Human Resources administration > Payroll > Payslip by email 

This function allows to send to the employee the montlhy payslips by email. This function can be used to send by email payslips corresponding to several criteria.


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Screen management

Entry screen


This screen allows you to:

  • Select the payslips to sent by email by entering criteria for the company, the site, the department, the profile, the employees and the population.
  • Specify the dates of the payslips. It is possible to send more than one payslip by pay date for the same payment month. 

To send the Pay slip by email, the follow criteria must be fulfilled:

  • The pay slip status must be calculated or printed;
  • The Setup must be completed.

At the end of the process, a log file displays the report of the generation.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

Select this checkbox to include all companies. To run this process for a single company, do not select this checkbox.

Alphanumeric characters used to identify a company in a unique manner.
It is possible to define one or several sites within the same company.
It is possible to define a company as not being a legal company (then, it serves for reporting purposes only).

  • All sites (field ALLFCY)

Select this check box to include all sites. To run this process for a single site, leave clear.

This number is used to identify the site in a unique way.
A site belongs to only one company.
A site can represent a geographical location (plant, company, etc. ) or a responsibility center.

SEEWARNING All operating management actions are carried out from a site.

It is possible to associate a default site or one site per module for each user. Depending on the function being used, the default site is submitted automatically. It can be modified with another site which has been authorized for the user, according to this user’s authorizations.

  • field WFILLER



  • All departments (field ALLSRV)

If this box is checked, the processing is launched for all departments (otherwise, they have to be specified).

This code is used to identify the service for which the processing must be launched. 
You can assign a default service to each user.

  • All profiles (field ALLPRF)

If this box is checked, the processing is launched for all profiles (otherwise, they have to be specified).

This code is used to identify the employee profile for which the processing must be launched.
You can assign a default profile to each user.

This field defines the selection ranges of the registration numbers to be processed by the function.



  • Other criterion (field CRI)

You can select a criterion or enter a formula to complete the selection criteria.

Payroll elements

  • From payment date (field PAYDATDEB)

Field containing the salary payment date. This field defaults to the payment date defined by the Pay month function. 

This date can be later than the date displayed in the field Pay date and in a different month however, if the Pay date is changed to a date later than the Payment date this field is updated automatically to match the Pay date.

This date is changed automatically to match the Pay date when the parameter JPAY contains a value that results in salary payments being deferred to the following month.

  • To (field PAYDATFIN)


  • Pay date start (field PYRDATDEB)

Pay date for the payslip.

It is possible to see the pay date in the payslip header.



  • To (field PYRDATFIN)




Specific Buttons

It is used to save the setups entered by associating a code.

It is used to recover the setups previously saved by entering the memo code to recover.

It is used to delete a memo previously saved by entering its code.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

There are no pay slips for the selected filter

For the selected criteria there is no payslip with the status calculated/printed.

Tables used

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