The goal is to ensure the transport of Shipments to their delivery place.
In this function, you can:
Once the transport process is defined, you can use it to perform shipments.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
| The transport number is mandatory. The User can:
| This long description is used as a title in screens and reports. By default the short title, the long title or the column header of a data are recorded (on creation/update) in the connection language of the user.
A user who logs on with this language will view the short description, long description or column header in their connection language if a translation exists. Otherwise, these descriptions will be available in the folder language.
| You can enter in this field, for information purposes only, the identification code of the transport. |
The following fields are present on this tab :
| It is possible to assign one of the following statuses to the transport: Created
In process Arrived This status is managed manually. |
| This field is used to select a Carrier. |
| Enter the BP code or use the Lookup tool to search from the BP table. It is the BP in charge of the logistics operations relating to the shipment. For example, a forwarding agent or a shipping agent. |
| Select the transport mode used. This information is mandatory. |
| Select the departure Place of transport. This information is optional but if you enter the departure place, then you must also enter the arrival place (and conversely). |
| This field cannot be entered. It displays the country in which the departure place is located. |
| Select the arrival Place of transport. This information is optional but if you enter the departure place, then you must also enter the arrival place (and conversely). |
| This field cannot be entered. It displays the country in which the arrival place is located. |
| Enter the departure date of transport. This information is optional. |
| You can freely enter the expected arrival date. In that case, it is that date that will be taken into account. It cannot be recalculated. You can also leave the field empty: this date will then be calculated automatically at the time of creation based on the departure date. The expected arrival date is calculated as follows: Arrival date + Transport lead time between the departure place and arrival place + release lead time at arrival place + potential total days difference. The transport lead time considered between the departure place and arrival place is the one defined for the specified transportation mode and carrier. If this setup does not exist for the given carrier, the transport lead time defined for the transportation mode is considered. If no setup has been defined for this transportation mode, then the transport lead time defined between the departure place and arrival place is considered. Otherwise, the calculation is performed with no transport lead time. When using the transport with a shipment, this date populates the expected arrival date of the shipment. |
| This is the effective arrival date of the transport. You are free to enter this date. |
| You can freely enter a difference in full days. This difference is considered when calculating the expected arrival date. This can be a delay causing the initially planned arrival date to be behind schedule. |
| This field cannot be entered. It corresponds to total of the Shift to applyand lead time for each incident. |
Block number 3
On this tab, enter the incidents that can occur during transport.
The lead time of each incident will increment the Total days difference and impact the arrival date.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| This field is used to enter the reason of the incident. |
| Enter the incident duration, in number of full days, impacting the expected receipt date. |
| This field is used to enter the incident date. This information is mandatory. |
| Use this field to enter a comment. |
This tab displays a summary list of the shipments included in the transport and their main characteristics:
The following fields are present on this tab :
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
Action icon
Use this tab to track the different steps of your transport.
You can create this tracking using the standard tracking templates that you defined beforehand in the Tracking templates function.
When you select a template, all the steps defined in this template are automatically displayed. You can modify them.
You can also delete steps, or manually or automatically add others by selecting another template. The steps of the new template are added to the existing ones.
A template is used only to initialize the tracking steps: no modification performed on the template afterwards is transferred onto this screen.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Select the template that you wish to use to initialize the tracking steps for your transport. After saving, the field is reset and you can select a new template: the same or another. These steps are automatically added after the steps of the previously selected template.
| This field, which is not available for entry, indicates the status for the entire tracking. |
| This field cannot be entered. It displays the sequence number of each tracking step. |
| Help common to the functions: Shipments, Transports and Shipment pre-receipt. This field displays the name of the tracking step.
You can modify or delete a step only if the two following conditions are met:
You can manually add and insert steps:
You can also add in mass all the steps of another template by selecting this new template. These steps are added to the existing ones. You can therefore successively select several templates. |
| Help common to the functions: Shipments, Transports and Shipment pre-receipt. You can define a dependency link with another step, called parent step.
Once the step chosen, its description is displayed followed by the sequence number of the step in order to differentiate other possible identical steps. |
| Help common to the functions: Shipments, Transports and Shipment pre-receipt. You can enter the due date of the step. |
| Help common to the functions: Shipments, Transports and Shipment pre-receipt. The end date of the step is automatically specified with the current date when you switch the line status from In progress to Completed (by clicking Complete from the Actions icon at the beginning of the line). This date can be modified. Entering an end date:
This action also automatically switches the tracking status to Completed, when all the mandatory steps have the Completed status. When the step status is Completed, you can switch the status again to In progress by clicking Open from the Actions icon. |
| Use this field to enter a comment. |
| Help common to the functions: Shipments, Transports and Shipment pre-receipt. You can indicate the user responsible for the step. When moving the line from the In progress to the Completed status, your user code is automatically displayed in this field. You can modify it. |
| Help common to the functions: Shipments, Transports and Shipment pre-receipt. The step status is not available. |
Action icon
This action is available only for a step with a In progress status. It is used to switch the status of the step from In progress to Finished.
This action automatically populates:
This action also automatically switches the tracking status to Finished, when all the mandatory steps have the Finished status.
You can switch to Finished the status of a step with a dependency link, only if the status of the parent step is Finished.
When the status of the step is Finished, this action is renamed Open to allow you to switch the status to In progress.
This action is available only for a step with a To do status. It is used to switch the status of the step from To do to In progress.
This action automatically populate the code of the User who performed the action.
Click this action to access the Document traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document.