Receipts > Storing lists > Unit validation 

This screen allows:

- the total or partial validation of a S.L,

- to cancel a Storing List (S.L).

- to view and to print the workload of a storing list.

The S.L has a  status allowing the view of its state of progress.
The SL in status 4 – Validated are no longer modifiable.


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Screen management

The screen is made up of two tabs : an identification tab of the SL and a tab with the list of the input movements of the SL.



This tab presents the identification information of the storing list : the number, the creation date and the status.  

The SL Numberis assigned automatically at the creation of the entity.

The  status code gives the state of progress of the SL.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Storage list number to which the input movement is attached if it is dependent on a SL.

  • Date (field DAT)

Creation date of the storage list.

  • Status (field STLSTA)




Tab Grouped movements


This tab presents the input movements of the SL.

The input movements of an SL are displayed grouped; meaning that all the movements having the following characteristics identical are accumulated (only on display) so as to facilitate their reading:
Input N° and input line n°
Store and address
Reservation code, Lot n°, Support n°, origin code, FIFO date
Quantity, Item container, Homogeneous container

Example :   2 movements of 1PP1 of 100 ACU for the same consignee will be displayed grouped as 1 line of 2PP1 of 100 ACU or  200 ACU




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Select (field SEL)

No help linked to this field.



  • Ctrl code (field CTLCOD)

A location control code is requested if the current site, location and product set-up is activated.

Validation will only be possible if the entered control code matches the expected control code (it can be viewed in the location record).


  • CU/STK no. (field CSUQTY2)

Quantity to be validated in CUs.

  • STK (field UOMSYM)


  • No. (field CTRQTY)



  • No. (field HMGQTY2)

Quantity to be validated expressed in homogeneous container.


  • Reference (field REF)


  • Line no. (field INPLIN)


  • Reference (field LINREF)




  • Reservation no (field RSA)


  • Lot no. (field LOT)


  • Support no. (field SPT)


  • Mvt no. (field MVTNUM)


  • Status (field INMSTA)


  • Location (field OUTSRNLCZ)




Action icon

Check all
Uncheck all
Serial number entry




Other conditions

 In entering in this function, only the non-processed SL are displayed.

 To partially or totally validate a SL, it is necessary to tick on the table of the records to be validated, then click on the  button. The input movements are then validated, the locations are updated, and the reserve stocks are now available..

The records whose quantity are displayed in « darkened » characters can not be selected, meaning that the movements were already validated
Normally the SL is in status 3 – Partially validated.

 To change the quantity of a record, the fields Number CU, Number and homogeneous container are modifiable but only in decreasing.
The following controls are carried out :
The keyed in quantity, calculated in CU should be a multiple of the homogeneous level of the input container of the item file.
For the  picking locations, the keyed in quantity should be a minimal multiple of the reference container of the picking location
The container keyed in should belong to the palletization plan of the input container of the item.

 In case of partial validation of a record, the original movement is cut off, the keyed in quantity is updated on the validated movement (passage to status 8-Stored/closed) and the balance movement stays on status 4-Addressed so that it can be validated or cancelled.

 The keying in of control code can be demanded by the system; the keying in is mandatory if the field Ctrl code of the table has the character « ? » ; for that the parameters of the item, locations and input configuration of the current depositor should be set in consequence. The validation is only possible if the control code keyed in corresponds to the expected control code and can be seen on the location file.

 The keying in of an operator code can be demanded by the system; for that the parameters of the input configuration of the current depositor should be set in consequence. The validation is only possible if the operator code keyed in is entitled to valid the S.L


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 ETIQENT : Input labels

 RANGEMENT : Storing lists

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar

The SL in status 1-Not validated are displayed according to the setting of the « print sequence » of the input  configuration of the current depositor, meaning either by Store/Input or by Input/Store.

It is possible to change the sorting of one or the other value by clicking on the button.

The cancellation of a SL or the records of the SL is possible by selecting the records and clicking on the  button.

The cancellation of a SL or the records of a SL, removes the records of the SL and the address of the corresponding movements. These movements are then available for a later manual addressing , or automatic.
The movements can also be an object of modification or can be closed through the options in the inputs  management.

Menu Bar

Functions / Load analysis

Allows to launch the analysis of the workload of the selected storing list

The workload analysis function is conditioned by the activity code LA2 and the status of the storing list that should be inferior to 4 (not validated storing list)..

The analysis will bear on the list of pending input movements linked to the storing list.

After a request of analysis of workload :
• a new analysis is created with the following characteristics :
- Indicator to be conserved = « no »
- Template (for information) :
   ▪ that associated to the triplet (function, current site, current depositor) for a single depositor function
   ▪ By default, or for a multi depositors, that associated to the triplet (function, current site, depositor « in blank »).
   ▪ By default, that associated to the triplet (function, site « in blank », depositor « in blank »)
   ▪ By default, it is left to blank..
• The  calculation is launched for the analysis
• The operator accede to the screens of display of workload from where he can also accede to the information of the analysis (description and indicator « to be conserved ») and ask for the printing of the result of the analysis.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Number of CU field error

The quantity keyed in is greater than the accumulated quantity of the movement.

Container absent from the palletization plan

The container keyed in does not belong to the palletization plan of the input container of the item.  

Quantity not multiple of the homogeneous quantity

The homogeneous level of the input container does not allow the validation of a quantity lesser than this level.

Invalid operator code.

The operator keyed in is not entitled to valid the SL.

Tables used

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