Training > Training process > Individual programs 

Use this function to create an individual program, either from an already existing standard program, or directly from this function, without using a standard program.

Entering a standard program makes it possible to retrieve the data associated with it (position, standard job, training periods, and so on).


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Screen management

Duplication principle

You can duplicate an individual program for another employee ID while keeping the details of the program and trainings periods. Changing the contract ID triggers the duplication.

The information in the Program and Training periods tabs is retrieved. All the other data specific to an employee is not retrieved and the corresponding fields remain blank.
In the Evaluation tab, the requested skills for the standard job or position and the requested skills which have been added manually are displayed after duplication.
Validated skills are not duplicated.

When a registration to one of the program's training periods is created, the following elements are updated:

  • Period start and end dates: these dates correspond to the start and end dates of the registration at the time of creation of the registration.
  • Status of the line: the status switches to Employed.
  • Number of days and hours: it is equal to the number of days and hours entered at the time of creation of the registration.
  • Number of hours outside of working hours: it is equal to the number of hours entered during the creation of the registration.

The information above contain the same values for the following events:

  • Mass registrations
  • Changes in the (start or end) dates of a session and, consequently, in the associated registrations
  • Postponed registrations

When a session is closed, the following data is once again updated:

  • Period start and end dates: they are equal to the start and end dates of the registration, at the time of closing.
  • Status: the status switches to Completed.
  • Number of days and hours: this number is equal to the number of days and hours completed in the registration.
  • Number of hours outside of working hours: this number is equal to the number of days completed in the registration.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

If a request has been generated for one of the training periods, this field can no longer be modified.

  • Title (field DESTCS)


  • Program code (field COD)

This field displays the code of the standard program. Entering a standard program makes it possible to retrieve its data (position, standard job, training periods, maximum number of hours, and so on). A confirmation message is displayed, except in creation mode where the update is made without any confirmation message.

  • Title (field DESAXX)


  • Short title (field SHOAXX)


Block number 2

  • Professionalization period (field FLGPRO)

This field exists at the level of each training period request. It also serves as a selection or totaling criterion in some inquiries or editions.

If a training request exists for a training period, this field can no longer be modified.



Tab Program


The following fields are present on this tab :


This field is mandatory. Since an individual program is specific to an employee and a contract, the contract, surname and first name of the employee are displayed.

  • Name (field NAM)


  • First name (field SRN)


  • Contract (field CTR)

The active contract is retrieved and the employee's attendance is checked. A choice can be made if the employee has several contracts.

  • Date of contract (field CTRDAT)


  • Duration (field DUREE)

This field is initialized with the value defined in the standard program. Entering a value in this field is not mandatory.

  • Time unit (field UOMTIM)

The duration of the program and the choice of unit are initialized with those defined in the standard program.

  • Period from (field STRDAT)

The Start date and End date fields are mandatory.

Concerning the start date, the presence of the employee is checked. An employee cannot be associated with several programs starting on the same date. The system checks whether an employee already exists on this date.

When you modify the start date, the end date is calculated according to the duration.

A warning message is displayed if the period:

  • is included in the period of the associated training periods,
  • includes the required start date of the associated training periods.
  • Period to (field ENDDAT)


The position is initialized with the one defined in the standard program. It is possible to:

  • Leave the field blank
  • Select the position from the list of positions.

When requested skills are defined for the current position, they can be displayed in the program (provided the skills module has been purchased).

The standard job is initialized with the one defined in the standard program. You can:

  • Leave the field blank
  • Select the standard job from the standard job list, accessed via the corresponding Selection icon.

When requested skills are defined for the current position, they can be displayed in the program (provided the skills module has been purchased).

  • Other title (field DESJOB)

This field is optional. It is populated through selection in the list of employees. The surname and first name of the employee are displayed. The attendance of the employee is checked.

  • Name (field NAMT)


  • First name (field SRNT)


  • Number of maximum hours (field NBRHOUMAX)

You can use this field to enter the maximum total number of training hours for the current program.



Tab Training periods


This tab lists the training periods related to the program.

You cannot modify or delete a line of a training period if a training request exists for this training period.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Training periods

It is possible to select existing training periods or to create new ones via a jump.
It is not mandatory to know the training organization.



  • No. of days (field NBRDAY)

The numbers of days (planned, completed) are not displayed if the type of the training period is "Other training period".

  • No. of hours (field NBRHOUIPT)


  • Order (field ORDRE)

A unique order number is associated with each training period (0, 1, 2, and so on). This number is indicative.

  • Outside of working hours (field FLGOWT)


  • Mandat (field FLGOBG)

Each training period can be mandatory or not in the program.

  • Requested date (field STRDATS)

This field is not mandatory. This is why this date remains blank after a duplication.

When modifying period dates of a program, a test on the requested start dates of the training periods lines is performed: a non-blocking message is displayed.

When modifying the requested start date, a test on the period dates of the program is performed: a non-blocking message is displayed.

A non-blocking control of the requested date is also performed against the order number of the other training periods, if the date is specified and the order number is greater than '0'. A training period with an order number greater than the other training periods has a date which is greater than the other training periods.




  • Period start (field STRDATR)

The Period start and Period end fields are updated at the time of registration for the training period.

  • Period end (field ENDDATR)


  • Status (field STA)

There are three possible values for this field:

  • 'Entered': displayed by default during the line creation,
  • 'Employed': updated during registration for the training period,
  • 'Completed': updated when the session is closed.
  • Number of days completed (field NBRDAYREAA)

The number of days completed, the number of hours worked and the number of hours outside of working hours are updated when entering absences in the registration.

  • No. of hours completed (field NBRHOUREA)

The number of days completed, the number of hours worked and the number of hours outside of working hours are updated when entering absences in the registration.

  • No. of hours outside of WH (field NBRHOUIPT2)



  • Day total (field NBRDAYT)

Corresponds to the total number of planned training days. Only the days for training periods of "Short-term training period" type are totaled.

  • Total days completed (field NBRDAYREAT)


  • Total hours (field NBRHOUIPTT)

Corresponds to the total number of planned training hours. The hours of all training periods are totaled, whether they are of "Short-term training period" type or "Other training period" type.

  • Total hours completed (field NBRHOUREAT)

Corresponds to the total number of training hours completed during working hours. The hours of all training periods are totaled, whether they are of "Short-term training period" type or "Other training period" type.

  • Total hours outside of working hours (field NBRHOUIPT2)

Corresponds to the total number of training hours completed outside of working time. The training hours of all training periods are totaled, whether they are of "Short-term training period" type or "Other training period" type.

Skills info

  • Type (field PRGTYP)



  • Accreditation number (field ACRNUM)




Functions accessed by right click on the grid

Training period
Registration proposal

To register the employee for the first training period which is open and not full, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Registration proposal. The action is only available if a training request already exists and if the current line does not have the 'Employed' status.

When the registration is confirmed, the status of the current line switches to the 'Employed' status.




Tab Tracking


This tab contains a list of tracking items.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Tracking

The default tracking items list is the one of the miscellaneous table 468 "Follow-up actions" whose default items have 'Yes' for value.

  • Tracking date (field SUIDAT)

You can use this field to add a date for each follow-up action.

  • Follow-up comment (field SUICMT)

You can use this field to add a comment for each follow-up action.



Tab Assessment


This tab does not appear if the GPEC module has not been purchased.

The number of requested and validated skills is limited to the CPC sizing activity code.
A verification is made to check that the skills are unique.

"Requested skills" block

The list of requested skills is initialized with those of the standard job and position defined for the program. The standard job and position are inherited from the standard program when they are specified.
The initialization is not an automatic process: to initialize the skills, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Init. skills.

You can add skills to the list of skills originating from the standard job or the position. You can only modify those skills having a Manual source. (the source column has the Manual value).

Validated skills block

The initialization of the skills validated for the current employee is not an automatic process: to initialize the skills, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Init. skills. The validated skills originate from the employee's Careers record.

You can add skills to those that have already been validated. You can only modify those skills having a Manual source.

Variances block

This block presents in a graphical way the variances between the skills that are requested (for the standard job or the position defined in the program) and those that the employee has validated. The level and the reference originating from the evaluation scale are displayed. These are the skills as they exist at the time of initialization. They can be updated (ESC+ F5).

The number of skills is limited to the CIG = CPC + CPC sizing activity code.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table Requested skills

Requested skills can be initialized. Click the Actions Icon, then Init skills. In such a case, skills match those skills defined in the standard job or the position of the program.

Skills can be added manually.

  • Level (field LEVCPC)

When a skill is entered (and not obtained through initialization), the suggested level is the lowest one on the skill scale.

  • Reference (field LEVREF)

The reference associated with the level of the evaluation scale is displayed.

  • Inheritance (field ORICPC)

For each requested skill, the inheritance is displayed. The possible values are:


The skill is defined as requested at folder level. In this case, this skill is applied to all standard jobs and positions of the folder.


The skill is defined for the sector on which the standard job and the position of the program depend.


The skill is defined for the branch on which the standard job and the position of the program depend.

Standard job

The skill is defined in the standard job of the program.


The skill is defined in the position of the program.


The skill was added by the user and does not originate from the initialization.

Table Validated skills

Validated skills can be initialized: click the Actions icon, then Init. skills. In such a case, skills match those skills defined in the standard job or the position of the program.

Skills can be added manually.

  • Level (field LEVCPCVAL)

When a skill is entered (and not obtained through initialization), the suggested level is the lowest one on the skill scale.

  • Reference (field LEVREFVAL)

The reference associated with the level of the evaluation scale is displayed.

  • Source (field ORICPCVAL)

When they are initialized, the validated skills come from the employee's Careers record. For each skill, the source is displayed. The possible values are:


The skill was validated during an assessment interview.


The skill was validated during a previous program.

Training course

The skill was validated at the end of a previous training course,


The skill was entered in the employee's Careers record.

When skills are entered in the program, or when their evaluated level is modified, their source is Manual.

  • Evaluated level (field LEVCPCEVA)

The evaluated level makes it possible to update the skill level of the employee throughout or at the end of the individual program.

When the evaluated level is entered, the source takes the 'Manual' value. 

  • Reference (field LEVREFEVA)

The reference associated with the level of the evaluation scale is displayed.

  • Date of issue (field CPCDATVAL)

The acquisition date corresponds to the date on which the skill has been validated for the current employee. It is initialized with the current date when the evaluated level is entered in the program or when a skill is added manually.

  • Validation (field FLGCPE)

The "Skills validation" function makes it possible to refresh the evaluated skills levels in the current employee's Careers record. In the Careers record, the source of the updated skills takes the 'Program' value.

The 'Validation' check box indicates that the update has been made in the Careers record. This is a non-blocking function so skills levels can still be changed.

Table Variances

The skills are represented in the form of a graph that shows the variances between the skills and levels required for the standard job and position of the program and the skills that are validated and evaluated for the current employee.

  • Requirements (field REQUIS)

Originates from the standard job and position defined in the current program.

  • Accumulated (field ACQUIS)

Originates from the current employee's Careers record or from the program if the level of a skill (evaluated level) has been updated.

The screen must be refreshed (F5) for the graph to be displayed with the last updated values.



Functions accessed by right click on the grid

Level scale

To access the level scale, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Level scale. Among other things, you can view the definition of each level of the scale.


To access the skills, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Skills. Among other things, you can view the definition of each skill level.

Init skills

To reinitialize the skills with those of the position or the standard job of the program, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Init. skills. Skills having a Manual source, that is to say those entered and not initialized, are retained.

Init skills

You can reinitialize the skills with those of the employee (originating from the Careers function), as long as the Skills validation function has not been initialized in the program. Click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Init. skills.

Level scale

To access the level scale, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Level scale. Among other things, you can view the definition of each level of the scale.


To access the skills, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Skills. Among other things, you can view the definition of each skill level.




Tab Requests


This tab displays the training requests generated from the program, with the exception of those that were rejected.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Table RFQ



  • Request date (field DATDEM)


  • Status (field STA)


  • Tracking (field FLGINS)









Functions accessed by right click on the grid


To access the training request, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Request.


To access the Registration record, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Registration.




Tab Comments


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • field RRHCMT

Field available for entering comments on the progression of the program and the decisions taken at the end of the program.




By default, the following reports are associated to the function :

 FICCSI : Individual program file

 LISTCSI : Individual program follow-up

This can be changed by a different setup.

Specific Buttons

Click Generation of requests to call the mass generation function for the training periods of the program which do not have a request number yet.

Click Proposal to call the mass generation function of registrations for all training periods of the program (which already have a request and have not started yet). In such a case, the registrations become effective in the first sessions opened for each training period.

Additionally, you can generate registrations training period by training period. Select the requested criteria and enter the start dates of the training period. You can thus better control how the program progresses and the order of completion of the training periods.

When the registration is generated, the status of the line in the program switches to the Employed value.

The Proposal button is active if the GPEC mode is activated.

Skills acquired during or at the end of the program are updated in the employee's Careers record. Those skills have Program as their source.

  • Modification action if the skill already exists and if the level is different,
  • Creation action if the skill does not exist in the employee's Careers record.

The validation generates a log file.

When skills are updated, they are identified as follows: the Validation box is selected in the program (in the Validated skills grid).

This button is activated if the GPEC mode is also activated.

The acquired skills are updated in the acquired skills of the employee. Their source is Program:

  • Modification action if the skill already exists at the same acquisition date and if the level is different.
  • Creation mode if the skill does not exist or if the acquisition date is different.

For the acquired skills of the program which were used to update the acquired skills of the employee, the check box 'CPE Validation' is selected.

The validation generates a log file.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Do you wish to initialise the training with the training type data?

This message is displayed when entering the standard program code. The user must confirm that hey have retrieved the data of the standard

In creation mode, the update occurs without this confirmation message.

You cannot enter this course as it is a dummy

This message is displayed after the system has checked that the training period code is unique.

Tables used

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