Common data > Locations > Availabilities 

This function allows to consider only a part of the defined picking locations, during the   calculation of the ideal rotation and volume classes.

The definition of a percentage of an available location will allow to :
 keep a portfolio of non-allocated locations so as to facilitate the management of reallocation.
 anticipate subsequent  rise in workload.

Example :
The site have 100 rotation class A locations,  200 rotation class B locations and 300 rotation class C locations.
The number of item containers manage in picking is 100.
By default, the system determines that the 100 containers will be manage in class A.
Now if it is indicated that only 50% of the class A locations are available then only the 50 item containers who got the most important rotation will be assigned to class A locations

This table is not use in the algorithm of picking reallocation


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Screen management

The screen is made up of a simple unfolding table

Entry screen


The screen allows to associate a different % of availability for each 7-uplet (depositor, reference container, store, rotation class, assignment class, volume class, storage type).

For every sequence n° created, the system counts the number of picking locations corresponding to seven criteria of the sequence and deduce the number of available picking locations and the number of the  reserved picking locations of the sequence :
Number of available pickings = % of availability * number of picking locations of the sequence
Number of reserved pickings = number of picking locations of the sequence – number of available locations

The sequence n° is compulsory, strictly greater than 0 and allows to class the % of availability.
Thus, a picking location can corresponds to several sequences but it will always be counted in the sequence with the smallest number.
The system does not allow the creation of a sequence with a number greater than another sequence having a broader criteria.

A % of generic availability can be defined by leaving  the seven criteria of division to blank.

If the user creates an availability sequence that does not correspond to any picking location then the system warns the user that may continue or abandon his keying in. 

The picking locations not assigned to a number of availability sequence are considered as available.

The system displays at the bottom of the screen the following totals :
 the total number of picking locations not selected on the table of availability sequence
 the total number of picking locations available for the calculation of the ideal classes for the picking dynamization
 the total number of picking locations reserved by the availability function and therefore will not be included in the calculation of the ideal classes.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Sequence (field ORN)

Number making it possible to use the rules defined in this screen

by order of priority.

Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It encompasses the concept of order-issuing customer for the service providers.

After the site, the depositor is the second access key to the Product, Input and Delivery Order files. For the location, the depositor code is entered if the location is allocated to the depositor or to the product, and if the location is single-depositor or single-product or if it is not empty.

The term Container encompasses the type and code of the container.

Code used to identify the store. This code is controlled in the store table.

The ABC class is characteristic to the location and item container.

The ABC class features one of the 5 criteria allowing optimization when putting items away in GEODE.

For each location, a priority assignment class is defined. It usually takes into account the caracteristics of the products that will be stored on said location: Lightweight product, heavy product, hazardous material, etc.

A picking location is assigned to a volume class. When reassigning the picking locations, the system tries to look for locations with the same class. During the search, some locations can be ignored based on the unavailability percentage.

The storage type defines the management characteristics of a group of locations. These management rules are implemented during an addressing phase on input.

  • % avail (field AVLPCT)

Section of a location that shall be considered by the system as being

available during the ideal class calculation. This percentage can be

different for each element (ABC class, depositor,

store, reference container, volume class,

assignment class, storage type).

A generic availability percentage can be defined,

and the seven splitting criteria are left blank.

  • Avail pic (field AVLNBR)


  • Res. Pic (field UVYNBR)


Block number 2

  • Not selected pickings (field RMNNBR)



  • Available pickings (field TOTAVL)


  • Reserved pickings (field TOTUVY)




Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Field ‘sequence’, compulsory field
The sequence n° keyed in should be strictly superior to 0

Field ‘sequence’, code exist already on line X
Impossible to create several sequence with the same number

Field ‘depositor’, Unknown record
The value keyed in does not exist on the depositors table

Field ‘container’, Unknown record
The value keyed in does not exist on the containers table

Field ‘store’, Unknown record
The value keyed in does not exist on the stores table

Field ‘rotation class’, Unknown record
The value keyed in does not exist on the rotation class table

Field ‘assignment class’, Unknown record
The value keyed in does not exist on the assignment class table

Field ‘volume class’, Unknown record
The value keyed in does not exist on the volume class table

Field ‘storage’, Unknown record
The value keyed in does not exist on the storage type table

Field ‘storage’, X : Reserve storage type
The storage type keyed in is not a picking type.

Filter intercepting a previous sequence
creation or modification of a  sequence with a value less broad than another sequence having an inferior number.

Filter intercepting a later sequence
creation or modification of a sequence having criteria broader than another sequence having a superior number

Field ‘% avail’, compulsory field
The % of availability keyed in should strictly greater than 0

Warning, Line N° X : selection empty
The sequence of the created availability does not correspond to any picking locations. The user can therefore continue or abandon his key in.

Tables used

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