This function is used to view and/or modify information relating to employees, according to several criteria, in the form of a grid which content can be entirely set up. This employee screen setup is performed in the "Employee screens" function.

This function can also be used to view and mass update employees' contract records following the evolution of the standard jobs and positions guidelines or following the integration of a group of new employees.

SEEWARNING To use this function, the corresponding screen must have been created.


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Screen management

The modification of each record is performed on a single screen. The selected records are displayed in a grid built based on the fields contained in the employee screen chosen beforehand.

Entry can be performed in three different ways:

  • Standard entry: Standard method, values are simply entered in the grid.
  • Entry by duplication: Useful method when the same value should be assigned to several employees. To do so, enter the value once and then click "Apply below" via the Actions icon. This value will be copied onto all the lines below the current one.
  • Entry by operation: Useful method when the same operation should be carried out for several employees (for example, salary increase). To do so, specify the operation to be performed by clicking the Actions icon, option "Increase". This operation will then be carried out for all the lines below the current one.



The following fields are present on this tab :



Tab Information


Once the selection criteria are entered, result data will be displayed in the form of a grid.




The following fields are present on this tab :



  • All companies (field ALLCPY)

Select this checkbox to include all companies. To run this process for a single company, do not select this checkbox.

Alphanumeric characters used to identify a company in a unique manner.
It is possible to define one or several sites within the same company.
It is possible to define a company as not being a legal company (then, it serves for reporting purposes only).

  • All sites (field ALLFCY)

Select this check box to include all sites. To run this process for a single site, leave clear.

This number is used to identify the site in a unique way.
A site belongs to only one company.
A site can represent a geographical location (plant, company, etc. ) or a responsibility center.

SEEWARNING All operating management actions are carried out from a site.

It is possible to associate a default site or one site per module for each user. Depending on the function being used, the default site is submitted automatically. It can be modified with another site which has been authorized for the user, according to this user’s authorizations.

  • field W1



  • field W2


No help linked to this field.

  • All departments (field ALLSRV)

If this box is checked, the processing is launched for all departments (otherwise, they have to be specified).

This code is used to identify the service for which the processing must be launched. 
You can assign a default service to each user.

  • All profiles (field ALLPRF)

If this box is checked, the processing is launched for all profiles (otherwise, they have to be specified).

This code is used to identify the employee profile for which the processing must be launched.
You can assign a default profile to each user.

  • All positions (field ALLPOT)



  • All standard jobs (field ALLJOBPOT)



This field defines the selection ranges of the registration numbers to be processed by the function.


This code is used to identify the employee population for which the processing must be launched.

  • Other criterion (field CRITERE)

You can select a criterion or enter a formula to complete the selection criteria.

Requested period

  • Start date (field DATDEB)

Specify the period you want to perform searches on.


  • End date (field DATFIN)


  • Employee population update (field FLGPOP)




Tab Stats


Statistical summary of numerical information displayed in the first tab.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Field (field FLD)


  • Total (field TOT)


  • Average (field MOY)


  • Mini (field MINI)


  • Maxi (field MAXI)




Specific Buttons

Exports data displayed on the screen.

Sends via e-mail the data displayed on the screen.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Operation in process on another workstation

The same operation has been launched on a another session in progress.

You are not entitled to access this screen.

An access code has been assigned to the screen you want to use and this code does not give you any right to use this screen.

Change In Progress on another workstation

A same employee record is being modified on another session.

You do not have the rights for this site.

Authorizations by site are managed in this function. This message appears when you do not have the rights for the site of the current employee.

You do not have the rights to create or modify

An access code has been assigned to the employee ID which you want to create or modify the data for. However, you cannot execute these commands via this code.

Tables used

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