movement (full according to the product palletization program). |
|   |
| Concerning the prepacking and especially an output movement shippable as is, it specifies the parcel range to be used by default for the packing as-is of a non-standard type movement (full according to the product palletization program). |
Concerning the prepacking and especially an output movement shippable as is, it specifies the parcel type to be used by default for the packing as-is of a non-standard type movement (not full according to the product palletization program). |
|   |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
ETIQCTR : Containers labels
This can be changed using a different setup.
Use this action to view all the unitary stock objects of the processed product container.
Use this action to view all the grouped stock objects of the processed product container.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Gross weight field error, mandatory field.
The gross weight of the container must be entered.
Width field error, mandatory field
It is mandatory to enter the width.
Height field error, mandatory field
It is mandatory to enter the height.
Depth field error, mandatory field
It is mandatory to enter the depth.
Sequencing field error, mandatory field
It is mandatory to enter the store sequencing.
ABC class field error, mandatory field
It is mandatory to enter the ABC class.
Assignment class field error, mandatory field
It is mandatory to enter the assignment class.
Gross weight field error, Gross weight < Tare
An attempt was made to enter a gross weight inferior to the tare.