Training > Training requests 

Use this function to register the training requests coming from the employees or their managers. The training requests populate the training plan and the training actions via the open sessions.

The training requests can be individual: in this case, the ID of the employee concerned is specified.

The training requests can be more general when they come from a supervisor or a HR manager. In this case, the request can be made for several employees with a specific theme. You can enter the session or the training period at this level when they are known.


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Screen management

Workflow rules

Training request

For every new training request created, an email is sent to the Human Resources manager for each employee.
This concerns the requests for which:

  • the status is 'Entered',
  • the employee and the contract are specified.

The message sent to the manager contains the following information:

  • the name of the person who made the request,
  • the number and the date of the request, the training period and potentially the session,
  • the participant (first name, name, ID),
  • a line to validate the request and a line to reject the request.

The workflow rule is DEMSTG.
The rejection rule is DEMSTGREG.
The visa rule is DEMSTGVIS.
The associated data model is DEMSTG.
The associated workbench is DEM.



You can enter the request number. If you do not enter this number, a number is automatically assigned to the request when you create it.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Request (field DEMNUM)

Sequence number identifying each request. If this zone is left blank, an order number will be automatically assigned on request creation.


Training period the training request(s) is related to.

  • Request date (field DATDEM)

This field displays the date on which the request is made. This date is mandatory and can be modified. When creating a request, this date is initialized with the date of creation. For the existing requests, the field is initialized with the date of creation if this date is not already specified.



Tab Characteristics


Some characteristics of the request are retrieved from the session if the session is specified, or from the training period if the training period is specified.

The employee can make a training request, or a manager can enter the training requests for their employees.

SEEINFO A request cannot be modified if it is part of the final training plan or if it has generated a registration.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Priority (field PIO)

This field can take the following values:

  • 'Normal',
  • 'High',
  • 'Maximum'.

When creating a request, the value of this field is set to 'Normal' by default.
For the existing requests, the value of the field is initialized to 'Normal'.

  • Request origin (field ORIDEM)

This field can take the following values:

  • 'Entered'
  • 'Program', when the training request comes from an individual program,
  • 'Authorization', when the training request comes from the renewal of a permit or an authorization,
  • 'Interview", when the training request comes from an evaluation interview.

When creating a request, the value of this field is set to 'Entered' by default.
For the existing requests, the value of this field is initialized to 'Entered'.

If the source of the request is 'Individual program', the code of the program is specified and the "Professionalization period" check box is selected or not depending on the parameters of the program.

  • Professionalization period (field FLGPRO)

If this check box is selected in the individual program, it will be specified in all the training process that the training concerned comes from the professionalization scheme.

Request origin

  • Source (field ORI)

The request can be:

  • individual (an employee requests a training period),
  • hierarchical (a manager requests a training period for one or several employees).

The employee ID is specified when requesting a nominal training request.
It is left empty when the request concerns several employees.
By default, the employee ID defined in the user parameter REFNUM is displayed.

  • Last name and first name (field NAM)


When the training request is nominal and the employee has several contracts, those contracts are suggested and one of them must be selected.


The training request can specify the session the participants want to attend.

The training request may be for a specific domain. If the training period is entered, this field is initialized.

The training request may be for a specific theme. If the training period is entered, this field is initialized.

  • Requested period from (field DATSTR)

Period during which the training period can take place. If the session is entered, these fields are initialized.

  • Requested period to (field DATEND)


Provisional training plan

  • Outside of plan (field FLGPLF)

Check "Outside of plan" if you do not want the training request to be included in a training plan.

The code of the training plan and the start and end dates of the training plan are automatically displayed if the training request is created for a final training plan (when the Final check box is selected in the Training plan function).

They cannot be modified.

  • Start date (field STRDAT)


  • End date (field ENDDAT)



Enter or select a fiscal nature.

The actions of the training plan are classified into three categories, each of them belonging to a specific scheme.

Enter or select an action category.


  • field CMT




Tab Participants


If the source of the request is 'Individual' (in the Characteristics tab), the ID of the employee is displayed in the Participants table.

If the source of the request is 'Hierarchy', it is possible to enter nominal requests and non-nominal requests.

  • To enter nominal requests: enter 1in the Number column and select the employee.
  • To enter non-nominal requests: enter the number of participants in the Number column and enter at least a value in the Category column.

SEEINFO If the request is hierarchical, several lines are available for entry.

The requests have two types of tracking: a manual tracking and an automatic tracking.

  • Use the manual tracking to know the status of the request ('Entered', 'Denied', 'Accepted', and so on). This tracking can be configured.
  • Use the automatic tracking to know if: 
    • the request has been accepted in the final training plan (Plan),
    • the request has led to the registration of the employee for the training period (Registration),
    • the training of the employee is over and the session is closed (Completed).



The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Status (field STA)

The status of the line can take the Firm or Planned value. Only the delivery requests with the status Closed will be suggested for the delivery (see the Delivery documentation).

However all lines can be viewed, independently of their status, using the delivery request inquiry (see the Delivery request inquiry documentation).

  • Tracking (field FLGINS)

This field is automatically updated by the system:

  • plan : the training plan year is updated in the request when the request is taken into account in the final plan,
  • registration, when the training has been registered,
  • completed, when the session is closed.
  • No. (field NBREMP)

Number of employees concerned by the training request. The training request can combine both nominal requests (for one employee) and global requests (for N employees).

Enter the ID of the employee if the training request is nominal.

  • Last name (field NAM)


  • First name (field SRN)


The contract number of the employee corresponds to one of his contract sequence number.
To inquire the various contracts of an employee, you must select:

  • his ID number,
  • the document type requested,
  • the event date in the left-hand side of the screen.

Enter a site if the training request only concerns the employees of a site. The site is automatically updated if an employee is entered.

Category of employees concerned by the training request. The category is automatically updated if an employee is entered.

Specify the framework of the training request: 

  • CIF (Individual training leave)
  • Company training plan
  • Etc.

Type of funding for the cost nature.

Funding organization.

The funding organization entered must be active. Click the Selection icon icon in order to open the list of active organizations.

Enter a department if the training request only concerns the employees of a department. The department is automatically updated when an employee is entered.

  • Gender (field SEX)

In collective requests, the gender and age fields are available for entry.


The "Standard job" and "Position" columns are:

  • populated automatically if the employee is defined and if the standard job and position are specified in the contract record,
  • available for entry.


  • Refusal reason (field RENREF)

The "Refusal reason" column is available for entry if the status of the line is 'Refused' and if the user has the appropriate rights.


Action icon

Rejection letter





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 FICDEM : Training requests

 LISTDEM : Track training requests

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

Select this checkbox to include all companies. To run this process for a single company, do not select this checkbox.

Alphanumeric characters used to identify a company in a unique manner.
It is possible to define one or several sites within the same company.
It is possible to define a company as not being a legal company (then, it serves for reporting purposes only).

  • All sites (field ALLFCY)

Select this check box to include all sites. To run this process for a single site, leave clear.

This number is used to identify the site in a unique way.
A site belongs to only one company.
A site can represent a geographical location (plant, company, etc. ) or a responsibility center.

SEEWARNING All operating management actions are carried out from a site.

It is possible to associate a default site or one site per module for each user. Depending on the function being used, the default site is submitted automatically. It can be modified with another site which has been authorized for the user, according to this user’s authorizations.



  • Authorization (field HABFLG)

By selecting this check box, you can mass generate authorization renewal requests.

After selecting the validity end date range and the training period to which the request will be assigned, the IDs for which an authorization renewal has been requested are selected ("To renew" with value set to "Yes" in the authorization table of the "Admin." tab of the employee record).

  • Validity from (field STRDAT)


  • Validity end (field ENDDAT)


  • Contract not yet activated (field ACTCTR)


This field specifies the training period to which the request is assigned.


  • Individual program (field PARFLG)

By selecting this check box, you can mass generate individual program-related requests. It is then possible to enter the program for which the requests will be created. The training periods for which a request is created will be retrieved.

The information retrieved from the program includes the domain, the theme, the fiscal nature, the start date and the system, except if they are not entered, in which case the information of the training period is retrieved.

Use this field to enter the program for which the requests will be created.


  • Program start date (field STRDATPAR)


  • Program end date (field ENDDATPAR)



  • Simulation (field SIMUL)



Click the Total generation button to mass generate the following requests:

  • Authorization or permit renewal requests (Authorization check box),
  • individual program-related requests (Individual program check box).

A final log file details the requests created.

SEEINFO You can launch those mass generations from the Processing menu.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

You do not have the authorization level defined in parameter NIVDEM

The NIVDEM parameter is not defined at user record level.

At least one attendee must be entered

The request must contain at least one line to be valid.

Training requests are already registered for this training session

The characteristics of the request cannot be modified because a request is already registered for the session. If the session is closed, the request is completed. 

This session is closed

A training request cannot be made for a session that is already closed.

This session is not dependent on the training period ...

The session refers to a training period that is different from the one specified in the request.

The validity period of the training period is from ../../.. to ../../..

The training period is organized during a period that do not correspond to the desired period for the training request.

Requested period incompatible with training plan year

The desired period for the training does not match the training plan year entered.

Training plan closed for year.

A final training plan has already been defined for this year. Requests can no longer be added.

Training period request cannot be modified

If the request is subject to a registration, it cannot be modified.

Training period not entered: the request cannot be accepted

For a request to be accepted, the Training period field must be entered.

Number of participants invalid

The request includes a number of participants that is higher than the authorized number of participants for the session or the training period.

Request already exists on line

The same training cannot be requested twice by an employee.

Employee not present in company

The employee no longer works for the company. 

Employee departure on xx/xx/xx

A training is requested for an employee who will leave the company.

Fiscal nature not compatible with training session

The fiscal nature specified in the training session is different.

Fiscal nature not compatible with training period

The fiscal nature specified in the training period is different.

Action category not compatible with training session

The action category specified in the training session is different.

Action category not compatible with training period

The action category specified in the training period is different.

Scheme not compatible with training session

The scheme specified in the training session is different.

Scheme not compatible with the training period

The scheme specified in the training period is different.

The employee does not belong to the category targeted by the training period.

The 2483 category of the employee is different from the one specified in the target of the training period.

The employee does not belong to the target targeted by the training period.
Participates in the training period despite being the trainer

The employee cannot be both the trainer and a trainee.

Tables used

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