Outputs > SU > Auto palletisation > Mass validation 

This screen is used to validate or cancel one or several PAO (palletization order) SUs.

The SU includes a status to view the progress.


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Screen management

The screen consists of a single grid displaying the list of SUs to be processed (status 4 - not validated) and relating to PAOs.

Entry screen


  • In order to validate several SU records, it is necessary to tick the records to be validated in the grid, and to press button.
    The SUs and parcels are then validated.
  • Depending on the configuration, the entry of an operator code can be asked by the system.
  • The entry of an SU characteristics may be demanded according to parameter "SU actual weight entry" of the output configuration.
    If an SU type is forced on the DO header, the latter cannot be modified.
  • If option "Parcel/SU validation: SU closure request" of the output configuration is ticked, the system will ask the operator whether they wish to close the SU or not.
  • If the SU quay management is active and if the operator confirms the SU closure, the system will propose a destination quay location.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid SU

  • Select (field SEL)

No help linked to this field.


  • SSCC code (field SSCCOD)



  • field THEWEI


  • field WEI

Net weight. Four digits after the comma

  • field HEI

Vertical dimension of an entity. Mandatory. Two digits after the comma

  • field WID

Dimension of an entity along its shortest side (perpendicular to the depth). Mandatory. Two digits after the comma

  • field DTH

Dimension of an entity along its longest side (perpendicular to the width). Mandatory. Two digits after the comma

  • field VOL







  • Reference (field REF)


Block number 2

  • Stock on dock status (field STAQAT2)






Action icon

Check all

used to tick all records.

Uncheck all

used to uncheck all records.


used to tunnel to the SU.




Specific Buttons

  • The cancellation of one or several SUs can be carried out by selecting the records and pressing button.
  • In case of SU total cancellation, the SU number is deleted. However, the parcel it included will be set back to status "6-Pending palletization".

It is used to select the SUs to be processed based on criteria SU type, wave number, PAO number, etc.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Operator code invalid.

The entered operator code does not make it possible to validate SUs.

Actual weight: mandatory field

It is mandatory to enter the actual weight.

Tables used

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