Projects > Time management > Inquiries > Time inquiry 

Use this function to display labor time recorded for one, or between a range of dates.

You can inquire by company and site, employee, category of time, and status of the time entry record for one, a range of projects, or for all time entry records.

 You can access this function directly from a project.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The Inquiry screens function for code PTE determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed.

The Time inquiry function contains a section for you to enter your selection criteria, and a table in which the results of the search are displayed.




Use this section to filter or select employee time records:

  • Start date. The default Start date is the first date of the month two months before the current month, but can be amended.
  • End date. The default End date is the last date of the current month, but can be amended.

The search, therefore, covers a 3 month period, by default.

Category, Status

You can filter the results by the category of time, and the status of the time entry record using the Category and Status sections.

You can use the Criteria action to enhance the selection criteria applied.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 3


The legal company for which the employee time records are to be selected.

Use this field to filter for employee time records for a budget site, which will be a financial site, or for a task site, which will be an operational site. Type in or select a specific site code or to include all sites, leave blank.


The user for which employee time records are to be selected.

 This user must be enabled for recording time against projects. That is, the Time entry check box on their user record is selected.

This field displays the code that represents the unit of time in which labor is measured for this project, or activity.

  • Start date (field PTEDATDEB)

Filter for results for a specific period of time. For a single day, enter the same date in the Start date and End date fields. The Start date and End date fields are both mandatory.

The time category (for example, overtime, double time, travel time) for which the employee time records are to be selected. Leave blank to include all time categories.

Filter for results within a range of project codes. For a single project, enter the same project code in the From project and To project fields. The content can be one of the following:

  • A project code.
  • A project code and a project budget code.
  • A project code and a project task code, that is a labor task code, or a combined (mixed) labor and material task code.

If the value of this field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project budget structure or the project operational (task) structure. For example, if a material task code is "USA-P3" and a project code is "USA12345678", this field displays a link to the project operational structure as "USA12345678!USA-P3".

To provide a quick and easy visual reference the link to the project or project structure is distinguishable by the number of separator characters used. If there is no separator, the link is made to the project. A single separator character such as an exclamation mark after the project code (the first code) indicates the link type is a task (the link is to the project operational structure). Two separators placed after the project code mean that the link corresponds to a budget code (the link is to the project cost structure).

 This field is populated by default with the project code if you accessed this function directly from the project. If you accessed this function from the project structure the project code and project budget/task code is displayed accordingly.

  • Whole project (field PJTDSPALL)

Select this check box to view all records linked to the selected projects. To only view records linked to the selected structure of the projects, leave this check box clear.

If the value of the From/To project field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" the search includes the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is "USA-P3" and a project code is "USA12345678", this field displays a link to the project operational structure as "USA12345678!USA-P3".


  • Pending validation (field PTESTA1)

Select this check box to filter the employee time records to be selected by the current status (work in progress) of the time entry. The following stages are associated with the processing cycle of a time entry record:

  • New/Awaiting validation, for a new time entry.
  • Validated, if the time entry is complete and has been validated, or a new time entry has been created at Validated status (the PJMTIMAUTO - Time entry auto. validation parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yes).
    Validation that the time recorded is correct is usually made by the employee or user that entered the time entry record, or by a time entry administrator.
  • Controlled, if the time entry is complete and has been validated and controlled.
    All time entry records must be "controlled" before they can be approved if the PJMTIMENT - Time entry control phase parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Mandatory. The "control" phase is usually carried out by a project manager, or a project administrator. Whatever the role of the time entry record administrator, they must be authorized as such in their user record. See Note below.
  • Approved, if the time entry is complete and has been validated and controlled (optional phase), and is approved for posting.
    Approval of a time entry is usually made by a project manager, or a project administrator.
  • Posted, if the time entry is complete, and has been validated and controlled, approved, and posted.
  • Rejected, if the time entry is complete and has been validated, and then rejected.
    Rejected time entries are redisplayed in the Time entry (PJMTE) and Weekly timesheet (PJMTEW) functions for correction.

 All time entry records must first be validated then controlled (mandatory if the PJMTIMENT - Time entry control phase parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set) before they can be approved then posted. Authorization for each stage of the processing cycle of a time entry record is controlled by the user record, as follows:

  • The Time entry check box must be selected to enter and validate your own labor time.
  • The Time entry check box and the Time entry administrator check box must be selected to enter labor time for a different user.
  • The assigned function profile must be authorized for function PTEVAL (Time approval) with option 4 to "validate" labor time for a different user.
  • The assigned function profile must be authorized for function PTEVAL (Time approval) with option 5 to "control", and option 6 to "approve" labor time.
  • To "reject" a time entry line, the assigned function profile must be authorized for function PTEVAL (Time approval) with option 7.

    • Validated (field PTESTA2)


    • Controlled (field PTESTA3)


    • Approved (field PTESTA4)


    • Posted (field PTESTA5)


    • Rejected (field PTESTA6)


    • Billable only (field BILLABLE)




    Tab Search results


    This section displays all time entry lines that meet the defined selection criteria. Details for each line can include the employee, time spent, date, activity, project, task code, budget code, operation and cost type information.

    The columns displayed in the table, and the order in which they are displayed is determined by the Inquiry screens function for code PTE.




    The following fields are present on this tab :


    The user code against which employee time records have been entered.

     This user is enabled for recording time against projects. That is, the Time entry check box on their user record is selected.

    • Name (field PTENAM)

    This field displays the name defined on this employee's user record.

    • Time spent (field PTEQTY)

    This field displays the amount of time this employee entered against a specific activity on a specific date. Time can be entered against a project, a task, a task operation, and against a specific budget code, and for non-project activities such as training or annual leave.

    This field displays the code that applies to the unit of time in which this labor time was recorded.

    • Date (field PTEDAT)

    This field displays the specific date this labor time was carried out by this employee. Time can be entered against a project, a task, an operation, for a specific budget code, and for non-project activities such as training, or annual leave.

    This field displays the code of a particular project or job your company is working on.

    • Project description (field OPPDES)

    This field displays the description of the particular project or job.

    • Budget code (field PBUCOD)

    This field displays the specific budget code for the displayed project against which this labor time was recorded. Each budget code represents a financial phase of a project.

    • Budget description (field PBUDES)

    This field displays the description of the budget code.

    • Task (field TASCOD)

    This field displays the specific task code for the displayed project against which this labor time was recorded. Each task code corresponds with an operational phase of a project.

    • Task description (field TASDES)

    This field displays the description of the task operation.

    • Operation (field OPENUM)

    This field displays the specific task operation sequence number against which this employee's labor time was recorded.

    • Operation description (field OPEDES)

    This field displays the description of the task operation sequence number.

    • Time (field INQQTY)

    This field displays labor time spent on a specific date against a project in the unit of time defined in the search criteria (Home section).

    This field displays the code of the unit of time defined in the search criteria.

    • Billable time (field BILLABLE)


    • Billed on (field BILFRO)



    • Planned load (field EXTQTY)

    This field displays the total time planned or estimated for this task operation for this project. The quantity is expressed in the time unit.

    • Consumed load (field CSMQTY)

    This field displays the total time consumed by all employees (the aggregated time) against this task or task operation. The quantity is expressed in the time unit.

    • Remaining load (field RMNQTY)

    This field displays the total remaining time (planned time - consumed time) to be consumed against this task or task operation. The quantity is expressed in the time unit.

    • Assigned planned (field ASNPLN)

    This field displays the total time planned (estimated) for this particular employee for this task operation in this project. The quantity is expressed in the time unit.

    • Assigned consumed (field ASNCSM)

    This field displays the total time consumed by this particular employee against this task operation in this project. The quantity is expressed in the time unit.

    • Assigned remaining (field ASNREM)

    This field displays the total remaining time (planned time - consumed time) to be consumed by this employee against this task operation in this project. The quantity is expressed in the time unit.

    This field displays the project cost type against which this employee's labor time was recorded.

     Project cost types define types of cost that can affect a project such as raw materials, labor costs and indirect costs. The following rules are applied to time entry records to assign the project cost type:

    • If a link with a work center is established, the cost type defined on the operation resource (work center record) is assigned.
    • If a link is established at the task category level, the cost type defined on the task category is assigned.
    • If a link with a work center or task category fails, the link is established at the user level and the cost type defined on the user record is assigned.

     The Project overview (PJMOVE) function uses this cost type to calculate actuals.

    This field displays the cost type against which this employee's labor time was recorded.

     Project cost types define types of cost that can affect a project such as labor costs. This employee cost type is defined on this employee's user record. If the user cost type is blank, the cost type is defined on the project, or if the user cost type is blank and the project cost type is blank, the cost type is defined in parameter PCCCOD - Default labor cost type (chapter TC, group PJM).

    This field displays the specific time category (for example, overtime, double time, travel time) against which this employee's labor time was recorded.

    • Status (field PTESTA)

    This field displays the current work in progress status of this time record. The following stages are associated with the processing cycle of a time entry record:

    • New/Awaiting validation, for a new time entry.
    • Validated, if the time entry is complete and has been validated, or a new time entry has been created at Validated status (the PJMTIMAUTO - Time entry auto. validation parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yes).
      Validation that the time recorded is correct is usually made by the employee or user that entered the time entry record, or by a time entry administrator.
    • Controlled, if the time entry is complete and has been validated and controlled.
      All time entry records must be "controlled" before they can be approved if the PJMTIMENT - Time entry control phase parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Mandatory. The "control" phase is usually carried out by a project manager, or a project administrator. Whatever the role of the time entry record administrator, they must be authorized as such in their user record. See Note below.
    • Approved, if the time entry is complete and has been validated and controlled (optional phase), and is approved for posting.
      Approval of a time entry is usually made by a project manager, or a project administrator.
    • Posted, if the time entry is complete, and has been validated and controlled, approved, and posted.
    • Rejected, if the time entry is complete and has been validated, and then rejected.
      Rejected time entries are redisplayed in the Time entry (PJMTE) and Weekly timesheet (PJMTEW) functions for correction.

     All time entry records must first be validated then controlled (mandatory if the PJMTIMENT - Time entry control phase parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set) before they can be approved then posted. Authorization for each stage of the processing cycle of a time entry record is controlled by the user record, as follows:

  • The Time entry check box must be selected to enter and validate your own labor time.
  • The Time entry check box and the Time entry administrator check box must be selected to enter labor time for a different user.
  • The assigned function profile must be authorized for function PTEVAL (Time approval) with option 4 to "validate" labor time for a different user.
  • The assigned function profile must be authorized for function PTEVAL (Time approval) with option 5 to "control", and option 6 to "approve" labor time.
  • To "reject" a time entry line, the assigned function profile must be authorized for function PTEVAL (Time approval) with option 7.

  • This field displays the site from which this project is managed.

    • Entry number (field JOUNUM)

    This field is only populated if this time entry line is at Posted status. It displays the journal number generated when this time entry line was posted as a cost against a project.



    Action icon


    Click Journal from the Actions icon to view the journal details for the journal generated when this time entry line was posted. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed. If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.

     This action is only available for a posted time entry line.




    Specific actions

    Click the Search action to load the list of time entry lines that meet the entered selection criteria.

    The maximum number of lines displayed is defined in the Inquiry screens function for code PTE.

    The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


    The legal company for which the employee time records are to be selected.

    Use this field to filter for employee time records for a budget site, which will be a financial site, or for a task site, which will be an operational site. Type in or select a specific site code or to include all sites, leave blank.


    The user for which employee time records are to be selected.

     This user must be enabled for recording time against projects. That is, the Time entry check box on their user record is selected.

    This field displays the time unit as specified on the task operation on the project, but can be amended.

    Filter for results within a range of project codes. For a single project, enter the same project code in the From project and To project fields. The content can be one of the following:

    • A project code.
    • A project code and a project budget code.
    • A project code and a project task code, that is a labor task code, or a combined (mixed) labor and material task code.

    If the value of this field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project budget structure or the project operational (task) structure. For example, if a material task code is "USA-P3" and a project code is "USA12345678", this field displays a link to the project operational structure as "USA12345678!USA-P3".

    To provide a quick and easy visual reference the link to the project or project structure is distinguishable by the number of separator characters used. If there is no separator, the link is made to the project. A single separator character such as an exclamation mark after the project code (the first code) indicates the link type is a task (the link is to the project operational structure). Two separators placed after the project code mean that the link corresponds to a budget code (the link is to the project cost structure).

     This field is populated by default with the project code if you accessed this function directly from the project. If you accessed this function from the project structure the project code and project budget/task code is displayed accordingly.

    • Whole project (field PJTDSPALL)

    Select this check box to view all records linked to the selected projects. To only view records linked to the selected structure of the projects, leave this check box clear.

    If the value of the From/To project field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" the search includes the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is "USA-P3" and a project code is "USA12345678", this field displays a link to the project operational structure as "USA12345678!USA-P3".

    • Start date (field PTEDATDEB)

    Filter for results for a specific period of time. For a single day, enter the same date in the Start date and End date fields. The Start date and End date fields are both mandatory.

    • End date (field PTEDATFIN)


    • Operation (field OPENUM)

    Filter the results for a specific task operation sequence number in the selected project(s). Leave blank to include all operation sequence numbers for the selected project(s).


    • Pending validation (field PTESTA1)

    Select this check box to filter the employee time records to be selected by the current status (work in progress) of the time entry. The following stages are associated with the processing cycle of a time entry record:

    • New/Awaiting validation, for a new time entry.
    • Validated, if the time entry is complete and has been validated, or a new time entry has been created at Validated status (the PJMTIMAUTO - Time entry auto. validation parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yes).
      Validation that the time recorded is correct is usually made by the employee or user that entered the time entry record, or by a time entry administrator.
    • Controlled, if the time entry is complete and has been validated and controlled.
      All time entry records must be "controlled" before they can be approved if the PJMTIMENT - Time entry control phase parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Mandatory. The "control" phase is usually carried out by a project manager, or a project administrator. Whatever the role of the time entry record administrator, they must be authorized as such in their user record. See Note below.
    • Approved, if the time entry is complete and has been validated and controlled (optional phase), and is approved for posting.
      Approval of a time entry is usually made by a project manager, or a project administrator.
    • Posted, if the time entry is complete, and has been validated and controlled, approved, and posted.
    • Rejected, if the time entry is complete and has been validated, and then rejected.
      Rejected time entries are redisplayed in the Time entry (PJMTE) and Weekly timesheet (PJMTEW) functions for correction.

     All time entry records must first be validated then controlled (mandatory if the PJMTIMENT - Time entry control phase parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set) before they can be approved then posted. Authorization for each stage of the processing cycle of a time entry record is controlled by the user record, as follows:

  • The Time entry check box must be selected to enter and validate your own labor time.
  • The Time entry check box and the Time entry administrator check box must be selected to enter labor time for a different user.
  • The assigned function profile must be authorized for function PTEVAL (Time approval) with option 4 to "validate" labor time for a different user.
  • The assigned function profile must be authorized for function PTEVAL (Time approval) with option 5 to "control", and option 6 to "approve" labor time.
  • To "reject" a time entry line, the assigned function profile must be authorized for function PTEVAL (Time approval) with option 7.

    • Validated (field PTESTA2)


    • Controlled (field PTESTA3)


    • Approved (field PTESTA4)


    • Posted (field PTESTA5)


    • Rejected (field PTESTA6)


    • Billable time (field BILLABLE)



    The time category (for example, overtime, double time, travel time) for which the employee time records are to be selected. Leave blank to include all time categories.

    Cost type

    Filter the results for a specific project cost type. Leave blank to include all project cost types.

     Project cost types define types of cost that can affect a project such as raw materials, labor costs and indirect costs. The following rules are applied to time entry records to assign the project cost type:

    • If a link with a work center is established, the cost type defined on the operation resource (work center record) is assigned.
    • If a link is established at the task category level, the cost type defined on the task category is assigned.
    • If a link with a work center or task category fails, the link is established at the user level and the cost type defined on the user record is assigned.

    Filter the results for a specific employee cost type. Leave blank to include all cost types.

     Project cost types define types of cost that can affect a project such as labor costs. The cost type is defined on the employee's user record. If the user cost type is blank, the cost type is defined on the project, or if the user cost type is blank and the project cost type is blank, the cost type is defined in parameter PCCCOD - Default labor cost type (chapter TC, group PJM).







    • Memo code (field MEMO)



    Click the Criteria action to access additional selection and display criteria. You can filter the time entry lines to be processed by project cost type, routing operation number and employee cost type.

    Error messages

    The only error messages are the generic ones.

    Tables used

    SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation