Setup > Payroll plan > Exceptions 

Use calculation exceptions to determine, for a certain number of employees, the payroll headings to be calculated or not, the payroll variables that should not be entered or should be reinitialized, and the totals to be reset to zero.

A payroll heading is calculated in a slip, if that heading is associated with the profile of the employee and if its calculation condition is verified. With the calculation exception, it is possible to avoid the condition linked to the profile of the employee, but not the calculation condition linked to the heading.


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Screen management



Identification of the calculation exception.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Enter the code identifying the calculation exception (maximum of 10 characters).

In multi-legislated folders (where the LEG activity code is active), the Legislation fields are displayed.

  • If a legislation has been set in the LEGFIL (Legislation selection filter) parameter (SUP chapter, INT group), it is used as the default but can be changed if needed.
  • If LEGFIL has no legislation set, there will not be a default, so the Legislation field will have to be entered appropriately.

If a legislation is entered in the record header, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a legislation is not entered in the record header, it might be deduced from another element (such as the company, site, or employee) and again, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation.

If a multi-legislation group of companies is selected, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation of at least one company in the group.


If you select a group of British (BRI) and French (FRA) legislation companies, you cannot enter a value in a field that is only applicable to the South African (ZAF) legislation.

In single legislation folders (where the LEG activity code is not active), the Legislation fields are not displayed.

  • Description (field DES)

Enter a title that clarifies the code of the calculation exception.



Tab Selection


Use this tab to define for which employees the calculation exception will have be applied.

Use the "Contracts" block to define a list of contracts (maximum of fifty contracts) that will be used as a criterion for the application of the calculation exception.
This new criterion is taken into account in the report of the list of employees impacted ([Employees] button). 

If the table is loaded, the payroll calculation takes into account the exception on contract, in addition to the other exceptions on the exception record.




The following fields are present on this tab :



Selection criteria

Specify the site concerned by the exceptions defined in the following tabs.

Specify the profile concerned by the exceptions defined in the following tabs.

Specify the service concerned by the exceptions defined in the following tabs.

  • Registration start (field EMPSTR)

Specify the range of employee ID numbers concerned by the exceptions defined in the following tabs.

  • Registration no. end (field EMPEND)


Specify the population concerned by the exceptions defined in the following tabs.

  • Other criterion (field CRI)

Enter an additional criterion. You can choose it freely. The employees concerned by this criterion will inherit the exceptions defined in the following tabs.

Grid Contracts



  • Arrival (field CTRDAT)



  • field CMT

Enter a comment about the exception on three lines of 80 characters. This field is optional.



Action icon


With this action, you can load the employee contracts corresponding to the current exception's criteria the exception will be applied to. The loading takes into account the criteria defined previously in the exception. The contract list is limited to a maximum of fifty contracts.


With this action, you can jump to the record of the current employee.




Tab Headings


Use this tab to define the headings concerned by the exception and to specify whether they should be calculated or not and during which period.



The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Calculation exceptions

Calculation exception

Each employee is linked to a payroll profile, which determines the headings to be calculated for the site of their payslips. If there are specificities regarding this profile, they must be defined here, by specifying:

-the payroll heading concerned by the exception

-whether the heading needs to be calculated (Yes/No)

-a date range; the exception will be taken into account in the employee's salaries that are within this period.

  • Calculation (field CCL)


  • From (field DATSTR)


  • To (field DATEND)



Tab Variables


Use this tab to define the variables concerned by the exception, to specify their default value and to specify the period during which they should remain as an exception.
If the payslip has already been generated, those exceptions require the reinitialization of the payroll or the deletion and re-generation of the payslip(s) concerned.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Entry exceptions

The values of the variables can be entered at folder, company, site or employee level. However, for the exception to work, the variable must necessarily be defined at employee level.
The exception is taken into account upon generation of the payroll header. If the header already exists, the pay must be reinitialized.
The specificities linked to the entry of the variables must be defined here, by specifying:

  • the payroll variable concerned by the exception,
  • its initialization type,
  • its value,
  • a date range; the exception will be taken into account in the employee's salaries that are within this period.
  • Reinitialization (field TYPINI)


  • Value (field VALSTD)


  • From (field DATDEB)


  • To (field DATFIN)




Tab Totals


Use this tab to define the types of totals concerned by the exception, to specify the condition under which they should be reset to zero and the period during which they should remain as an exception.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Reset to zero totals

  • Periodicity (field PER)

Reset to zero exception for the totals

Some totals are reset to zero depending on their periodicity. If there are specificities regarding the resetting to zero of some totals, they must be defined here, by specifying:

-the periodicity of the totals concerned by the exception

-the expression used to reset to zero

-a date range; the exception will be taken into account in the employee's salaries that are within this period.

  • Reset to zero (field TYP)


  • From (field DATSTR)


  • To (field DATEND)





Specific Buttons

Use this button to display the list of employees subject to the current calculation exception.
The possible contract exceptions are taken into account.

The list of contracts defined in the "Selection" tab is taken into account in the report of the list of employees concerned.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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