Refer to documentation Implementation
A direct input is comprised of a header and one or several lines.
The header is entered on 2 main tabs, and a summarized tab is displayed.
The line is entered on 2 tabs and a summarized tab.
Movements are created automatically by Warehousing.
The direct entry can be modified as long as the header remains set to status 1 - Not addressed.
This tab displays the identification information of the direct input.
The direct input Number is automatically assigned to the creation of the entity.
The Referenceof the direct input is a field that, when transmitted via Level 3, contains the information common to Level 3 and Warehousing.
If the field is not entered, the system automatically assigns to it the modifiable Input Number.
If this field is entered, the system imposes the uniqueness of the field depending on the input configuration setup.
If the direct input is created through administrative receipt, the reference includes the expected input reference.
The status code of the Direct Input header provides the progress status of the direct input.
Upon creation of a Direct Input, the system date is submitted by default. This field is mandatory. The Input date can be modified by the user.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon validation of the Input header. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to a Direct Input. |
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| Document reference. |
| Creation date of the document (expected input, input, DO, etc.). |
Three blocks gather all the information relating to this tab.
The management information of the direct input: the movement code is a mandatory setup used to qualify an input (Supplier input, Factory input, Customer Return,...).
The possible values are those collected in the table of movement codes authorized on input.
If the direct input has been transmitted by level 3, the "transmitted N3" setup specifies it.
If the control has been carried out via the Start (INPCPLDCL) and End (INPCPLVLD) control options, the "Carried out control" setup specifies it.
The storing date is updated by the system upon validation of the last storage of the input.
The transport information is optional: it concerns the carrier who should be responsible for the goods to be procured.
It can come from the receipt or be entered/transmitted upon creation of the direct input.
When an entry is performed, the system controls the existence of the code in the Carriers table of the Transportations methods.
The reference of the carrier is also optional and is used to qualify the latter by means of an external reference.
Finally the receipt information is transmitted via the validation of the receipts of the expected inputs.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| The movement code is used to make the distinction between movements of the same type.
The movement code is checked against the movement code table. |
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| Used to trigger Cross-Docking for the direct entry concerned. |
Expected input
| Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon validation of the Input header. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to an Expected Input. |
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| Administrative receipt no. It is a sequential number assigned automatically by the system upon receipt creation validation. |
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| Code identifying the carrier. This code must be defined in the carrier table. |
| Carrier trade name. |
| Usually, the transport mode corresponds to the notions of messaging, freight, express,... The transport mode is checked against the transport modes table. |
| Carrier reference. |
This tab displays information previously entered in the suppliers table. After the supplier code has been selected, their company name, address, etc. are displayed. The information modified in this tab is not picked up in the supplier table.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Code of the supplier who must be defined in the supplier table. |
| Code making it possible to identify the country. This code is controlled in the country table. The name corresponding to the country code is then displayed automatically. If the country code is not entered by the user, then the country name can be entered freely. |
| Country name. If the country code is entered, then this field is automatically entered on the basis of the country table. If the country code is not entered, then this field can be entered freely by the user. |
| Supplier's company name (by default the company name is defined for the supplier in the supplier table). |
| Supplier's address (by default the address is defined for the supplier in the supplier table). |
| Postal code where the entry format is defined in the Country table.
| Name of the town/city. The city automatically proposed is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated.
| This field includes the geographical subdivision which is part of the postal address definition. This subdivision is automatically fed after the postal code and town/city have been entered, based on the Postal codes setup. |
| Telephone number with en entry format dependent on the country. |
| Fax number where the entry format is identical to that of the telephone and is dependent on the country. |
This tab displays in the form of a grid all the characteristics of the input lines previously entered (reference, quantity put-away, FIFI, etc.).
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Product code defined in the GEODE product table. |
| Reference of the document line. Can be used to establish a link between L2 and L3 during interfaces; in that case, this field is automatically fed. |
| Quantity expressed in container type and code of the line. |
| Container type and code of the input line. The default container type and code is displayed by default. |
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| Equivalent in CUs of the quantity on the input line (calculated by the system). |
| Putaway quantity expressed in CUs (updated by the system). |
| It is used to manage the quality-related differences at stock object level: expiry, reconditioning, etc. |
| Used to impose an input store to the Input line (optional). The store is checked in the Store table. |
| The system exclusively addresses the goods to the requested store. If the search in this store fails, the system does not try to make the link to other stores. |
| Input creation date. By default, the system retrieves the date and time of the Input Header. |
| Production date corresponding to the end of the item production cycle. |
| Detention date. This date corresponds to the instant before which the stock object is unavailable for an output movement. (for instance, quarantine). |
| Sale-by Date (SbD). The SbD is generally used as FIFO date for food products. |
| Best Before Date (BBD). This date is also called Optimum Use By Date. It is usually mentioned on the packaging of food or pharmaceutical products. |
| Use-by date (SBD). The UBD makes it possible to limit the circulation of a product in time: - for instance, within the framework of a commercial operation (discount), - or because of its expiry date. |
| The FIFO date can determine the stock removal order of the products (depending on the setup) when an order picking is launched. This date is used to ensure that some operations like merging are possible. |
| Used to specify if it is a customer return. This parameter is used witin the framework of the serial number management. This update is going to generate a specific processing upon entry of the serial numbers. |
| The movement code is used to make the distinction between movements of the same type.
The movement code is checked against the movement code table. |
| L’The origin’ enables items to be classified on the basis of a criterion chosen by the user. It is generally used to define or further determine the origin (geographical or other) of the products managed by the system. |
| Type and code of the input container of the line. By default, it is the product default input container. |
| Available in a later version. |
| Lot number assigned to each stock object created from this entity. |
| Reservation number assigned to each stock object created from this entity. |
| Support number assigned to each stock object created from this entity. |
| Stipulates if the serial numbers are managed for this input line. |
| Status code of the input line. |
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Action icon
It is possible to modify the direct inputs as long as the direct input is set to status 1.
The line can no longer be modified from the moment that it has been created.
To modify a line:
- no movement has been addressed, it is recommended to access the generated movements.
- if the product code of a line needs to be modified, it is recommended to close the line of origin and to create a new one.
This button provides access to the detail of the direct input lines. The function itself is sub-divided into 3 main screens. The first screen recalls the elements (Number, Reference, Status and Date) of the header for the previously created or selected input as well as the elements of the current line on which the user is positioned: The General tab is used to enter the characteristics of the line. QuantitiesInput.Quantity and container type and code of the input line. Entry specificities: This section cannot be modified once the line has been created. CU input: CU equivalent calculated by the system Stored.Stored CU quantity updated by the system. Reference. Reference of the Entry line. Optional entry. Can be used to establish a link between L2 and L3 during interfaces; in that case, this field is automatically fed. Multi-product. Available in a later version. Customer return(Available from version G2). Used to specify if it is a customer return. Used within the framework of the serial number management, this update will generate a specific process upon entry of serial numbers. Numbers:Lot nb. Lot number assigned to each stock object created from this input line. Reservation no.Reservation number assigned to each stock object created from this input line. Support no. (Available from version G2). Support number assigned to each stock object created from the input line. DatesInput. Input creation date. By default, the system retrieves the date and time of the Input Header. This field is mandatory but it can be modified. Detention. Detention date. SBD.Use-by date (SBD). FIFO. The FIFO date is automatically calculated on the basis of the "FIFO selection" of an item specified in its Item Record. This date is mandatory. The FIFO date is automatically recalculated if one of the master dates of the item (Input date, Production Date or one of the three calculated dates) is modified. WARNING: Therefore the "FIFO date" field must not be modified directly, but rather one of the "master date" fields on which the calculation of the item FIFO date depends. Production. Production date corresponding to the end of the item production cycle. SbD. Sale-by Date (SbD). BBD.Best Before Date (BBD). Mvt code. By default, the system specifies in this field the Movement code of the Input Header, but the latter can be modified. Origin.The origin enables items to be classified on the basis of a criterion chosen by the user. This is a characteristic of the stock object. Input cnt. Type and code of the input container of the line. This is the default input container of the product. Stock nature. Stock nature assigned to each stock object created from this input line. Store. Used to impose an input store to the Input line. Optional entry but if there is an entry, the system checks that the store exists in the Store Table. Exclusive store. If the box is checked, the system exclusively addresses inside the requested store. If the search in this store fails, the system does not try to make the link to other stores. The list tab summarizes the direct entry lines. The button is active as long as the creation of the line has not been saved at the level of the direct entry header. The button is used during line creation to insert a line between 2 previously created lines. This button is active as long as the creation of the line has not been saved at header level. Only the and buttons are active from the moment that the lines have been created and saved at header level. |
From the direct line header, via the button, you can access the input movements created by the system. |
A shortcut makes it possible to automatically address a direct entry. The addressing launched here is the equivalent of the addressing by input.
Used to launch the simulation of the addressing of a direct input. The addressing launched here is the equivalent of the addressing by input.
Used to launch the load analysis for the selected direct input.
The load analysis function is dependent on the activity code LA2 and the input status that must be lower than 8 (non-closed input).
The analysis will concern the list of the input movements under progress attached to the input.
Further to a load analysis request:
• a new analysis is created with the following characteristics:
- Flag to maintain = "no"
- Template (for info.):
• the template associated to the triplet (function, current site, current depositor) for a single-depositor function
• By default, or for a multi-depositor function, the template associated to the triplet (function, current site, depositor set to "blank").
• By default, the template associated to the triplet (function, site set to "blank", depositor set to "blank")
• By default, the template is set to "blank".
• The calculation for the analysis is launched.
• The operator accesses the load display screens from which it can also access the information related to the analysis (description and flag "To be kept") and request the printing of the analysis results.
Used to calculate the number of containers to process for the direct input, based on the input movements that have not been addressed.
Used to declare 1 or n input-to-stock movements of consumables within the framework of the direct input.
This entry can take place at any moment, irrespective of the DI status.
Various data must be entered to complete a consumable input movement:
Since the input movement of the consumable is declared from a known entity, the carrier, transport method, supplier and supplier title information are, if need be, entered with that of the entity.
For an input movement, such information as customer, customer title, the type of entity and the number of said entity is not accessible.
Depending on the setup, it is requested to enter an operator code to validate the input movement. The stock is incremented upon validation.
The movement can no longer be modified after validation. Therefore it is not updated when updates are carried out on the entity with which this movement is associated.
It is possible to generate 3 reports:
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Movement code field error (line or header), mandatory field
The movement code is a mandatory entry.
Movement code field error (line or header), record does not exist
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent movement code.
Receipt mode field error, mandatory field
The receipt mode MUST be entered.
Carrier field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent carrier code.
Transport method error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent transport method.
Country field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent country.
Code field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent supplier code.
X3 application error, no line entered.
A line must necessarily be created to update the header of an expected input.
X3 application error, modification impossible
The expected input is being received and therefore cannot be modified.
Item field error, mandatory field
It is mandatory for the product to be entered.
Item field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent item.
Origin field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent origin.
Stock nature field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent stock nature.
Store field error, record does not exist.
An attempt has been made to enter a non-existent store.
The error messages associated with the consumable movement declaration are the following:
"Consumable" field error. Mandatory field.
The consumable code is a mandatory entry.
"Movement code" field error. Mandatory field.
The movement code is a mandatory entry.
"Movement code" field error. Movement code of non-consumable type.
The entered movement code must belong to the group of the 'CONSUMABLE' processes.
"Movement code" field error. Movement code of output type.
The entered movement code must necessarily be of 'INPUT' type.
"Quantity" field error. Mandatory field
The quantity of the input movement must necessarily be entered.
Application error. The depositor must be entered for this origin.
When an input movement is associated with an expected input or a direct input, the depositor must necessarily be entered.
"Mvt origin no." field error. Reference of the origin not found.
The number of the Warehousing entity must necessarily be entered and exist for the site.
"Consumable" field error. Consumable blocked upon input.
The consumable must necessarily be authorized for input for an input movement to be completed.