Outputs > Parcel > Parcel 

This screen is used to:

  • visualize the details of a package whatever its status,
  • carry out the Palletization/Unpalletization actions,
  • carry out the Loading/Unloading actions,
  • carry out the Deferring/Reintegration actions,

The parcel includes a status to view the progress.

When entering the function, only the parcels to be processed (status below 9-Shipped) are displayed.
To view the shipped parcels, choose 'Selection' and 'All'.

This function is available from the Advanced version.


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Screen management

The screen is composed of three tabs: a tab to identify the parcel, a tab containing the general information on the parcel, and a tab enumerating the output movements of the parcel.



This tab presents the parcel identification information: the number and status.

The parcel Number is automatically assigned to the creation of the entity.

The status code provides the status progress of the parcel.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Parcel number (sequence automatically generated by the sytem upon parcel creation).

  • In transit (field TNSFLG)

Specifies the parcel type. If it is triggered as "Pending transfer", this means that the parcel has been shipped, via an "inter-site" round, to another site. On this site, the final shipment to the ship-to customer has no taken place yet.

Destination site of the parcel "pending transfer".

  • Status (field PRCSTA)

Status of the parcel mentioning its progress status.



Tab Packing


This tab lists all the general information on the parcel header, namely the carrier parcel no.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Code of the parcel range. The range forms the main access key to the definition of the parcels themselves. It is used, for specific product groups or in the case of specific flows (export, etc.) to indicate the preferred packing type that will be selected.

Code of the parcel type. The type is used to define, for a specific parcel range, 1 to n parcel dimensions.

  • field PTYDESAXX


  • Estimated weight (field THEWEI)

Theoretical weight of the parcel.

  • field LIBWEI1


  • Real weight (field WEI)

Net weight. Four digits after the comma

  • field LIBWEI2


  • Stock on dock (field STAQAT)




  • field ADDSTC



  • Height (field HEI)

Vertical dimension of an entity. Mandatory. Two digits after the comma

  • field LIBDIM1


  • Width (field WID)

Dimension of an entity along its shortest side (perpendicular to the depth). Mandatory. Two digits after the comma

  • field LIBDIM2


  • Depth (field DTH)

Dimension of an entity along its longest side (perpendicular to the width). Mandatory. Two digits after the comma

  • field LIBDIM3


  • Volume (field VOL)

3-dimensional space occupied by the entity. If it is not entered, it is calculated by the system as the product of the 3 dimensions.

  • field LIBVOL1



Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon validation of the DO header. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to a Delivery Order.

  • Reference (field REF)

Document reference.

Numerical sequence assigned automatically by the system upon wave launching.

Preparation order number (sequence automatically assigned by the system).


Delivery Note number.


Shipping unit number.

  • field TYPCRE



Code of the preparation area, checked against the preparation area table. The notion of Preparation area is used when splitting the Picking Orders.

  • Postponed (field FWDFLG)

LShipping of the parcel has been postponed (shifted to a later date).

  • Dispatchable in state (field DSTFLG)

Specifies if the parcel is a container that can be shipped as is (the container is shipped as is).

  • Palettizable as is (field USTFLG)


  • Big parcel (field LPC)

Specifies if the parcel must be considered to be a big parcel when performing the prepacking.


  • SSCC code (field SSCCOD)


  • Carrier parcel (field CRRPRCNUM)

Carrier parcel number associated with the internal parcel number.



Tab Transactions


The unit movements of the selected parcel are displayed.




The following fields are present on this tab :





  • No. (field CTRQTY)



  • CU/STK no. (field CUQ)


  • STK (field UOMSYM)


  • No. (field ORIQTY)



  • No. (field HMGQTY)





  • Lot no. (field LOT)


  • Reservation no (field RSA)


  • Support no. (field SPT)


  • Status (field MVTSTA)


  • Line no. (field DLOLIN)





Action icon

Output movements





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 ETIQUMCOLIS : SU & Parcel labels

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar


  • It is possible to palletize a parcel via the 'Functions' option of the tool bar, depending on the DO context (palletization management to Yes).
  • A parcel can be palletized if it has the status 6-Pending palletization.
    In this function, the palletization must be carried out on an existing, open SU, i.e. with status 6-Pending palletization or on a new SU.
    A Deferred parcel can also be palletized.


  • It is possible to depalletize a parcel via the 'Functions' option of the tool bar, depending on the DO context (palletization management to Yes).
  • A parcel can be depalletized if it has the status 6-Pending palletization, on an open SU, i.e. with the status 6-Pending palletization.


  • It is possible to load a parcel via the 'Functions' option of the tool bar, depending on the context (load control management to Yes).
  • A parcel can be loaded if it has the status 7-Pending loading. It may have been previously palletized depending on the DO.
    A deferred parcel cannot be loaded.


  • It is possible to unload a parcel via the 'Functions' option of the tool bar, depending on the context (load control management to Yes).
  • A parcel can be loaded if it is loaded but not shipped.


  • It is possible to defer a parcel via the 'Functions' option of the tool bar, depending on the context (partial delivery accepted).
  • A parcel can be deferred if it is neither assigned to a SU, nor loaded nor shipped.
    Partial delivery must be authorized at DO header level.
    To defer all the parcels of a DO with unauthorized partial delivery, it is necessary to assign it to another shipping round.
    Upon shipment deferment, a print is generated to specify the deferred quantities and products.


  • It is possible to reintegrate a parcel via the 'Functions' option of the tool bar, depending on the context (partial delivery accepted).
  • A parcel can be reintegrated if it has been previously deferred.

Drill Down/Transfer history

Drill Down/Parcel movements

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Ffield error ‘SU no.’, Shipping Unit X: Record does not exist

Parcel palletization for a non-existing SU.

Field error ‘SU type’, SU type X: Record does not exist

The type entered for the new SU does not exist.

Field error 'SU type', mandatory field

When creating a new SU, it is mandatory to enter the SU type.

Partial delivery prohibited.

The DO header set-up does not allow deferment.

Tables used

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