Use this function to manage the files of the outgoing staff. All the information relating to an outgoing member of staff is managed via this function (employee’s identity, employer’s identity, information on the departure of the employee, full settlement, etc.)

This information will be used to print legal documents such as the Pôle Emploi certificate (French certificate for the French job center), the UI-19 form (South-African certificate to summit to the Unemployment Insurance fund or UIF), the work certificate, the full settlement.

You can manually enter this information or create it automatically using the Extraction button.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management



Enter the employee’s ID and the departure date.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The ID number is the employee's unique identifier. It contains 1 to 15 characters.
It can be entered manually or left blank on creation. In which case it will be incremented automatically via a counter.

  • Departures (field XITDAT)

No help linked to this field.

  • No. (field NUMORD)


  • Title (field CIVA)


  • Name (field NAM)


  • First name (field SRN)


The contract number of the employee corresponds to one of his contract sequence number.
To inquire the various contracts of an employee, you must select:

  • his ID number,
  • the document type requested,
  • the event date in the left-hand side of the screen.



Tab Employee


This tab contains information of a general nature about the employee.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Last name (field OLDNAM)

No help linked to this field.

  • Date (field DATBRN)


  • SS no. (field NUMSSC)

Enter the social security number of the employee.

This field is initialized by default depending on:

  • the gender,
  • the country, the date, the department, and the number of the city of birth.

These elements have been specified beforehand.

SEEINFO The entry format of this field and its coherency control depend on the country of birth.

  • SS no. 2 (field NUMSSC2)



  • field ADD1

The country in the employee address determines the entry format of all the components of the address.
The titles of the three address lines are also set up at country management level. These are the titles of the default country, of the folder, which are displayed.

  • field ADD2


  • field ADD3


  • Postal code (field CODPOS)


  • City (field CTY)



  • Kinship (field FLGLIKFAM)

If the employee is related to the business manager, specify the nature of this relation.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Link type (field TYPLNK)



Specify the category status the employee belongs to (senior executives, other executives, etc.) according to the collective agreement of the company. This field is used for DADS-U declarations.

  • Telephone (field TEL)


  • Email address (field EML)


  • Course studies (field TYPSCH)

  • Enrolled at (field SCHNAM)

Public sector

  • Status (field JOBPUB)

This field applies only to the public sector employers.

Specify the status of the employee.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

Pension fund

  • ARRCO (field CAIARC)

Specify the employee's complementary pension fund. Enter the abbreviation/acronym, name and address of the pension institutions.

For the executives or assimilated executives affiliated to the AGIRC and the ARRCO, both institutions must be specified.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • AGIRC (field CAIAGI)


  • Other (field CAIRETSPE)




Tab Employer


This tab contains information of a general nature about the employee’s employer.



The following fields are present on this tab :


No help linked to this field.

Enter the site linked to the employee.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.


  • Legal status (field FCYSTALEG)

  • field FCYADD1

Enter the address (maximum of three lines).
The entry format for this field and the titles depend on the country.

  • field FCYADD2


  • field FCYADD3


  • Postal code (field FCYPOSCOD)


  • City (field FCYCTY)


  • Telephone (field FCYTEL)

Enter the telephone number.
The entry format for this field depends on the country.

  • Staff on 31/12 (field FCYNBRSAL)

Specify the total number of employees in the site on elapsed 31/12.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Site tax ID no. (field FCYCRN)

Enter the national identification number issued by the INSEE.
The entry format of this site tax ID no. depends on the country code.

  • SIC (field FCYNAF)


  • Organization (field ORGASS)

Specify the affiliation number to Pôle Emploi or the Agency having collected the unemployment insurance contributions.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Other (field ORGASSSPE)


  • No. (field NUMORGASS)


Public sector

  • Self insurance (field FLGNSS)

This field applies only to the public sector employers.

Specify if the employer is a self-insurance employer.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Special scheme (field FLGVACSPE)

This field applies only to the public sector employers.

Specify whether the employer takes part in special schemes for the “assisted” jobs (apprentices, young people’s employment, etc.).

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • AFR enlargement (field FLGAFR)

These fields apply only to the public sector employers.

Specify if the employer has reached a management agreement. If this is the case, mention the number of this agreement and its analytical code.

Specify if there is an extension to the AFR.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Agreement Management (field FLGCVT)


  • No. (field NUMCVT)


  • Analytical (field CODANA)


  • Revocable title (field FLGRVC)

These fields apply only to the public sector employers.

Specify whether the employer has joined on a revocable basis. If this is the case, enter the date on which the employer joined.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Membership date (field DATADH)



Tab Job


This tab contains information relating to the job held by the employee and the notice period terms.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Period start date (field STRWRK)

Specify the period in which the employee has been employed within the company, or in which the trainee completed their training period.

These fields are used in the work certificate or in the training certificate.

  • To (field ENDWRK)


  • Internship duration (field NBRPERSTG)

  • Period (field PERSTG)

Last employment

  • From (field STRDAT)

Specify the duration of the employee’s last job.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • To (field ENDDAT)


  • Location (field LSTPLCWRK)

Specify the employee's last place of work. Also specify the “department” (French geographical division).

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Service (field DEPLSTPLC)


  • Job (field LSTJOB)

Specify the last job performed by the employee.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Notified on (field DATNTF)

Specify the date of notification of the dismissal or resignation.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Category (field EMPQLY)

Specify the category of the employee’s job.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Other (field EMPQLYSPE)


Indicate the contract nature of the employee.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Other (field EMPCTRSPE)


  • Status (field EMPSTA)

Specify the status of the employee.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Other (field EMPSTASPE)


  • Seniority date (field DATANC)

This field is only available for the South-African legislation.
This field defaults when the contract is created. This field is used to keep track of the original date an employee started with the company to work out the years in service if the employee has multiple contracts. You can modify this date if necessary.
This data is used in the UI-19 form (South-African certificate).

  • Service period (field ANCPERSRV)

The dates contained in the Service period, Company entry date and Site entry date fields are used to track the periods the employee worked for the company and the site.
These fields are only available for the South-African legislation.

  • Company entry date (field DATCPY)


  • Service period (field CPYPERSRV)


  • Site entry date (field DATFCY)


  • Service period (field FCYPERSRV)


Advance notice

  • Completed (field FLGPRV)

Specify whether the employer has completed their notice period. If this is the case, indicate the period of this notice period.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • From (field STRDATPRV1)


  • To (field ENDDATPRV1)


  • Not carried out (field FLGPRVOFF)


  • From (field STRDATPRV4)


  • To (field ENDDATPRV4)


  • Paid from (field STRDATPRV2)

If the employee has not completed any notice period but the notice period has been paid, specify the period paid.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • To (field ENDDATPRV2)


  • Not paid from (field STRDATPRV3)

If the employee has not completed any notice period and the notice period has not been paid, specify the period that was not paid and the reason for not paying for it.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • To (field ENDDATPRV3)


  • Reason (field GRDPRV)


  • Date agreement terminated (field DNARUPCON)


  • Notice payment (field NTCPAY)


Special schemes

  • Extension (field RGMSPESSC)

Specify whether the employee is covered by the local Alsace Moselle scheme.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

Specify the affiliation number to Pôle Emploi and the social security scheme fund of the employee.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Scheme fund (field NAMSYSSSC)


  • No. (field NUMSYSSSC)



  • Allow (field ALWREE)

This field is only available for the South-African legislation.
Select 'Yes' if the employee should be considered for re-employment.
Select 'No' if the employee should not be considered for re-employment.

  • Reason (field REERSN)

This field is only available for the South-African legislation.
Enter the reason why the employee should, or should not, be re-employed.



Tab Termination


This tab contains information relating to the time frame to which the employee was subjected, and the terms applied in case of contract breach.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Total unemployment (field FLGALCTOT)

Specify whether the employee benefits from full unemployment benefits without breach of contract.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Part-time unemployment (field FLGALC)

Specify whether a partial unemployment benefit request has been issued to the DDTEFP. If this is the case, specify the period of compensation under the partial unemployment.

In addition, specify the planned date of return to work.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.


  • Period start (field STRDATALC)

Specify whether a partial unemployment benefit request has been issued to the DDTEFP. If this is the case, specify the period of compensation under the partial unemployment.

In addition, specify the planned date of return to work.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Period end (field ENDDATALC)


  • Resumption planned on (field DATRCV)


  • Fund claim submitted (field UEMCLMSUB)

This field is only available for the South-African legislation.
Select this checkbox to indicate if the UI-19 form was sent to the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and not to the Social Security fund.

  • Monthly remuneration (field TOTMONREM)


  • Non-contribution reason (field NONCTBRSN)

This field is only available for the South-African legislation.
Select the reason why the employee did not contribute towards Unemployment Insurance Fund.

This field is only available for the South-African legislation.
The termination reason code defaults from the termination reason on the employee’s contract screen.
The termination reason codes are stored in miscellaneous table 359.  In this miscellaneous table, each termination code is linked to a legal code. This legal code is used in the UI-19 form.
However, if you need you can change the termination reason code in this field before generating the UI-19 document.


  • Weekly plant (field FCYHRSWEK)

Specify the weekly or annual working hours applied in the company further to an agreement (collective agreement or other).

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Yearly (field FCYHRSYEA)


  • Weekly employee (field EMPHRSWEK)

Specify the weekly or annual working hours of the employee.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Yearly (field EMPHRSYEA)


  • Reason for the difference (field GRDHRSWEK)

If the working hours of the employee are different from those applied in the company, specify the reason for such a difference.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Other (field GRDHRSSPE)


Termination of contract

In this field, the departure reason code is automatically filled with the code entered in the Termination reason field. You can modify this code if needed.
This data is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate and the UI-19 form (South-African certificate).

  • Reason (field GRDXITSPE)

You can enter a description for the departure reason.

Collective redundancy program

  • Collective redundancy program (field PLNSOC)

Indicate whether the employee is laid off within the framework of a social plan. If this is the case, enter the date on which the social plan was first submitted to the staff representative bodies.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Date (field DATPLNSOC)


  • Redeployment (field FLGCNG)

No help linked to this field.

Employee of 55 years and more

  • FNE agreement rejection (field REJCVTFNE)

Select this check box if the employee is laid off at the age of 55 years or older, and if a FNE agreement has been reached by the company, but said employee has rejected this agreement.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.


  • Received (field FLGFNG1)

Advance payment from the national salary guarantee fund.

In case of receivership or compulsory liquidation, an advance payment from the national salary guarantee fund has been received or is about to be received. If this is the case, specify which debts are involved, otherwise, specify a reason.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • To be drawn (field FLGFNG2)


  • Accounts receivable (field CLM1)


  • Accounts receivable (field CLM2)


  • Reason (field GRD1)


  • Reason (field GRD2)




Tab Salaries and bonuses


This tab contains the following elements:

  • The salaries of the 12 full calendar months preceding the last day worked and paid
  • The bonuses and allowances with a frequency different from the previously mentioned salaries




The following fields are present on this tab :

Last day worked and paid

  • Last day (field LSTDAYWRK)

Indicate the last day worked and paid of the employee.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

Grid Salaries

  • From (field STRDATPER)

Specify in this grid the salaries corresponding to the 12 calendar months preceding the employee’s last day worked and paid.

For example:

Last day of work:25/05/2001.
Specify the salaries from the 01/05/2000 to the 30/04/2001.

This information is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate and the UI-19 form (South-African certificate).

  • To (field ENDDATPER)


  • Payment date (field PYRDAT)


  • No. of hours worked (field NBRHRSWRK)

The number of hours worked should be linked to the HRT code on the applicable heading, that is to say the HRT code should be filled in the Headings function, Print-out tab, Job center certificate block, Final salaries field.
HRT is one of the certification of employment codes that are defined on miscellaneous table 371.

  • No. of days (field NBRDAY)

Specify in this grid the salaries corresponding to the 12 calendar months preceding the employee’s last day worked and paid.

For example:

Last day of work:25/05/2001.
Specify the salaries from the 01/05/2000 to the 30/04/2001.

This information is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate and the UI-19 form (South-African certificate).

  • Gross salary (field SALGRO)

The gross salary should be linked to the SAL code on the applicable heading, that is to say the SAL code should be filled in the Headings function, Print-out tab, Job center certificate block, Final salaries field.
SAL is one of the certification of employment codes that are defined on miscellaneous table 371.

  • Employee's contribution (field AMTASS)

This field is only available for the South-African legislation.
The data in this column defaults from the payslip and displays the employee’s contribution to Unemployment Insurance Fund.

  • Notes (field REM)

Specify in this grid the salaries corresponding to the 12 calendar months preceding the employee’s last day worked and paid.

For example:

Last day of work:25/05/2001.
Specify the salaries from the 01/05/2000 to the 30/04/2001.

This information is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate and the UI-19 form (South-African certificate).

Grid Bonuses and allowances

  • From (field STRDATBNS)

Specify in this grid the frequency bonuses and allowances that are different from the salaries, and not mentioned in the grid above.
Here is an example of bonuses and allowances: 13th month, performance bonus, exceptional bonus and so on.
Caution, the severance benefits or annual leave payments should not be specified here.
The bonuses and allowances reasons can be stored in miscellaneous table 372.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate and the UI-19 form (South-African certificate).

  • To (field ENDDATBNS)


  • Description (field DESBNS)


  • Payment date (field DATBNS)


  • Amount (field AMTBNS)




Tab Full settlement


This tab contains the amounts paid on contract breach.

On the employee’s contract, the Final exit checkbox must be selected, and the termination date and last presence date must be filled in before the information is pulled through.




The following fields are present on this tab :




Grid Salaries

  • From (field STRDATCLE)

Specify in this grid the salary paid after the last calendar month entered in the salary grid in the Salaries and bonuses tab.
This data is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate in the part relating to the amounts paid on contract breach (full settlement).

  • To (field ENDDATCLE)


  • Payment date (field PYRDATCLE)


  • No. of hours worked (field NBRHRSCLE)

Monthly hours worked in their last month.
The number of hours worked should be linked to the HRT code on the applicable heading, that is to say the HRT code should be filled in the Headings function, Print-out tab, Job center certificate block, Redundancy payment field.

  • Gross salary (field SALGROCLE)

Employee’s gross salary in their last month.
The gross salary should be linked to the SAL code on the applicable heading, that is to say the SAL code should be filled in the Headings function, Print-out tab, Job center certificate block, Redundancy payment field.

  • Amount (field AMTCLE)

For South-Africa:
Employee’s UIF contributions amount per month. This data is linked to the ASS code on the applicable heading, that is to say the ASS code
should be filled in the Headings function, Print-out tab, Job center certificate block, Redundancy payment field.


  • Advance notice (field ALCNTC)

Specify the amount of the payment in lieu of notice.
Notice pay is linked to the PRV code on the applicable heading, that is to say the PRV code should be filled in the Headings function, Print-out tab, Job center certificate block, Redundancy payment field.
This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate and in the UI-19 form (South-African certificate).

  • Annual leave (field ALCLEA)

Specify the compensatory allowance for paid leave, as well as the number of working days represented by this compensatory allowance.
Specify whether this allowance should be paid by an occupational fund.

This data is linked to the LEA code on the applicable heading, that is to say the LEA code should be filled in the Headings function, Print-out tab, Job center certificate block, Redundancy payment field.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate and in the UI-19 form (South-African certificate).

  • No. of days (field NBRDAYLEA)


  • Prof. fund (field CAIPRO)

Specify the compensatory allowance for paid leave, as well as the number of working days represented by this compensatory allowance.
Specify whether this allowance should be paid by an occupational fund.

This data is linked to the LEA code on the applicable heading, that is to say the LEA code should be filled in the Headings function, Print-out tab, Job center certificate block, Redundancy payment field.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate and in the UI-19 form (South-African certificate).

  • Legal benefits (field AMTALC1)


  • Total of sums (field AMTALC2)


  • Legal (field AMTALC3)

Specify the amount of each legal benefit received by the employee:

 Legal redundancy payment

 Specific allowance for termination by mutual agreement

 Compensation at the end of a fixed-term contract

 Compensation for breach of a “new hire”-type contract

 Compensation for the end of a mission

 Retirement benefit

 Special redundancy payment

 Special redundancy payment

 Benefit received by reporters

 Legal customer compensation

 Legal compensation received by the Civil Aviation flight crew

 Benefit received by apprentices

 Benefit received further to a damage

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Special (field AMTALC4)


  • Termination by mutual agreement (field AMTALC19)


  • Specific (field AMTALC17)


  • Fixed-term contract end (field AMTALC7)


  • Journalist (field AMTALC6)


  • CNE termination (field AMTALC15)


  • Customers (field AMTALC8)


  • Mission end (field AMTALC9)


  • Flight personnel (field AMTALC10)


  • Pension (field AMTALC11)


  • Apprentice (field AMTALC18)


  • Supplement (field AMTALC5)


  • Disaster (field AMTALC16)


  • Agreement (field AMTALC13)

Specify the amount corresponding to the conventional indemnities.

This field is used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Others (field AMTALC12)


  • Transaction (field AMTALC14)

Specify the amount corresponding to the transaction allowances.

Specify if a transaction is in progress.

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Current transaction (field FLGALC14)


Grid Redundancy payment

Enter any other additional payment.
The redundancy payment codes can be stored in miscellaneous table 371.

  • Amount (field AMTALC)




Tab Miscellaneous


This tab contains the authentication by the employer.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • No. of DIF hours (field NBRDIF)

This field no longer exists since the French DIF scheme (French legal requirement) is no longer applicable.

  • Amount (field AMTDIF)





  • Supervisor (field FCYRPB)

Enter the information relating to the employer authentication:

 Surname and first name of the person performing the Pöle Emploi certificates

 Position within the company

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Function (field FCYRPBFNC)


  • Other function (field RPBFNCSPE)


  • Telephone (field FCYRPBTEL)


  • Signature place (field RPBCTY)

No help linked to this field.

  • Signature date (field RPBDAT)



  • Title (field FLGPORMUT)


  • Welfare portability acceptance (field FLGPORPRV)


Training period

  • Number of months (field NBRMON)

  • Title (field NBRWEE)

  • Bonuses (field BNSSTG)



Tab Contracts


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • No. of DIF hours (field NBRDIF)

This field no longer exists since the French DIF scheme (French legal requirement) is no longer applicable.

  • Amount (field AMTDIF)





  • Supervisor (field FCYRPB)

Enter the information relating to the employer authentication:

 Surname and first name of the person performing the Pöle Emploi certificates

 Position within the company

These fields are used in the Pôle Emploi (French Job center) certificate.

  • Function (field FCYRPBFNC)


  • Other function (field RPBFNCSPE)


  • Telephone (field FCYRPBTEL)


  • Signature place (field RPBCTY)

No help linked to this field.

  • Signature date (field RPBDAT)



  • Title (field FLGPORMUT)


  • Welfare portability acceptance (field FLGPORPRV)


Training period

  • Number of months (field NBRMON)

  • Title (field NBRWEE)

  • Bonuses (field BNSSTG)




Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

Select this checkbox to include all companies. To run this process for a single company, do not select this checkbox.

Alphanumeric characters used to identify a company in a unique manner.
It is possible to define one or several sites within the same company.
It is possible to define a company as not being a legal company (then, it serves for reporting purposes only).

  • All sites (field ALLFCY)

Select this check box to include all sites. To run this process for a single site, leave clear.

This number is used to identify the site in a unique way.
A site belongs to only one company.
A site can represent a geographical location (plant, company, etc. ) or a responsibility center.

SEEWARNING All operating management actions are carried out from a site.

It is possible to associate a default site or one site per module for each user. Depending on the function being used, the default site is submitted automatically. It can be modified with another site which has been authorized for the user, according to this user’s authorizations.

  • All departments (field ALLSRV)




  • All profiles (field ALLPRF)




  • Reg. number start (field MATDEB)

This field defines the selection ranges of the registration numbers to be processed by the function.

  • field MATFIN



  • Period start (field DATXITSTR)

No help linked to this field.

  • Period end (field DATXITEND)


  • Update existing certificates (field ENAFLG)



AED extraction

  • AED extraction (field FLGAED)


  • Extraction year (field DNAYEA)


  • N4DS version (field N4DVER)

Version of the N4DS standard being used:

  • V01X06 for Dads-u 2011 and AED 2012
  • V01X07 for Dads-u 2012 and AED 2013
  • ...

Contract end DSN extraction

  • DSN extraction (field FLGDSNC)

  • Phase (field PHADSN)



  • Overwrite (field ERASE)

Information for the monthly DSN:

The Overwrite box is not available for the monthly DSN. On extraction of a monthly DSN, existing records not declared are indeed systematically overwritten.

Information for the leave/return DSN:

If the Overwrite box is checked, the employee data already extracted and not declared will be overwritten by the new extraction.

Information for the contract end DSN:

If the Overwrite box is not checked, the contract data and contract end payment data
already extracted and not declared will be overwritten by the new extraction. If all the data is already extracted and if the Overwrite box is not checked, no data is extracted.


Click the Extraction button to automatically extract the information required to manage the departure of an employee.

You can also start the extraction of the end-of-contract DSN (this only applies to France).
You can also launch the extraction of the data that will be used in the UI-19 form (this only applies to South-Africa).

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

This field cannot be accessed. It is automatically populated with the name of the relevant employee.

  • Name (field NAM)


  • For the Employees function, this can be accessed if the employee has several contracts. It is initialized by means of a selection of the employee's contracts if the field is empty on entering the window.
  • For the Contracts function, this field:
      • cannot be accessed. It is initialized with the employee’s current contract chrono if the employee has only one contract.
      • Can be accessed. It is initialized with the employee’s current contract chrono if the employee has several contracts.

You can select the current employee’s contracts via the Selection icon.

Grid Contribution funds

Draw up the general or specific list of the contribution funds with which the employee is associated if they differ from those defined at a higher level (site, company, folder), and specify the related organization.

If you edit an organization for a particular employee:

  • An ‘Employee’-level record containing the organization mentioned here is created in the Assignment function
  • A line for the employee is created on the organization record in the Membership function.

Draw up the general or specific list of the contribution funds with which the employee is associated if they differ from those defined at a higher level (site, company, folder), and specify the related organization.

If you edit an organization for a particular employee:

  • An ‘Employee’-level record containing the organization mentioned here is created in the Assignment function
  • A line for the employee is created on the organization record in the Membership function.

  • Level (field LEV)

This first column, “Level”, mentions the level of definition used to assign each fund.

  • If a registration assignment of a less restrictive nature (folder, company, etc.) is modified, the level moves to the ‘Employee’ value. In this case:
    • An ‘Employee’-level record containing the organization is created in the Assignment function
    • A line for the employee is created on the organization record in the Membership function.
  • If a registration assignment of a more restrictive nature (contract) is modified, the level moves to the ‘Contract’ value.
  • Membership no. (field NUMAFF)


  • Contract no. (field NUMCTR)


  • Option (field CODOPT)


  • Population (field CODPOP)


  • Level (field LEVAFF)

This second column “Level” indicates the level of definition used to assign the registration information of each fund.

  • If a registration information of a less restrictive nature (folder, company, etc.) is modified, the level moves to the ‘Employee’ value. In this case:
    • An ‘Employee’-level record containing the organization is created in the Assignment function
    • A line for the employee is created on the organization record in the Membership function.
  • If a registration information of a more restrictive nature (contract) is modified, the level remains set to the ‘Contract’ value.

Grid Other funds

The Other funds table contains the complementary funds. They are mentioned in the Specific tab of the Assignment function.

Draw up the general or specific list of the contribution funds with which the employee is associated if they differ from those defined at a higher level (site, company, folder), and specify the related organization.

If you edit an organization for a particular employee:

  • An ‘Employee’-level record containing the organization mentioned here is created in the Assignment function
  • A line for the employee is created on the organization record in the Membership function.


  • Level (field LEV2)

This first column, “Level”, mentions the level of definition used to assign each fund.

  • If a registration assignment of a less restrictive nature (folder, company, etc.) is modified, the level moves to the ‘Employee’ value. In this case:
    • An ‘Employee’-level record containing the organization is created in the Assignment function
    • A line for the employee is created on the organization record in the Membership function.
  • If a registration assignment of a more restrictive nature (contract) is modified, the level moves to the ‘Contract’ value.
  • Membership no. (field NUMAFF2)


  • Contract no. (field NUMCTR2)


  • Option (field CODOPT2)


  • Population (field CODPOP2)


  • Level (field LEVAFF2)

This second column “Level” indicates the level of definition used to assign the registration information of each fund.

  • If a registration information of a less restrictive nature (folder, company, etc.) is modified, the level moves to the ‘Employee’ value. In this case:
    • An ‘Employee’-level record containing the organization is created in the Assignment function
    • A line for the employee is created on the organization record in the Membership function.
  • If a registration information of a more restrictive nature (contract) is modified, the level remains set to the ‘Contract’ value.


This button is only available for African legislations.

Use this button to draw up the list of contribution funds to which the current employee is linked for the specified contract and to enter the membership information to these funds.

Fund assignments are available from the Assignment function and data on the affiliation is available from the Affiliation function.

The South-African legislation requires the generation of the UI-19 form (Declaration of information of commercial employees and workers employed in a private household) for an employee when they leave the company. It contains the reason why the employee leaves the company and all the details related to their departure. This form is used for unemployment claims.

1. Use the Extraction button to extract the data that will be used in the UI-19 form.
2. To generate the UI-19 form, click the UI-19 report button.
2. In the Enter report parameters screen, select the applicable company and the range of employees. If you do not select any employee, UI-19 forms will be generated for all employees.
3. Click Print to download the forms to be printed.

Select this button to enter the report parameters for the P45 report (GBR-P45). You can print a P45 for a single employee, or for a group of employees.
  • Company – Enter the appropriate company code.
  • Tax year – The current tax year is the default.
  • Site range – Enter a single, or a range of site codes.
  • Employee range – Enter a single, or a range of employee IDs.
  • Print selections - Defaults to No.

The button is not available until you have ended an employee’s contract in the Employment contract function and selected the Final exit check box.
The report prints on plain paper. You do not need P45 stationery.
You can also print the P45 report from Reports > Prints/Group > Legal reports > GBR-P45, P45 report.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Record does not exist

The record searched does not exist.

No. already assigned

The order number entered has already been assigned to another record.

Incorrect value

The reason for the contract breach is not a reason recognized by the Pöle Emploi certificate.

Tables used

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