Training > Budgets > Forecasted plans 

The training plan is elaborated by taking into account the training requests of the employees and managers, and by taking into account provisional actions, even if the attendees and training periods are not identified or defined yet.

The costs are deducted depending on:

  • The training period costs defined in the Training period function
  • The salary costs of the trainee
  • The average salary costs by 2483 category if the trainee is not identified

SEEINFO Asessioncan be included in two budget periods. The training costs of the session are determined for a single budget period. The value of theCTLBUR - Session end date parameter (chapter FRT, group MIS) specifies whether the costs are defined for the budget of the first year or of the second year.


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The training plan is elaborated by period for the whole folder, by company or exceptionally by site. You can create several successive versions of the plan before finally validating it.

When the Final checkbox is selected (version communicated to the works council), you cannot generate other versions of the plan over this period.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Chart code (field YEAPLF)

Training plan code

When the plan is final (the Finalcheckbox is selected), the plan code, the start date and the end date automatically populate the training requests (GESDEM) linked to the training plan.

  • field LIBFILT



Provisional plans can be defined by company.

Provisional plan can be defined by site.

  • Version (field VERPLF)

Version of the plan over the period (10 characters authorized).

  • Final (field FLGCLO)

Several versions of the training plan can be created for the same period.

The plan with the Final checkbox selected is the plan that is is transmitted to the works council. Once a final training plan has been created for a period, it is no longer possible to generate other versions for this period.

When a plan is final (the Final checkbox is then selected), the plan code, the start date and the end date automatically populate the training requests. The training requests considered for this plan can no longer be modified. These requests are no longer taken into account in the simulation of new provisional plans.

You can remove the final status of a plan at any time. In this case, the training requests can once again be modified.

  • Start date (field STRDAT)

If the plan code already exists in the Budget guideline function (GESBUR), the Start date and End date fields are automatically populated with the dates entered in the reference budget. You cannot modify these dates.

If you create a new plan code without linking it to a reference budget, you can enter any date.

When a plan is final, the plan code, the start date and the end date automatically populate the training requests.

  • End date (field ENDDAT)


Total cost of plan

  • Budget (field AMTBUDREF)

This field displays the reference budget corresponding to the current element, that is to say, the period, the company and the site.

The displayed amount is either:

  • The global amount (without funding type), or
  • The sum of the amounts by funding type
  • Total (field TOT)

No help linked to this field.

  • Chargeable (field IPT)


  • Plan/budget (field PRCPLFBUD)


  • field PRC




Tab Plan


You can enter the plan manually in the Plan entry grid or click Proposal to preload the plan. To facilitate the entry, use the Request picking selection list.

For each line entered, the detailed costs of the training period or session (if the training request is linked to a session) are displayed in the Provisional costsgrid..

The salary costs of the trainees are valued according to the 2483 category of the attendees, in case of a non-nominative training request. Otherwise, salary costs are valued according to the payroll plan headings set up in the following parameters:

  • Chargeable employer hourly rate - TXHRPAT
  • Total employer hourly rate - TXHRPAT2
  • Chargeable employee hourly rate - TXHRPAT
  • Total employee hourly rate - TXHRPAT

The total cost of the plan is displayed in the header.

You can value training actions, even when the training period is not defined. In that case, the training period code to be used is the one defined as dummy in the Training periods function. The same fields are available for entry.

For example:

As part of the HR policy, the manager knows that some actions will be taken for a group of employees. The terms have not been defined yet, but a global budget has been allocated. In that case, the action is added to the plan by using the dummy training period code and it can provide all the available information on the category, the system, etc.

You can isolate the calculations on some lines of the plan for simulation purposes before confirming that a plan is final (the Calculation column is set to No).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Plan entry

  • Calculation (field CLCFLG)

  • When the value of the Calculation field is set to 'Yes', the corresponding line is taken into account in the calculation of the plan costs.
  • When the value of this field is set to 'No', the corresponding line is excluded from the calculations of the plan.

This allows you to assess the impact of a plan line deletion on the costs and on their distribution before a permanent deletion.

A plan cannot be final (check box not accessible) when there are lines with the value 'No' in the Calculation field. The user has to make a choice:

  • either they delete those lines definitively,
  • or they can include them in the calculations.

  • No. (field NBREMP)

Number of employees selected to participate in the training period.

Training period to be integrated in the training plan.

  • Priority (field PIO)

Information initialized by the request or the entry.



  • Gender (field SEX)



  • Source (field ORI)


  • Pro period (field FLGPRO)


  • Date (field DAT)







  • Status (field STA)


If there is only one participant, it is possible to enter the ID of the employee. The request is nominative.

  • First name (field SRN)


Contract of the employee. .

Site to which the training period participants must be attached.

Category of employees selected to participate in the training period. A warning message is displayed if the entered category is not the one concerned by the training period.

Service to which the training period participants must be attached.

Grid Provisional costs

This table details the cost of each line of the training plan.

If a request is added manually to the training plan, the cost lines are marked as ‘automatic’. The values will come from the training period. The costs in the training period are applied, and if there is a training cost distribution associated with the training period, then the distribution rules will be applied where appropriate.

If a cost is added manually to the grid, the values will not come from the training period and. no training cost distribution will be applied.

The costs (salary and charges) of the participants, or the trainer, are calculated automatically, according to the payroll headings defined in the parameters. If the costs are defined in the cost distribution from the training period, the same rules are applied automatically. If the payroll module is not available, or the training requests are not for named people, the costs are calculated according to their categories.

Miscellaneous table 453Categories contains the hourly rates that are applied.

  • Cost type (field TYPCST)

If the line was generated from a proposal this field will be set to ‘Automatic’ otherwise, if the line was added manually it will be set to ‘Manual’.

If you amend one of the two ‘Automatic’ lines linked to a cost distribution, they both become ‘Manual’.

If you delete one of the two ‘Automatic’ lines linked to a cost distribution, you will be warned that the line will be recreated if the plan is revalued.

This field cannot be amended.

  • Control (field CSTTOTCLL)

The cost of each line of the training plan is detailed in this table.

This valuation comes from the training request, if the line was generated by proposal, or from the training period. The collective cost is a fixed cost defined for each session, regardless of the number of participants.

  • Individual (field CSTTOTIDV)

The individual cost can either be:

  • a cost defined by the participant,
  • a cost deducted from the collective cost depending on the number of participants.

When valuating costs (plan creation), the collective costs are reduced to the standard number of participants of the training period to obtain the individual costs.

  • Chargeable coll. (field CSTIPTCLL)

The cost of each line of the training plan is detailed in this table.

This valuation comes from the training request, if the line was generated by proposal, or from the training period.

The employee and employer costs of the participants are calculated automatically according to their categories. The miscellaneous table 453 of the categories contains the hourly rates that should be applied. There is a difference between the chargeable hourly rates and the total hourly rates.

The total amount corresponds to the cost considered globally, whereas the chargeable amount corresponds to the part of the cost to be charged against the 2483 declaration.

The individual amount corresponds to the cost for an attendee, whereas the collective amount corresponds to the cost of all attendees.

  • Chargeable indiv. (field CSTIPTIDV)


Specify the framework of the training request: 

  • CIF (Individual training leave)
  • Company training plan
  • Etc.

Type of funding for the cost nature.

Funding organization for the cost nature.



Action icon


To access the Training requests function, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line, then click Request.




Tab Cost by training period


The Costs by training period grid is an overview of the costs by training period.

The Detail grid displays the detailed costs for each training period. To obtain this type of information, place your cursor on a given training period in the first grid.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Costs by training period

This table provides a summary of the training plan by training period.

  • No. of employees (field NBREMP2)

Number of participants enrolled in this training period in the training plan.

  • No. of sessions (field NBRSES)

Number of sessions in which the participants of the training period are enrolled.

  • Total (field CRGTOT)

Total and chargeable cost of the training period.

  • Chargeable (field CRGIPT)


Grid Cost detail

This table details the costs of a training period.

  • Total (field CSTTOT)


  • Chargeable (field CSTIPT)



Tab Cost by funding type


The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Costs by funding type

  • Funding type (field TYPFINAFF3)

This table is a summary of the costs by funding type.

  • Description (field TYPFINLIB3)


  • Budget amount (field AMTBUDFIN)


  • Total (field FINTOT)


  • Chargeable (field FINIPT)


Grid Cost detail


  • Total (field CSTTOTFIN)


  • Chargeable (field CSTIPTFIN)




Tab Envelopes


Use this tab to value costs that cannot be defined in each training period but whose annual amount is known by deduction of the costs from the previous years. Envelopes are entered when these costs have a detailed tracking in the actual plan.

For example:

The training manager does not want to charge the detail of the provisional travel expenses for the attendees for each training period. However, they are entered in the actual costs of each registration. For the sake of consistency, the provisional costs are entered in the form of envelopes.




The following fields are present on this tab :



  • Total (field CSTTOTBUD)


  • Chargeable (field CSTIPTBUD)








By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 PLANSAI : Entry of provisional plan

 PLANFOR : Nominal provisional plan

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

Click Proposal to automatically generate a version of the plan, based on the existing training requests and the selection criteria of the requests.

The proposal only takes requests into account for which the training period is specified, and provided that the period of the plan has not already been specified. 

1. Enter the following elements:

  • Plan code
  • Company and site, if required
  • Version number
  • A period If the plan code that you are entering is already contained in the Budget guideline function (GESBUR), the Start date and End date fields are automatically populated with the dates entered in the reference budget.

2. Select the statuses related to the requests that you wish to include to the training plan project.

3. Click OK to generate an initial version of the plan. Then, you can complete it.

If a training cost distribution exists for the training period and cost type, the costs are split by the rules in the training cost distribution.

Click Filter to filter the plan by company, site or department and only display the selected training requests.

Select the Site not entered check box to only display the part of the plan originating from requests not assigned to a site.

Click Revaluation to update all the provisional costs of the plan, by applying:

  • New cost values if the costs were updated in the training periods and the sessions.
  • The latest parameters and known rates for the employee costs of the attendees and internal trainers.
  • If a training cost distribution exists for the training period and cost type, the rules in the training cost distribution are applied.

Only the 'Automatic' costs are updated. 'Manual' costs entered or modified in the provisional plan are not overwritten.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Training plan closed for year.

You cannot enter other versions of the plan for this year because a final version of the plan already exists.

A final plan already exists on year ...

There cannot be two final plans for a same year.

It is necessary to select a training period line first

You enter the provisional costs related to a line of the plan.

Chargeable cost higher than total cost

You cannot charge more that the total cost.

Chargeable cost higher than guaranteed minimum

The accommodation cost cannot be more than five times higher than the guaranteed minimum.

Cost line already exists on line

The cost has already been entered with the same elements (system, funding type, funding organization).

At least a request type needs to be selected

The automatic proposal is based on training requests with a status corresponding to the selection.

Training period incompatible with request

The request is made on a different training period. (warning message)

Tables used

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