Imported receipt notes can be:
- of the direct type,
- related to one or several orders,
- related to one or several inter-site deliveries.
The import function runs the stock movements required for stock-managed products. For this purpose, the import is based on the entry transaction defined by the
PTHTRS - Receipt import transaction parameter (ACH parameter, TRI group), dedicated to this import process. This transaction determines the movement code and the automatic stock journal to be used. Otherwise, the movement code can be used to define the specific stock receipt rules that apply; these rules are defined at the
Product category level. If no entry transaction is specified by the
PTHTRS - Receipt import transaction parameter, the transaction used is the first transaction defined by alphabetical order.
You can also:
- Import texts linked to receipt notes using the following GIMP variables in the import template:
- from 71..78: contain the header text of the receipt note.
- from 81..88: contain the footer text of the receipt note.
- from 91..98: contain the text of each line in the receipt note.
- Enter the Order closing field (if authorized by the POHCLE - PO line closing method Purchase parameter (ACH chapter, REM group)) using the GIMP variable value 65, in the import template.
- Close the shipment line from which the receipt line was generated, using the GIMP variable value 66, in the import template.
As a general rule, to import a receipt linked to a source document, you need to specify in the import template the fields that make this link possible.
If all fields are specified (document header and document line number), the product code and quantity are not mandatory in the import template.
Import of dimension types
You cannot force an analytical dimension type to a blank value. As a consequence, if analytical dimension fields are defined in the template, but these fields are blank in the import file, the default dimension codes linked to the document will still populate the fields.
Inter-site receipt
- Use the Delivery number (SDHNUM) and Delivery line (SDDLIN) fields available in the receipt lines table (PRECEIPTD) to respectively define the shipment number and shipment line number.
- You do not need to mention the received quantity because shipped quantities are always received by default.
Open order receipt
If the sequence number of the delivery request is set up in this template, access will be granted using this sequence number. Otherwise, the import will search for the first Not closed delivery request with the status Firm.
Receipt deletion
To delete a receipt, import an existing receipt note (the template will need to include the receipt number). If the import finds a receipt with the same number, the import will delete the complete receipt.
This function relies on a standard template for the management of the import file. Updates are managed using a "specific" processing.
Parameters to be entered
The following parameters must be entered
PTHTRS (defined at level Legislation) : Import receipt transaction
Mandatory fields in the template
- Receipt site (PRHFCY)
- Supplier code (BPSNUM)
These two pieces of information are required, regardless of the imported receipt type.
- Product reference (ITMREF)
This information is not mandatory when the receipt refers to a sales order or shipment and when the Order number(or Shipment number) and Order line number (or Shipment line number) fields are included in the template.
- Quantity (QTYUOM).
If the unit is not specified in the template, the supplier purchase unit is selected as a priority.
This information is mandatory, except when importing intersite receipts where only the Shipment number and Shipment line number are required.
- Order number (POHNUM), if the import is linked to an order
- Order line number (POPLIN), if the import is linked to an order
- Shipment number, if the import is linked to an inter-site receipt
- Shipment line number, if the import is linked to an inter-site receipt
Stock detail fields, if you want to import the details of stock movements. The import of details is not mandatory.
STOJOU table:
- Quantity (QTYPCU)
In the stock line import file, this information is mandatory.
- Status (STA)
- Location (EMP)
- Unit (CPU)
- Coefficient (PCUSTUCOE)
- Quantity (QTYPCU)
- Lot (LOT)
- Sub-lot (SLOT)
- Supplier lot (BPSLOT)
- Serial number (SERNUM)
Subcontract receipts without WO
- The template must include STOJOU table, with one line for the released product and one line for materials.
- The following fields, used to identify the subcontracted product to be received in stock, are mandatory:
[Product reference (ITMREF) OR Source document line no. (VCRLINORI)] AND Transaction type(TRSTYP)
Subcontract receipts without WO
- The template only includes the PRECEIPT table for the header information, and the PRECEIPTD table for the subcontracted service line.
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
No stock transaction is defined
This message is displayed when the product is stock-managed, when no stock transaction is used, and when the general parameter used to define a default transaction is not entered.
Stock fields are not entered in the line X
This message is displayed when the stock transaction is not available in quick entry and required information is missing from the import template.
Mandatory field in the template : XXX
This message is displayed when a mandatory field (e.g. the supplier) is missing from the import template.
Quick transaction failed
This message is displayed when a quick entry stock transaction is linked to the product but stock information is still missing from (e.g. the serial number).
XXX Already-assigned Serial Numbers
This message is displayed when serial numbers assigned during import already exist.
XXX Code already exists on line
This message is displayed when the lines being imported have already been assigned serial numbers.
Tables used
This template can be used in import and export modes. The data is updated in the following tables :