Outputs > SU > Parcel palletisation 

This functionality is available from the G2 version.

This screen is used to palletize a parcel in a simple way and to depalletize it.

The SU management function is a more comprehensive function also used to manage the palletization and depalletization of parcels.

The SU is defined in a setup table, (SU types) and it contains a status to view the progress.


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Screen management

The screen is comprised of a single entry tab.

Entry screen


This screen is used to :
- palletize a parcel:
=> on an already existing SU: The SU no., then the parcel no. to be assigned, need to be entered.
=> on a SU to be created: then, the SU no. must not be entered, the SU type may have to be modified and the parcel no. to be assigned needs to be entered.
-depalletize a parcel:
To that end, the SU no. and the parcel no. need to be entered.

A SU can be modified if it is open.

if the SU is postponed, the newly assigned parcel will also have to be postponed.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon validation of the DO header. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to a Delivery Order.

  • Reference (field REF)



  • SU no (field SHP)

Shipping unit number.

  • SU SSCC code (field SHPSSCCOD)


Type of SU on which the parcel must be palletized.

  • Stock on dock (field STAQAT0)





  • Parcel no. (field PRC)

Parcel number (sequence automatically generated by the sytem upon parcel creation).

  • SSCC code (field SSCCOD)


  • Stock on dock (field STAQAT)






Specific Buttons

It is used to validate the palletization action.

It is used to validate the depalletization action.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

'Parcel no.' field error: Record does not exist

The entered parcel no. does not exist in the parcel table

SU no. field error: Record does not exist

The entered SU no. does not exist in the SU table

DO no. field error: Record does not exist

The entered DO no. does not exist in the delivery order table

SU type field error: Record does not exist

The entered SU no. does not exist in the SU type table

SU type field error: Mandatory field

It is mandatory to enter the SU type.

Parcel with status: X- Status description

The parcel status does not enable palletization.

SU reserved for the ship-to customer: XXX and parcel no. XXX different.

The entered parcel has a ship-to customer different from the one of the SU for which it has been entered, and the SU must have a single ship-to customer.

Different configuration options

The DOs of the parcels to be palletized do not have the same shipment configuration.

Parcel not deferred on deferred SU

The entered parcel is not deferred and cannot be entered on a deferred SU.

SU closed.

It is not possible to palletize or depalletize a parcel or a SU that is already closed, loaded or shipped.

Tables used

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