Refer to documentation Implementation
A DO is created using 4 tab for the header and 2 tabs for the lines.
Number.Numerical sequence assigned automatically by the system when saving the DO. This number is a piece of information specific to the site, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to a DO.
Reference.DO reference. Optional entry.
If this field is left blank, the system automatically assigns the DO number, which can be modified.
If this field is entered, the system imposes the uniqueness of the field depending on the output configuration setup.
Pending transfer. Specifies the DO type.
If the "Pending transfer" flag is activated, this means that the DO has been shipped, via an "inter-site" round, to another site. On this site, the final shipment to the ship-to customer has no taken place yet. This is only when the final shipment has been confirmed that the DO will move to status 9-Shipped/Closed on the preparation site.
A DO can only be shipped to another site and as a consequence be labeled as "pending transfer" via the shipment by "inter-site" round.
On the destination site, a DO labeled as "pending transfer" cannot be deferred, deleted, unloaded or split. The DO "pending transfer" can be consolidated with other DOs of the current site within the same final shipment round or it can be re-shipped to its original site via a so-called return "inter-site" round.
When a DO is shipped to another site within the framework of an "inter-site" round, a so-called "inter-site" DN can be printed if the depositor level configuration is completed (Output configuration).
Status.This field specifies the status code of the DO header.
Date.Date of creation of the DO. When creating a DO, the system date is proposed by default. This field is mandatory. The DO date can be modified by the user.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon validation of the DO header. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to a Delivery Order. |
| Document reference. |
| Creation date of the document (expected input, input, DO, etc.). |
| Specifies the DO type. If it is triggered as "Pending transfer", this means that the DO has been shipped, via an "inter-site" round, to another site. On this site, the final shipment to the ship-to customer has no taken place yet. Once said final shipment has been confirmed, the DO will move to status 9-Shipped/Closed on its original site. |
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Optional information linked to the level-3 order (order no., order date, order reference, customer reference and order reference for the customer).
Movement code. The movement code is used to qualify a DO (restocking order, imposed order, supplier return, etc.). The possible values are those of the Table of the movement codes authorized on output.
Preparation mode.The preparation mode is used to qualify the appropriate preparation type for the DO (declarative load preparation, prepacking, regrouping of a PO, etc.). The possible values are those collected in the preparation mode table.
Merging of flows(Available from version G2). Stipulates whether or not the entered preparation mode is of "merging of flows" type.
Ship-to customer. Entry of the code of the ship-to customer who must be defined in the Customer table. The field is not mandatory and the customer data can be entered directly.
Launch date. By default, it is equal to the entry date of the DO but the field remains modifiable.
Delivery date. By default, it is equal to the entry date of the DO, but it remains modifiable.
Value recovered from the ship-to customer code table and modifiable. Stipulates if the customer accepts partial shipment:
Yes.The customer accepts partial shipment irrespective of the requested quantity
By line. The customer accepts partial shipment provided the whole line has been shipped. If a shortage is detected on a line of the DO, the whole line will be completed during the wave launching.
No. The customer does not accept partial shipment. As soon as the system detects a shortage, the DO will be automatically completed upon wave launching.
For all the other functions that can modify the quantity launched on preparation (PO validation, parcel validation, DO deferment, etc.), the following principle shall be applied: For a DO, it is possible to partly validate the balance, then delete it. On the other hand, it is not possible to delete the balance, then validate it. This principle has been adopted to meet the issue of "preparation disruption" whenever a quantity has already been prepared and validated.
Urgent. This setup is used to subsequently create urgent DO waves to be handled in priority.
Service priority(Available from version G2). This setup is exclusively used in the launching of waves for DOs whose preparation mode is the "merging of flows" mode. It makes it possible to set priorities in the stock shortages by DO.
Launching. Date updated by the system, upon the last wave launch of the DO.
Packing(Available from version G2). Date updated by the system, upon last load preparation the DO.
For the DOs in prepacking preparation mode, the load preparation date is equal to the date of the last launch.
For the DOs in declarative load preparation mode, it is the last load preparation date of the DO..
Preparation. Date updated by the system, upon validation of the last movement of the DO.
Shipment. Date updated by the system, when moving to status 9 of the DO.
Management setups: Palletization, Loading, Shipment, Balance management.
By default, these setups are equal to those of the output configuration. Nevertheless, they can still be modified foe each DO.
Transmitted by L3. Mentions if the DO has been created via the interface of the delivery orders.
Wave no.. Value updated by the system upon allocating the DO to a wave.
Splitting no.(Available from version G2). Value updated by the system, when using the DO splitting function.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Customer reference. |
| Order reference for the customer. |
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| Level 3 order number. |
| Level 3 order date. |
| Level 3 order reference. |
| The movement code is used to make the distinction between movements of the same type.
The movement code is checked against the movement code table. |
| Code representing the preparation mode. The preparation mode regroups all the management rules linked to each DO. It makes it possible to specify the processing mode of said DO upon preparation launching. |
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| Code of the ship-to customer that must be defined in the customer table. |
| Type of SU on which the parcel must be palletized. |
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| It will be possible to regroup in one SU parcels belonging to the same CR, i.e. parcels with identical information (round, carrier, transport mode, ship-to customer code, company name (1st line), delivery postal code, Incoterm code and location). |
| If it is checked, it is possible to only regroup parcels from the same DO into a SU. |
| Specifies if the customer accepts to be delivered in part; there are three possibilities, either yes (the customer accepts, irrespective of the requested quantity), or by line (the customer accepts a partial delivery provided the whole line is delivered), or no, (the customer does not accept a partial delivery). |
| Used to subsequently create urgent DO waves to be handled in priority. |
| The service priority is used to define an order of priority for the processing of the delivery orders. |
Planned dates
| Provisional date for the wave launching. By default, it is equal to the entry date of the DO. It remains modifiable. |
| Provisional time for the wave launching. By default, it is equal to the entry time of the DO. It remains modifiable. |
| Provisional delivey date of the DO. By default, it is equal to the entry date of the DO. It remains modifiable. |
| Provisional delivey time of the DO. By default, it is equal to the entry time of the DO. It remains modifiable. |
Effective dates
| Date updated by the system, upon the last wave launch of the DO. |
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| Date updated by the system, upon last load preparation the DO. |
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| Date updated by the system, upon validation of the last movement of the DO. |
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| Shipment date for the entity. |
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Management options
| Specifies if the parcel palletization phase is active for the current depositor. |
| Specifies if a unitary parcel loading declaration must be carried out. |
| Informs the system on the use of the "Shipment confirmation" function for a DO, packed or not. Note: it is not necessary for all the pickings (parcels/P.O.) of a DO to be validated for the shipment of a DO (partial shipment) to be confirmed, if shipment deferments are used. |
| If the box is not checked, a DO partly covered or not covered at all is automatically closed further to the moving to status 9. A DO is fully kept (moving to status 2-Pending nth preparation) if: To finally close it, it then becomes necessary to go to each DO and close each one in turn. |
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Cross Docking
| Specifies the last phase that can be crossed by the DO lines as long as the Cross-Docking requirements are under process for the DO. |
Block number 6
| Numerical sequence assigned automatically by the system upon wave launching. |
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If the customer code is entered, the customer data originating from the customer code table are displayed. Otherwise it is necessary to enter the company's name, address, postal code and town.
The postal code can be defined in a table but it remains modifiable.
Comments are printed on the DN and they can be the subject of delivery or sales notices.
The data of the ship-to customer can be modified as long as the DO has neither been palletized nor loaded.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Ship to
| Code of the ship-to customer who must be defined in the Customer table. |
| Country code of the ship-to customer. |
| Country description of the ship-to customer. |
| Company name of the ship-to customer. |
| Ship-to customer address. |
| Postal code of the ship-to customer. |
| Ship-to customer's town. |
| Ship-to customer status. |
| Ship-to customer's telephone number. |
| Fax number of the ship-to customer. |
| Comments that will be printed on the Delivery Note. |
Generic round. A customer code can be assigned to a pre-determined round, that will be displayed if it has been entered in the customer table. Otherwise the generic round can be entered and it is controlled with respect to the generic round table.
This round will be subsequently used to create the shipment round and assign DOs of the same generic round to it.
To enter this field, the DO must have the "shipment management setup" set to yes.
Round no., round date and time. Values updated by the system upon allocating or disallocating the DO of a round.
Quay(Available from version G2).Store of "quay" type and address, originating either from the generic round code, or from the shipment round.
Round position. Data coming from the customer code table or entered directly. Specifies the filling order of the truck in order to unload the goods depending on the carrier forwarding order.
Destination site. Specifies the destination site of a DO "pending transfer" once the latter has been shipped via an "inter-site" round.
Carrier and transport method, freight type. Default values of the customer code table if said values are entered, or of the generic round if the latter is entered for the DO.
Transport reference. Optional field
Delivery field: Optional field that can be used in case of assignment of a carrier/transport method.
The information related to the transport can be modified via the round management if the DO has already been assigned to a round. Otherwise, it can be modified in the DO header as long as the DO has neither been palletized nor loaded.
Print : Used to mention the name of the DN print-out for this DO. Default value of the customer code table if it has been entered or of the depositor configuration.
Languagee. Used to set up the language used to print the DN.
Freight amount calculation. Used to calculate the freight amount of the DN during shipment.
Price list code. Stipulates the price list code to be used to calculate the freight amount
Currency: Specifies the currency to be used.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| A generic round is a set delivery round (with respect to days and maximum shipping time), a round being the content of a truck. |
| Number assigned by the system and used to identify the round in a unique way within a site. |
| Order in which the round must be loaded. This information is used to allocate an unloading or loading sequence number to the DOs of a round. |
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| Destination site of the DO "pending transfer". |
| Code identifying the carrier. This code must be defined in the carrier table. |
| Usually, the transport mode corresponds to the notions of messaging, freight, express,... The transport mode is checked against the transport modes table. |
| Carrier reference. |
| The freight type can contain the Incoterm codes, for example (freight charges, paid, etc.). |
| Delivery field of the ship-to customer. |
Delivery note
| Name of the report for the print-out of the DN and packing list, jointly printed if the DN is in the packing stage. The name set up here is used as the default value of the corresponding DO header field. |
| Setup of the requested language to print the delivery note and the packing list. |
| Used to calculate the freight charges for the CR and/or CN upon shipment confirmation via the transport preinvoicing functionality. |
| Price list code used to calculate the freight amount by means of the freight pre-invoicing functionality. |
| Specifies the currency used for the delivery note. |
A bill-to customer code can be associated with a ship-to customer code, or it can be directly entered in the DO.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| The invoicing customer code can be different from the ship-to customer code. This code is controlled in the customer code table. |
| Country code of the bill-to customer. |
| Country description of the bill-to customer. |
| Company name of the bill-to customer. |
| Bill-to customer address. |
| Postal code of the bill-to customer. |
| Bill-to customer's town. |
| Bill-to customer status. |
| Bill-to customer's telephone number. |
| Fax number of the bill-to customer. |
| Comments. |
This tab displays in the form of a grid all the characteristics of the DO lines previously entered (reference, quantity put-away, FIFO, etc.).
The first column mentions the line nature: blank value for the normal lines, value equal to "K" for the Kit line, and value equal to "C" for the Component lines.
The following fields are present on this tab :
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Action icon
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
OL : DO portfolio
This can be changed using a different setup.
To gain direct access to the detail of the DO lines HeaderThe elements specified here are those that come from the DO header previously created or selected. The following data are mentioned here: Number, Reference, Status and Date. Line/rowNumber. Number assigned by the system. Within the frame of an inquiry, the number of the line to be queried needs only to be entered and its content is displayed automatically. Status.This field specifies the status code of the DO. line. Line nature(Available from version G2). Stipulates if the entered product has the "normal", "Kit" (or Compound) or "Component" type. A kit nature line must contain at least two lines of a Component nature. Product. Code of the item to be received for the input line Title.Description of the item code. GeneralQuantitiesQuantity and LU code.Container quantity and type and code of the DO line. The CU total linked to the LU quantity is displayed, as well as the palletization program of the entered LU code. Reference.. Reference of the DO line. Optional entry. Can be used to establish a link between L2 and L3 during interfaces; in that case, this field is automatically fed. Order. Optional entry, order line no. or order no. in case of a multi-order DO. DatesDO lines. DO header creation date. FIFO. Requested FIFO date. Upon wave launching, if such a date is entered, and based on the output configuration set-up, the system picks stock objects with a FIFO date strictly equal to the requested date, or with a date later than or equal to the date of the DO line. Movement code. Default movement code of the DO header. Stock nature. Requested stock nature. Upon wave launching, if such a nature is entered, the system picks stock objects with the same stock nature. Numbers:Lot no.. Imposed lot no. Upon wave launching, if such a lot is entered, the system picks stock objects with the same lot number. If it is not entered, the system picks stock objects based on the priorities of the output criteria. Reservation no.. Requested reservation no. Upon wave launching, if such a number is entered, and based on the output configuration set-up, the system picks stock objects with the same reservation code or a different reservation code in case of insufficient stock. Support no.(Available from version G2). Requested support no. Upon wave launching, if such a number is entered, the system picks stock objects with the same support number. Packing (Available from version G2).Parcel routing. Parcel routing imposed for the line; during prepacking, the system short-circuits the search for the optimum parcel to use the one imposed for the DO line. Regrouping. If it is assigned, during pre-packing, the system short-circuits the search for the standard grouping code in order to only use that of the DO line. Maximum level for the 'dispatchable as is' setup.By default, it is set to level 5. This setup is used to sort-circuit the 'dispatchable as is' set-up of the product container. To be dispatchable as is, a product container must, in addition to its own set-up, have a level higher than or equal to that of the line. For example: let us consider a product with 5 levels of container dispatchable as is. The DO line is equal to 1 => only the level 1 objects will be dispatchable as is. Etc. The DO line is equal to 5 => all the objects will be dispatchable as is. CommentsComments. If it is entered, the comment on the line is printed on each DN line. Notes. The field is not printed on the DN.. ProgressPreparationLaunched. Quantity expressed in CU updated by the system upon creation of the DO line, and when moving to status 9 of the DO in case of balance management. Shortage. Quantity expressed in CU updated by the system, upon wave launching of the DO line in case of shortage, upon deletion of a PO or a parcel in case of missing stock, upon shipment cancellation if the DO is partly cancelled. Transferred(Available from version G2).Quantity expressed in CU updated by the system if the DO is in preparation mode with merging of flows type, and corresponding to the transferred (validated) CU quantity to cover the DO line. Not transferred(Available from version G2). Quantity expressed in CU updated by the system if the DO is in preparation mode with merging of flows type, and corresponding to the non-transferred (cancelled) CU quantity to cover the DO line. Prepared. Quantity expressed in CU updated by the system, upon partial or total validation of the output movement. ShipmentCancelled. Quantity expressed in CU updated by the system, upon cancellation of the shipment either by DO or by parcel. Deferred. Quantity expressed in CU updated by the system, upon shipment deferment. Shipped. Quantity expressed in CU updated by the system, upon DO shipment. DatesLaunching. The launching date and time is the last date and time of the wave launching of the DO line. Pending shipment. The shipment waiting date and time is the last shipment waiting date and time of the DO line. Shipment. The shipment date and time is the last shipment date date and time of the DO line. The "Delete" button is active as long as the creation of the line has not been saved at the level of the DO header. The "Insert" button is used during line creation to insert a line between 2 previously created lines. This button is active as long as the creation of the line has not been saved at header level. Only the "Complete" and "Create" buttons are active from the moment that the lines have been created and saved at header level. ListThis tab enumerates all the DO lines and summarizes the detail information available from the previous tabs. |
From a DO header, it is possible to display the Shipping Units of the DO.
From a DO header, it is possible to display the parcels of the DO.
From a DO header, it is possible to view the output movements.
From a DO header, it is possible to view the DO lines on shortage.
Used to launch the load analysis for the selected DO.
The load analysis function is dependent on:
- the LA0 activity code for a DO with a status less than 4
- the LA2 activity code for a DO with a status less than 9
- the DO status that must be less than 9 (DO neither shipped nor completed).
The system considers that he load remaining to be received regarding the DO, i.e. the sum of the loads specific to:
- the DO header
- each line of the DO that is not or only partly shipped, while only considering the quantities that remain to be shipped and that are not deferred.
- Each output movement under progress associated with the DO
- Each validated unpacked output movement of the DO (preparation mode with declarative load preparation)
- Each unshipped DO parcel
- Each unshipped DO SU.
Further to a load analysis request
• a new analysis is created with the following characteristics:
- Flag to be kept to "no"
- Template (for information):
the template associated with the triplet (function, current site, current depositor) for a single-depositor function.
By default, or for a multi-depositor function, the template associated with the triplet (function, current site, depositor set to "blank".
By default, the template associated with the triplet (function, site set to "blank", depositor set to "blank").
By default, the template is left blank.
The calculation is launched for the analysis
The operator has access to the display screens of the load from which they will also have access to the information relating to the analysis (description and flag "to be kept") and be able to request the printing of the analysis results.
Used to declare 1 or n stock-issue movements of consumables within the framework of the delivery order.
This entry can take place at any moment, irrespective of the DO status.
It is necessary to enter various information to perform a consumable output movement:
Since the output movement of the consumable is declared from a known entity, the carrier, transport method, customer and customer title information is, if need be, entered with that of the entity.
For an output movement, such information as supplier, supplier title, type of entity and number of said entity is not accessible.
Depending on the setup, it is requested to enter an operator code to validate the input movement. The stock is incremented upon validation.
The movement can no longer be modified after validation. Therefore it is not updated when updates are carried out on the entity with which this movement is associated.
It is possible to generate 3 reports:
Used to launch the load analysis for the selected DO.
The load analysis function is dependent on:
- the LA0 activity code for a DO with a status less than 4
- the LA2 activity code for a DO with a status less than 9
- the DO status that must be less than 9 (DO neither shipped nor completed).
The system considers that he load remaining to be received regarding the DO, i.e. the sum of the loads specific to:
- the DO header
- each line of the DO that is not or only partly shipped, while only considering the quantities that remain to be shipped and that are not deferred.
- Each output movement under progress associated with the DO
- Each validated unpacked output movement of the DO (preparation mode with declarative load preparation)
- Each unshipped DO parcel
- Each unshipped DO SU.
Further to a load analysis request
• a new analysis is created with the following characteristics:
- Flag to be kept to "no"
- Template (for information):
▪ the template associated with the triplet (function, current site, current depositor) for a single-depositor function
▪ By default or for a multi-depositor function, the template associated with the triplet (function, current site, depositor set to "blank".
▪ By default, the template associated with the triplet (function, site set to "blank", depositor set to "blank")
▪ By default, the template is left blank.
• The calculation is launched for the analysis
• The operator has access to the display screens of the load from which they will also have access to the information relating to the analysis (description and flag "to be kept") and be able to request the printing of the analysis results.
Used to declare 1 or n stock-issue movements of consumables within the framework of the delivery order.
This entry can take place at any moment, irrespective of the DO status.
It is necessary to enter various information to perform a consumable output movement:
Since the output movement of the consumable is declared from a known entity, the carrier, transport method, customer and customer title information is, if need be, entered with that of the entity.
For an output movement, such information as supplier, supplier title, type of entity and number of said entity is not accessible.
Depending on the setup, it is requested to enter an operator code to validate the input movement. The stock is incremented upon validation.
The movement can no longer be modified after validation. Therefore it is not updated when updates are carried out on the entity with which this movement is associated.
It is possible to generate 3 reports:
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Movement code field error (line or header), record does not exist
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent movement code.
Preparation mode field error, mandatory field
The preparation mode MUST be entered.
Carrier field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent carrier code.
Transport method error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent transport method.
Country field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent country.
Code field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent customer code.
The error messages associated with the consumable movement declaration are the following: This name cannot contain the '/' character.
"Consumable" field error. Mandatory field
The consumable code is a mandatory entry.
"Movement code" field error Mandatory field
The movement code is a mandatory entry.
"Movement code" field error Movement code of non-consumable type.
The entered movement code must belong to the group of the 'CONSUMABLE' processes.
"Movement code" field error. Movement code of entry type.
The entered movement code must necessarily be of 'OUTPUT' type.
"Quantity" field error. Mandatory field
The quantity of the input movement must necessarily be entered.
Application error. The depositor must be entered for this origin.
When an input movement is associated with an expected input or a direct input, the depositor must necessarily be entered.
"Mvt origin no." field error. Reference of the origin not found.
The number of the Warehousing entity must necessarily be entered and exist for the site.
"Consumable" field error: Consumable blocked upon output.
The consumable must necessarily be authorized for output for an output movement to be completed.