Change control > Impact analysis 

Use this function to help with the question “If we make this "change", what impact will it have on us and our marketplace?”.

SEEINFO You can access this function from the Change Control menu or from the Action panel in a change request.

Changes to products being prepared for, or currently in the marketplace can have a significant impact on current and future sales, and profits. The ability to evaluate the "impact" of any request for a "change" is critical, therefore, in the assessment of the business case for the requirements.

This function supports the assessment process by providing easy access to data associated with a request for a design or a production "change". With quick and easy access to the business case, and snapshot, dynamic commitment data (see Notebelow) available on request, this function offers dual purpose:

  • Used as a risk analysis tool it supports a change manager when determining if there is a business or technical justification for the modifications.
  • Used as a communications tool it supports subject matter experts or members of a change control team identifying the potential consequences of that "change".

By providing this functionality from a single location the Impact analysis function becomes a critical tool for making an informed decision. It provides direct access to the details of the business case for a specific "change" to a design or a production model. It also provides direct access to all current, and any future commitments associated with that design or production model. The risks associated with any potential modifications can therefore be assessed quickly and effectively as the key data is easily and readily accessible. All stakeholders can therefore carry out an initial assessment and comprehensive reviews when making their decision whether to approve or to reject the requested "change".

A Sage X3 Change Control impact analysis actually comprises multiple sets of analysis data:

  • The first set of analysis data is a high-level assessment of the impact a change to the product defined on a change request could have. This  summary impact analysis shows for key groups of commitments, the "need to know", or key quantities that will be impacted by the change.
    If the change request is for a specific version of the product, the key quantities are adjusted. They will reflect the impact on the specified version plus those commitments where a version has not been specified, that is, the version is blank.
    Where appropriate, the financial implication in base currency of that change is included.
  • Where a commitment group in the summary impact analysis contains analysis figures, detailed analysis data can be displayed for the commitments that will be impacted. The data provided includes summary totals and a list of the individual commitments that will be impacted by the change.
    If the change request is for a specific version of the product the detailed analysis data will be adjusted as for the summary impact analysis. That is, the data provided will be for the specified version plus those commitments where a version has not been specified.

For version managed products especially, this approach provides a safety net and peace of mind throughout the change cycle that no commitments have been overlooked. This is especially important where the version of the product might not be known either when a change request is raised or until designated manually.

You can access key information from the summary and the detailed impact analysis using the standard Sage X3 functionality provided with selected fields. For example, you can jump to critical information associated with the change request and into the change request itself. From the displayed list of commitments you can jump to information such as the order details, partner or site from which the transaction was raised. Access to this level of detail supports the gathering of critical information in the assessment of the business case for a specific requirement. As a change manager or subject matter expert you will find it invaluable when assessing or reassessing the importance and urgency of the requirement.

SEEINFO For the purposes of Change Control management a "commitment" is a key Sage X3 transaction type, for example, sales orders or work orders. A commitment group is a related set of those transaction types (commitments) such as Sales and purchasing, Manufacturing or Stock. An individual commitment must have one or more open lines for the product defined on the change request to be included in the figures. In the Manufacturing group the individual commitments might be associated with the product defined on the change request.

SEEINFO To obtain or run an impact analysis a change request must be at In reviewstatus.

Summary impact analysis

A summary impact analysis is a high-level assessment of the impact to your organization a "change" to the product defined on a change request could have.

You use the summary impact analysis to obtain a quick overview of the potential impact of the modification on specific channels. When assessing the business case for the requirements it enables you to assess the potential consequences of a design or production change quickly and easily.

Each summary impact analysis is subdivided into the key groups of commitments (or transaction types) that could be impacted by the change.

Where the change will have an impact on the commitments in that commitment group, the key quantities that could be impacted are displayed.

Where the change is for a specific version of the product, the quantities reflect that version plus those where the version is not specified.

 A specific version of the product is where the major, or major and minor version has been specified.

Where the key quantities will have an impact financially, the financial implication in base currency is displayed.

The summary totals are repeated and displayed with each detailed impact analysis. To obtain a detailed impact analysis for a specific commitment simply click the appropriate action in the Action panel.

Detailed impact analysis

A detailed impact analysis identifies the individual commitments that could potentially be impacted by a "change" to the product defined on a change request.

You use the detailed impact analysis to assess the extent of the change.

A detailed impact analysis reproduces the totals from the summary impact analysis for a selected commitment (transaction type). It also lists the individual commitments (transactions) that have one or more open lines for the product defined on the change request.

Where the change is for a specific version of the product, the commitments listed are as follows:

 A specific version of the product is where the major, or major and minor version has been specified.

The analysis details include the following:

Running an impact analysis

As the number of change requests in your organization’s database could be significant the way you access this function determines how best to use it:

An impact analysis displays a snapshot view of the data associated with the product on a change request at the point it is run. The data might, therefore, reflect the point at which the change request was advanced to the In review stage of the processing cycle. Alternatively, it might reflect the point at which the change manager for the change request regenerated it manually.

You can manipulate the results of a detailed impact analysis using the standard Sage X3 query functionality. With the query functionality you can reorder the data, switch the columns and apply the filters at the top of every column. There are no restrictions on the number of times you can run or clear filters or sort orders, or move columns. You can manipulate the data until the results you require are displayed.

An impact analysis can be only be refreshed (updated) by the change manager and only whilst the change request remains at In reviewstatus. If you are a subject matter expert this does mean you can request revised data should you need it. If a detailed impact analysis is updated, the key quantities and figures for that specific commitment on the summary impact analysis are also updated.

If you are viewing an impact analysis when the change manager updates the snapshot data simply select the standard browser Refresh(F5).

Once the status of a change request has advanced beyond In review status, for example, to the planning stage (In planningstatus) it cannot be refreshed. The impact analysis will remain fixed at the In review results.

Blocking transactions

A potential consequence of a "change" can be that the processing of transaction lines associated with a specific change request must be halted, or blocked. Should this be necessary you must manually block the transaction lines affected by the requirements.

Manual blocking is different for the different transaction types. Purchase order lines, for example, can be closed if the supplier has not shipped the goods. Sales order lines can either be closed or the stock dealloacted. You must choose the most suitable blocking method for the type of transaction.

 The detailed Sales orders impact analysis displays the quantities processed at each stage of an order’s preparation and delivery cycle. This information will help if you have to make a blocking decision against a sales order line.

 You are advised not to reactivate a blocked transaction until the approved scope for this change request has been delivered in full. This will not be until the action plan has been implemented and the change request is complete.


SEEREFERTTO  Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The commitment groups – Sales and purchasing, Manufacturingand Stock– are a related set of "commitments" or key Sage X3 transaction types.

Where a "change" to the product defined in the header information will impact the commitments, the key quantities that could be impacted are displayed.

An individual commitment must have one or more open lines for the product defined in the header information to display figures. In the Manufacturing group the individual commitments might be associated with the product defined in the header information.

Action panel

SEEINFO A change request must be at In reviewstatus for the selected action to provide dynamic, transactional data.

Click the Return to request action to display the business case for this change request, that is, the full details of the change request itself.

Click the List of change requests action to return to the full list of change requests in the database.


The following actions display the list of commitments for the selected commitment type that have one or more open lines for the following:

  • The product, or the specific version (that is, the major or the minor version) of the product on this change request.
  • Where the product version has been specified, those commitments where the version of the product has not been specified, that is, the major/minor version is blank.
  • An assembly associated with the product, or the specific version or revision of the product on this change request. This includes lines where the product or product version on this change request is a component or subassembly of a bill of materials (BOM). All commercial (sales), production (manufacturing) and subcontract BOMs are included.

Where there are variations, this is explained below with the action.

You can jump to the Journal traceablity inquiry (CONSPIV) function for each individual sales order in the displayed list to view its sales journal history log. This log traces the documents associated with the selected line, from the origin of the line (quotation, order, prepayment etc) to the payment. If the Customer relation module is activated, it traces the journals linked to CRM activities.

The forecast sales order quantities cover time horizons for each month. These are measured in weeks from the first of the month in which this impact analysis was created or updated. The calculations reflect those used by the Demand forecasts functions (Stock > Reorders > Demand forecasts (GESORZS)/ Manufacturing > Planning > Demand forecasts (GESORZ)). Planned and firm sales order quantities are included in the figures.

 The list displayed does not segregate those forecasts that are for a specific version (major or minor version) of the product.

This action displays key stock status figures by site.

This action displays a list of assemblies and subassemblies that are associated with the product on this change request. All commercial (sales), production (manufacturing) and subcontract BOMs are included.

  • The sales BOMs are those used on sales orders.
  • The production BOMs are those used in cost calculations, Work order management, Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and the Master Production Schedule (MPS).
  • The subcontract BOMs are those used on subcontract orders, in cost calculations, MRP and the MPS.

 This action only shows the assemblies and subassemblies on a summary line. The column headed Level displays the level at which the product on this change request is used in the assembly listed.

This action displays the list of routes (the sequence of operations, materials and tools required to produce or process a product) that are associated with the following:

  • The product on this change request.
  • An assembly (BOM) associated with the product on this change request. This includes lines where the product on this change request is a component or subassembly put together using a route and the bill of material.

 The list displayed does not segregate those routes that are for a specific version (major or minor version) of the product.

You can jump to the following functions for each individual product in the displayed list using the standard Sage X3 functionality available on every line:

  • Routing management function (GESROU). You can use this function to inquire into (and if necessary, to update) the sequence of operations, materials and tools in the selected route.
    From the Routing management function you can also load the Multi-level routings function (VISUROUG) to display the multiple levels of the route in a graphical or tabular format.
  • Routing codes function (GESTRO). You can use this function to inquire into (and if necessary, to update) alternative routes for the selected master route.


The following actions are available from the commitment type selected above.

Click the Return to summary action to redisplay the high level assessment summary for this change request. The data is refreshed for you automatically.

You can access detailed information for a different transaction type after you have clicked this action.

Click the Updateaction to repopulate the displayed impact analysis with new snapshot, dynamic data. The figures for that commitment on the summary impact analysis are also updated. To display the updated lines you must click the standard browser Refresh (F5).

 The Updateaction is only displayed when the following conditions are met:

  • This change request is at In reviewstatus.
  • You are logged in as the current change manager for this change request.

This action is available after you have clicked the Stockaction.

Click this action to use the Stock by site report inquiry (CONSSFC) (Stock > Inquiries > Stock > Stock by site report). You can use this function to perform a detailed inquiry into stock levels listed by site for the product on this change request.

From the Stock by site report inquiry the standard options available from the Action panel are also available. These ensure you can inquire further into stock levels by stock unit and status, stock that has not yet been allocated and stock management information.

 The default user site (as defined in the User parameters) is displayed in the Site field when the Stock by site report function is loaded. You must either type in or select the site to inquire upon. To inquire into stock levels for all the sites in which the product on this change request is defined, clear the field. The site code (if defined) on the change request is simply a memorandum field for this change request.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Updating Impact analysis data. Please wait and then refresh this page.
Impact analysis data is currently being created by Batch Server Task: $1$. Please wait and then refresh this page.

This message is displayed by the batch server process whilst the impact analysis is being created or updated. It is also displayed if you attempt to refresh the screen whilst the impact analysis is being created or updated.

The creation of an impact analysis can take a few minutes if the process is reading a large volume of data. You can check the status of the batch server process using the Query Management function (AREQUETE). When it shows Finished status you can view the impact analysis.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation