Outputs > Shipments > Cancelation by parcel 

This screen is used to fully or partly cancel the shipment of a packed DO.

This function is useful when the shipping of the DO must be deleted at all costs, either because the final customer does no longer wish to be shipped, or because there was some wreckage between the order preparation and its shipment.

The shipment cancellation of an unpacked DO is performed by means of function Shipmenrt cancellation by parcel.

Unlike the Shipment deferment function, the cancellation immediately deletes the DO preparation, whereas deferment means that the shipment is merely postponed to a later date.


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Screen management

A DO is selected, then the parcels that are to be cancelled are ticked.

Before that, several things must be done:

A movement code of automatic adjustment type must be defined in the movement code table for the current site.

The DO status must be higher than Status 4-Pending preparation and must be in prepacking or declarative packing mode.

Moreover, a parcel can be cancelled as long as it is neither loaded nor deferred.

Entry screen


Step 1: The DO must be selected and the corresponding parcel line displayed.

Step 2: The "Cancelled" column is used to specify the parcel lines to be deleted.

Step 3: the stock reintegration location must be indicated. It necessarily is in a quay-type store.

Step 4: the "automatic adjustment"-type movement code used to create the corresponding stock objects in the reintegration store must be indicated.

Step 5: the parcel cancellation is validated with the "Save" button.


An automatically launched print-out is used to list the reintegrated elements.

Based on the defined procedures, these stocks will need to be reintegrated into reserve stores/addresses via the creation of transfer movements.

The output movements are then updated. The status of the cancelled movements moves to status 6- Cancelled upon shipment.
Depending on the DO balance management, for a complete DO cancellation, the DO will move to status 2 –Pending xth preparation, or to status 9- Shipped, Completed.

The DO can then be shipped and the movements taken into account in the shipment will be the movements that are not cancelled.

If the serial numbers are managed, the cancellation will only be possible if the serial numbers to be cancelled are entered.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Delivery order

Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon validation of the DO header. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to a Delivery Order.

  • field REF


  • Status (field DOHSTA)


  • In transit (field TNSFLG)



  • field DLVNAM


  • field DLVPOS


Grid Parcel

  • Voided (field ANUFLG)

Used to specify the parcel lines to be deleted.


  • SSCC code (field SSCCOD)




  • field WEI


  • field VOL


  • Status (field PRCSTA)


Block number 3

Code used to identify the store. This code is controlled in the store table.

Stock reintegration location further to a cancellation.

The entered location must have the quay type.

  • field ADDSTC


Movement code of adjustment type used to create the corresponding stock objects

in the reintegration store.



Action icon

Serial Numbers
Standard rerouting action
Serial numbers
Serial number entry





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 REINTEG : Stock reintegration

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Partial delivery prohibited.

The DO header set-up does not allow the shipment to be cancelled in a split fashion.

Serial numbers <> CU number to be cancelled line n° x PRODUCT (y<>z).

This parcel contains products (with serial numbers that must be entered) to cancel (screen available via a right click on the parcel line).

Tables used

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