General parameters > Chapter Manufacturing > Parameter CLCWOCAUT (Auto provisional costs) 

This parameter defines whether the provisional costs for a work order should be calculated automatically, or on demand.

In WO creation and modification - This is the default value for this parameter. Provisional costs are calculated automatically when the following events occur:

  • A new work order is raised. Provisional costs are calculated automatically when a new work order is raised.
  • An existing work order is modified. Provisional costs are recalculated automatically after each modification to a work order.
  • A subcontract order is modified. Provisional costs are recalculated automatically after each modification to a Subcontract order (GESSCO), if an operation in the routing is subcontracted to an external supplier.

No - Provisional costs for a work order are calculated on demand. With this parameter set to No, two options are provided for calculating the provisional costs of a work order as, and when required. You can use one or both of the following:

  • The Calculate expected cost function (CALMFGCOST). Use this function to calculate provisional costs for one or a range of work orders.
  • The WO provisional cost calculation action in the Work order function (GESMFG). Use this action to calculate provisional costs for a specific, or the current work order.

In WO creation - Provisional costs are calculated automatically when a new work order is raised.

Parameter CSTRCPORD - Provisional cost declaration (GPA chapter, COS group)

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder.It belongs to Chapter GPA (Manufacturing) and the Group COS (Costs),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GCLCWOCAUT is associated with it.

Functions impacted

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

 Manufacturing > Batch processes > Work order  > Upgrade

 Manufacturing > Planning > Work order

 Purchasing > Subcontract > Subcontract orders


Parameter CSTRCPORD - Provisional cost declaration (GPA chapter, COS group) determines if the provisional cost calculations are for the theoretical provisional costs of a work order or for the provisional release costs of a work order.