Manufacturing > Production tracking > Reintegration plan 

Use this function to reintegrate or return components to stock issued to a work order or to a bill of materials (BOM). 


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Screen management

This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and information is displayed and printed.

If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.

The Reintegration plan function contains a header information section into which you enter your selection (or filtering) criteria. The tracking details will be built from the reference dates you provide.

Entry screen


Header information

Use this section to filter or select the components to be reintegrated (returned to stock):

  • Work order. This range is only available if the tracking type 'WO reintegration' is planned by the transaction.
  • Released product. Use this range to search released products instead of work orders. This range is only available if the tracking type 'WO reintegration' is planned by the transaction.
  • BOM. Use this range to search bills of materials (BOMs) instead of work orders. This range is only available if the tracking type 'BOM reintegration' is planned by the transaction.
  • Material. Use this range to search work orders and products (BOMs).
Material reintegration grid

The columns displayed in the Reintegration plan grid or table and the order in which they are displayed is determined by the selected entry transaction.

The available columns depends on the type of tracking to be carried out:

  • Posting date. Today's date is the default date. You can enter an earlier date than today but not a later date. The receipts are carried out on the entered date. The system will validate that the entry falls in a period for which stock updates are authorized.
  • The tracking type, the work order code, the BOM code.
  • The quantity to be reintegrated (returned to stock) and closure flag.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The production site from which the work orders are to be selected.

The production site defined on the user record is displayed by default but can be amended.

  • Issue start date (field WENDDATD)

Use this field to filter the orders to be loaded.

SEEWARNINGObserve loading times.

  • Date fin sortie (field WENDDATF)


  • Filter (field FILTMAT)

Use this field to filter the records to be tracked. Select one of the following values:

  • All
  • Closed
  • Not closed
  • Warehouse (field WRHE)

The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.

It represents the movement warehouse for all order lines.

  • It can be modified if it is defined as enterable in the entry transaction.
    If it is entered, it serves as a filter for stock detail line selection.
    If it is not entered, the warehouse defined by default for this type of movement in the product-site record will serve as a filter for the selection.
  • It cannot be modified when the entry transaction is set up as single-warehouse managed. The header warehouse is then mandatory.
    To manage multiple warehouses on the lines the entry transaction must be set up so that it can be entered. The selection of a single product line distributed over multiple warehouses is available by clicking Enter detailed quantites from the Actions icon.
    If a single product line is distributed over multiple warehouses, the corresponding fields display the '$' character.

SEEINFOThe warehouse entered on the line has priority over the warehouse entered in the header.

Start - end range

  • Work order (field WMFGNUMD)

Filter for results within a range of work orders. For a single work order, enter the same work order number in the from/start Work order and to/end Work order fields.

  • Operation (field WOPENUMD)

Filter for results within a range of operation sequence numbers. For a single operation sequence number, enter the same sequence number in the from/start Operation and to/end Operation fields.

Filter for results within a range of finished products (BOMs). For a single bill of materials (BOM), enter the same product code in the from/start Released product and to/end Released product fields.

Filter for results within a range of bills of materials (BOMs). For a single BOM, enter the same product code in the from/start BOM and to/end BOM fields.

Filter for results within a range of bills of materials (BOM) codes. Multiple bills of materials (BOMs) can be defined for a single product. Each BOM code can be assigned specific management features. For manufactured or subcontracted products this includes restriction of the BOM to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for costing or for capacity planning).

For a single BOM code, enter the same sequence number in the from/start Code and to/end Code fields.

Filter for results within a range of materials (components). For a single component, enter the same product in the from/start Material and to/end Material fields.

Block number 2


  • Date (field IPTDAT)

Date utilisée à la comptabilisation du mouvement. Elle est initialisée avec la date du jour et peut être changée pour une date antérieure, si la date sélectionnée se situe dans une période ouverte du calendrier comptable.

SEEINFOVous ne pouvez pas saisir une date supérieure à la date du jour.

  • Pick (field PECFLG)

Select this check box to select this line.

  • Material type (field MATTYP)


  • Order no. (field MFGNUM)

This field displays the work order number.

This product code describes what is referred to as a "Bill of Materials" or a "BOM". A BOM contains structured information for making and costing a product. It defines the components that make up a product, and given this, the cost of the product.

The BOM code matches the product code.

This field indicates the ID of the component product.

  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)

This field indicates which version of this component (material) applies. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the "form, fit or function" has changed.

This field is not populated if the component code defined in the Component or Material field is not version managed.

  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)

This field indicates which minor version of this component (material) applies. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version.

This field is not populated if the component code defined in the Component or Material field is not version managed.

Multiple bills of materials (BOMs) can be defined for a single product. Each BOM code can be assigned specific management features. For manufactured or subcontracted products this includes restriction of the BOM to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for costing or for capacity planning).

  • Source (field ITMTYP)


This field displays the unit in which the product is stored. It provides the key to prices, costs, volumes etc.

  • Consumed qty. (field USEQTY)

This field displays the used quantity and cannot be modified.

    It is possible to specify a packing unit by supplier.
    This product can have several packing units:

    • A packing unit defined on the product record (from the Packing units table). These units are proposed during stock transaction entry.
      The number of packing units that can be entered is subject to the NUC - Number of packing units activity code.
    • A packing unit linked to the supplier (defined on the product-supplier record).
    • Two customer packing units (from the product-customer record). These can be used as sales units in order entry.

    Only packing type units from the units of measure table can be selected.

    • Coefficient (field PCUSTUCOE)

    Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in packing units: Quantity in STK = Qty in PAC * conversion factor.

    This conversion factor can be accessed if the packing Unit field (PCU) has been entered, and has a value different from the Stock unit field (STU). It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists.

    • Qty to be reintegrated (field REIQTYPCU)

    Use this field to define the quantity of this component to reintegrate or return to stock.

    • QTY reint STK (field REIQTY)

    This field displays the quantity of this component to be reintegrated or returned to stock.

    • Quantity type (field TYPQTY)


    • Closed (field CLEFLG)

    Use this field to specify whether the line must be closed or not ('Yes'/'No').

    • Warehouse (field WRH)

    The presence of this field is subject to the WRH activity code.
    It defaults to the value of the warehouse specified in the header.

    • This field can be modified if it is defined as available for entry at the level of the entry transaction.
      When this field is entered, it is used as a filter for stock detail line selection and cannot be modified.
      When this field is not entered, the warehouse defined by default for this type of movement in the product-site record is used as the selection filter.
    • It cannot be modified when the entry transaction is set up as single-warehouse managed. The header warehouse is then mandatory and the warehouse cannot be entered either on the document lines or on the stock detail lines.
      To manage multiple warehouses on the lines, the entry must be set up at the entry transaction level. The selection of a single product line distributed over multiple warehouses is available by clicking Enter detailed quantities from the Actions icon.
      If a single product line is distributed over multiple warehouses, the corresponding fields display the '$' character.

    SEEINFOThe warehouse entered on the line has priority over the warehouse entered in the header.

    • Status (field STA)

    The stock status is used to define if a product is:

    • A: Accepted
    • Q: Pending Quality Control
    • R: Rejected.
      A sub-status of two alphanumerical characters is used to further define the status.
    • RD: Rejected products to be destroyed
    • SR: Supplier return

    The status assigned to the stock receipt is enterable. It depends partly on the product management rule (see Management tab of the product category the current product belongs to) for the movement type Miscellaneous Receipt and for the movement code defined by the transaction, if it exists. A default status can be set up on the management rule.

    Moreover, if the product is set up with a modifiable quality control (see the Product record, Supplier tab, Quality section), the system necessarily suggests to receive the stock with a status type Q*, but the user is free to enter the stock with the status A* or R*, according to which is authorized by the management rule.

    Finally, if the product is managed with non-modifiable quality control, the system necessarily offers the entry in stock with the status type Q*, but the user cannot change the status to A* or R*.

    In all cases, the list of statuses authorized by combining the management rule and the quality control management method for the product is available from the Actions icon on the Status field.

    Additionally, it is possible to enter the same receipt note line using several different statuses. In order to do this, you need to detail the line in the Quantity detail entry window:This window opens automatically if stock information is missing from the line entry. Otherwise, open it by clicking the Actions icon from the note line.
    If a receipt line is distributed over several different units, the Unit field on the document line is loaded with the '$' character.

    Location types are used to codify warehouse locations according to storage characteristics such as their dimensions, authorized statuses and technical constraints.

    The location type is automatically loaded from the location type associated with:

    • the container (if entered); The location type can be modified if the status of the container is ‘Free’, which means it does not contain any stock lines yet.
    • the products by warehouse (if warehouses are managed);
    • the product-site.

    In all cases, the location type can be modified if its entry is enabled at the level of the entry transaction.

    You may only enter a ‘dock’ type location if the entry transaction authorizes receipts on dock.

    SEEINFOWhen warehouses are managed, entry of a location type is only permitted if at least one location is linked to the entered type and warehouse.

    • Dstn. location (field LOC)

    The storage location is automatically displayed based on the location type, if specified. Otherwise, the location taken into account is by default the location defined in the Product-warehouse, if the warehouses are managed, or else the location defined in the product-site record.
    This value can later be modified.

    SEEINFOWhen the warehouses are managed, only a location linked to the specified warehouse can be entered.

    • Lot (field LOT)

    This field indicates the lot linked to the stock movement.

    • No. of sublots (field NBSLO)

    This field contains the number of sub-lots concerned by the stock transaction.

    • Sublot (field SLO)

    Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction.

    • Ending sublot (field SLOF)

    This field indicates the last sub-lot on which the stock movement is applied.

    • Starting serial number (field SERNUM)

    Serial number for which the movement will be carried out.

    • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)

    This is the serial number of the product.

    • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)

    Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary.

    • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)


    • Movement description (field MVTDES)

    Free text that will be written in the stock journal for each movement of the return line. This information can also be modified in the Stock detail window.

    • Date of movement (field WIPTDAT)


    • Stock withdrawal (field STOCODL)


    • Description (field ITMDES1)

    This is the description from the product record.

    • Requirement date (field RETDAT)


    The setup determines if the analytical dimensions can be modified. They are initialized based on the setup of the default dimension.

    In creation mode, if no order line has been entered and the project code is modified, the analytical dimensions are reset based on the setup of default dimensions.

    In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line is entered and the project code is modified, the analytical dimensions are not reset.





    Action icon

    Tracking report

    Click Tracking report from the Actions icon to view, in summary, the quantities of this component in progress for this work order.

    The screen summarizes the line status (pending, in process, completed), the planned and consumed quantities, the material allocation status (global, detailed allocation, with or without shortage) and specifies whether negative stock is authorized for this material or not. If this material is allocated, the system can submit the allocation detail inquiry (by quantity, lot, location and stock status).

    Material detail

    Click Material detail from the Actionsicon to view the details for this component using the standard screen display mode.

    Work order

    Click Work order from the Actions icon to view the work order details.

    Movement inquiry

    Click Movement inquiry from the Actions icon to view historical stock movements for this component.

    Enter detailed quantities

    Click Enter detailed quantities from the Actions icon to view or amend the reintegration (receipt) details for this component.

    You can use this action to distribute this receipt line over multiple lots, multiple sublots for a lot, multiple repositories, multiple locations, multiple statuses and non consecutive serial numbers.

    If the '$' character is displayed in a field, this indicates that this field is detailed. The receipt details window opens automatically enabling you to view or amend the distribution lines linked to this receipt line.

     The receipt details window is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and information is displayed and printed.

    Include all

    Click Include all from the Actions icon to reintegrate the total consumed quantity of this component to stock.

    Exclude all

    Click Exclude all from the Actions icon to exclude (or cancel) this component line.

    Text entry

    Click Text entry from the Actions icon to view, enter or modify text associated with this bill of materials (BOM) or component. For example, information describing why this work order resulted in surplus stock.




    Specific actions

    Click the Searchaction to load the grid with the products and components to be tracked according to the entered selection criteria.

    You can delete selected lines (click Delete from the Actions icon) grid. The maximum number of lines that can be included in the grid is determined by the selected entry transaction.

    Click the Criteria action to further refine your entered selections. You can filter the products and components to be processed by order and project, and modify the sort order. You can also save your selection criteria as a memo to reuse as required.

    Click the Validationaction to validate or confirm the details of each selected line in the grid. Each line for which validation is successful will create the corresponding work order tracking record. One Work order tracking record will be created per posting date.

    If material consumption or production reporting occurs at the same time, the tracking date of the operation is applied to the corresponding stock movement transaction. The system will check that the stock movement date falls in a period in which stock updates are authorized.

    The results of the tracking are written to the System log. The log file displays the number for each work order tracking record created.

     If clicking the Validation action returns data to the grid this indicates that there might be an issue with the data or the System log is locked. You should first try to revalidate the data by clicking the Validation action again.

    • If an empty grid is returned after you click the Validation action this confirms that the data has been correctly executed.
    • If data is returned to the grid after clicking the Validation action a second time this indicates that there is an issue with the data on those lines. You must correct the data before you can continue or retry the Validation action in case some records were locked by other transactions. Any lines that have been removed have been saved because the data has been correctly executed.

    Menu bar

    Option / Transaction

    Click the Transactionaction to view the format of this entry transaction.

    Error messages

    In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

    Quantity larger than maximum authorized

    This message is displayed if you are trying to return more components to stock than were issued to a work order. Change the figure in the field Qty to be reintegrated (field REIQTYPCU).

    Tables used

    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation