Refer to documentation Implementation
The screen is made up of a single tab.
The user should first select the picking rearrangement of the item containers that he wishes to create the transfers.
The selected Picking rearrangement n° should have the reallocated item containers and have a stock on the origin picking location (container record having status less than 4).
If the Picking Rearrangement n° is coherent, then the system displays the:
general information of the PR : reference of the campaign of the PR and the container processed in the campaign
list of stock objects with an available quantity not nil of the picking location of the item containers waiting the generation of transfer of the PR N° keyed in.
The user can then choose only certain containers of the list through the
Display of the store, the address, the depositor, the item, the N° and the available quantity in reference container (quantity in stock – the pending outputs – the pending inputs) of the stock objects to be transferred.
The user chooses the item containers to be transferred one by one from the list by ticking the box ‘Select’ or all the containers of the list through the option ‘check all’ of the right button of the mouse.
Possibility to totally or partially transfer the selected stock objects.
For the partial transfer of stock object, the zone ‘Quantity in reference containers’ can only be decreased.
Possibility to transfer all the available quantity to a container different to that of the stock object from the zones ‘Qty’ and ‘Cnt’.
The following controls are carried out :
The quantity keyed in should be a multiple of the quantity to be transferred.
The quantity keyed in should not be greater than the quantity to be transferred.
The container keyed in should be in the palletization plan of the item.
If the container keyed in is level 5, the quantity keyed in should be equal to the quantity of the quantity to be transferred on the stock object.
A destination location (store + address) should be assigned to every stock object selected.
The destination location can be :
Keyed in on the zones ‘store’ and ‘address’
Calculated by the system.
The automatic research of the destination location is triggered by the button.
The system control that the location keyed in :
is not blocked in input
is not being inventoried
is not full and the available space in the location is enough to received the stock object to be transferred.
The integrity controls between the location keyed in and the stock object to be transferred are done :
The origin location and the destination location should be different.
If the destination location is of the picking type then the transferred container should be identical to the reference container of the location.
If the destination location is of the picking type, the transferred quantity should correspond to the whole number of the containers.
If the storage type of the location is single container then the transferred container should be identical to the object present on the location.
If the storage type of the location is managed on homogeneous object or in homogeneous standard, then the transferred object should have the same homogeneity as that of the object present in the location.
If the storage type of the location forbids the container correspondence then the transfer container of the stock object should be equal to the reference container of the location.
If the storage type of the location is single item or assigned to an item, the item of the transfer should be the one assigned or that of the stock object present on the location.
If the storage type of the location is single depositor or assigned to a depositor, the current depositor courant should be that assigned or that of the stock object present on the location
If the storage type of the location is single reservation, the reservation of the stock object should be that of the stock object present on the location
If the storage type of the location is single stock nature, the stock nature of the stock object should be that of the stock object present on the location
If the storage type of the location is single origin, the origin of the stock object should be that of the stock object present on the location
If the storage type of the location is single lot, the lot of the stock object should be that of the stock object present on the location
If the storage type of the location does not accept stock object of inferior date, then the FIFO date of the stock object to be transferred should be later to that of the stock object present on the location.
If the storage type of the location is ‘Single FIFO date’ then the FIFO dates of the stock object and the location should be of the same days or the same civil month or the same civil year according to the setting.
If the storage type is ‘Control gap FIFO in input’ and a FIFO tolerance is set-up for the item of the stock object, then the difference of FIFO dates of the location and the stock object should be included in this tolerance.
The container of the stock object should be the same level as that of the container level of the location.
If the container of the stock object to be transferred is different from the reference container of the location, then the container correspondence should be authorized by the storage type and the input mode and an equivalence rules should be defined between the transfer container and the reference container of the location for its store.
The rotation class of the of the container of the stock object and the location should be identical if the storage type does not accept the chaining of classes, if not the rotation class of the location should be included in the chain of rotation classes of the container of the stock object.
The assignment class of the of the container of the stock object and the location should be identical if the storage type does not accept the chaining of classes, if not the assignment class of the location should be included in the chain of assignment classes of the container of the stock object..
The forbidden class of the location should be different from the assignment class of the container of the stock object.
The assignment class of the location should be different from the forbidden class of the container of the stock object.
After the validation of the creation of transfers by the button, the following processes are carried out :
Creation of movement transfer with assignment of movement code set-up for the site.
Print of the transfer list and labels according to the setting of the site.
Automatic validation of the transfer after their generation depending on the setting of the site.
Update of the stock objects and the origin and destination locations.
Removal of the old picking if there is no more stock nor remaining pendings.
Update of the status of the PR records processed.
Evolution of the status of the PR record
- If no stocks nor pendings on the former picking, passage to status ‘validated’
- If balance of stock on the former picking, passage to status ’Waiting generation of movements’
- If all the stock of the initial picking location is pending, passage to status ’Waiting validation of movements’
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon creation of the picking replanning (upon launching of the calculation of the ideal classes). |
|   |
|   |
| No help linked to this field. |
|   |
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|   |
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|   |
| Quantityto be transferred expressed on the picking reference container of the stockobject. Bydefault, the quantity is equal to the available quantity of the stock object. |
| Quantity to be transfered expressed in container. |
| Transferred container Contenant transféré. Sous l'appellation Contenant, sont regroupés letype de contenant et le code de contenant. |
| Destinationstore of the stock object(s). |
| Destinationaddress of the stock object. |
Action icon
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Error zone ‘Rearrangement n°’ : Mandatory zone
The Rearrangement n° keyed in should be different to 0.
Error zone ‘Rearrangement n°’ : Picking rearrangement X ; Unknown record
The Rearrangement n° keyed in should exist on the picking rearrangement table of the current site.
Error zone ‘Rearrangement n°’ : No empty picking location
On the PR n° keyed in, there is no item container reassigned in pending stock transfer of the initial picking.
Error zone ‘Rearrangement n°’ : Nothing to transfer
On the PR n° keyed in, there is no item container reassigned in pending stock transfer of the initial picking.
Error zone ‘Qty in reference cnt’ : Mandatory zone
The quantity keyed in should be different to 0.
Error zone ‘Qty in reference cnt’ : Maximum quantity (X)
The quantity keyed in should not be greater than the available quantity of the selected stock object.
Error zone ‘Qty in transfer cnt’ : Mandatory zone
The quantity keyed in should be different to 0
Error zone ‘Qty in transfer cnt’ : Should be multiple of X
The quantity keyed in should be multiple of the quantity to be transferred.
Error zone ‘Qty in transfer cnt’ : Quantity greater than the authorized maximum : X
The quantity keyed in should be less or equal to the quantity to be transferred.
Error zone ‘Cnt’ : Item container : Y ; Unknown record
The container keyed in does not belong to the palletization plan of the item of the stock object to be transferred.
Error zone ‘Cnt’ : Mandatory zone
The container keyed in should be different to blank.
Error zone ‘Sto’ : Store : X ; Unknown record
The store keyed in should exist on the table of stores of the current site.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Incorrect format
The address format keyed in does not correspond to that of the store.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Location X ; Unknown record
The location keyed in does not exist on the chosen store.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Location single item and different items
The item of the stock object to be transferred and the location keyed in are different and the setting of the storage type of the location keyed in is single item.
Error zone ‘Address’ : The origin location and the destination location are identical
The location of the stock object to be transferred and the destination location keyed in are identical when they should be different.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Location single depositor and different depositors
The depositor of the stock object to be transferred and the location keyed in are different and the setting of the storage type of the location keyed in is single depositor.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Forbidden movement : Location blocked in input
The location keyed in is blocked in input.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Forbidden movement : Location is full
The location keyed in is full.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Container level different to that of the location
The container to be transferred and the container of the location keyed in are of different level.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Picking location picking of container X
The destination location of the transfer is picking type and the container of the stock object to be transferred and the destination location are different.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Forbidden container correspondence (input mode)
The container to be transferred and the container of the location keyed in are different and the input mode of the item to be transferred does not allow the container equivalences.
Error zone ‘Address’ : No cnt correspondences
For the selected store there’s no equivalence rules between the container to be transferred and the container of the location keyed in.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Incompatible rotation classes
The rotation class of the container to be transferred and the location keyed in are different and either the input mode of the item to be transferred does not allow the chaining of the rotation classes or the rotation class of the location is not chained to the rotation class of the item container to be transferred.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Incompatible assignment classes
The assignment class of the container to be transferred and the location keyed in are different and either the input mode of the item to be transferred does not allow the chaining of the assignment classes or the assignment class of the location is not chained to the assignment class of the item container to be transferred.
Error zone ‘Address’ : Incompatible forbidden classes
The assignment class of the keyed in location corresponds to one of the forbidden classes of the container to be transferred or the assignment class of the container to be transferred corresponds to the forbidden class of the keyed in location.
No record selected
The keyed in criteria do not allow the selection of a stock object.
Location single date and different dates
The storage type of the keyed in location is single FIFO date and the FIFO date of the stock object to be transferred and the location are not of the same day, the same month or the same year according to the setting..
FIFO gap too great for this item
The storage type of the keyed in location is ‘Control gap FIFO in input’ and the difference of the FIFO dates of the location and of the stock object is not included in the FIFO tolerance set-up on the item to be transferred.
FIFO date < date first input
The storage type of the keyed in location does not accept stock objects of inferior date and the FIFO date of the stock object to be transferred is prior to that of the stock object present on the location.
Location single origin and different origins
The storage type of the keyed in location is single origin and the origin of the stock object to be transferred and the location are different.
Location single lot and different lots
The storage type of the keyed in location is single lot and the lot of the stock object to be transferred and the location are different.
Location single nature and different natures
The storage type of the keyed in location is single stock nature and the stock nature of the stock object to be transferred and the location are different.
Location single reservation and different reservations
The storage type of the keyed in location is single reservation and the reservation n° of the stock object to be transferred and the location are different.
Location not homogeneous
The storage type of the location is managed in homogeneous object or in homogeneous standard and the transferred object has not the same homogeneity as that of the objects present in the location.
Container correspondences forbidden (storage type)
The storage type of the keyed in location forbids the container correspondence and the container of the transfer of the stock object is different from the reference container of the location.
Location assigned to depositor X
Management of a depositor assigned to the keyed in location and the depositor of the location and that of the item to be transferred are different.
Location assigned to the item X
Management of an item assigned to the keyed in location and the item of the location and that of the item to be transferred are different
Overflowing of the capacity of the location
Theavailableplace on the location is not enough to receive the totality of the stock to be transferred.
Entering container not whole
The destination location of the transfer is picking type and the quantity to be transferred does not correspond to a whole number of container reference of the destination picking.
Movement code of the transfer not defined
The movement codes of the stock transfer movement for the for the unallocation of the initial picking were not defined in the setting of the site.
Input addressing impossible
The research algorithm in input can not find an available location to transfer the stock object.