Stock > Transfers > Unit Transfers 

This screen allows to :
 Carry out stock transfer of the Normal, Transfer whole container, Merging with or without accumulation type
 View the transfer and replenishment movements.

The validation of the transfer movement is carried out by another function, ‘Validation of transfers/Replenishments’

Upon its creation, the movement creates a pending output from the its original location and a pending input to its destination location. It should be validated to remove these pendings.

Therefore, a transfer movement has a status.

The transfer movement is characterize by the notion of transfer type  that takes one of the following values :
 Merging with accumulation
 Merging without accumulation
 Transfer whole container

 Necessity replenishment
 Preventive replenishment 
 Merging of flows transfer
 Merging of flows replenishment

The 4 types mentioned above are carried out materially on the functions other than the Unitary transfers.


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Screen management

The unitary transfer is carried out on 2 principal screens and the tab General. The two other tabs are presented according to the type of transfer and during the validation of the transfer.



Common principles

To carry out a transfer, click on New and key in the store/address; if several items exist in this location, the system ask the stock object to be transferred; if only one item code exists, the system displays it and only the stock object is to be keyed in if the location contains several

The origin location and the item should not be blocked in output, not in pending inventory. 

The object should not be totally in pending input, neither totally in pending output.
It is also possible to modify qualitatively the stock object being transferred. During its validation, an automatic adjustment will be created

Accordingly, an  objectcan be called :
 Normal object
 Linked object
 Major object

To duplicate a transfer movement, just reset to zero the Movement n° and modify a characteristic of the object, then validate.

It is also possible to delete a transfer movement, the pendings of the stock objects and the re-initialisation of the locations is implemented. The movement is simply deleted from the data bases.

If the setting allows, an operator code can be demanded during the validation of the transfer  (not in its creation). When it is keyed in during the validation of the transfer by the option Transfer/replenishment validation or by validation through handheld procedures, this is displayed on the Management bar; the date and time of validation are also displayed.

A location control code can also be asked if the setting on the current site, on the location and on the item are activated.

In general manner, through the function File/Properties, the information of the user and the creation date of the movement are displayed.

Depending on the setting of the current site, the transfer movement can be automatically validated upon its generation. In this case, the keying in of control code is inhibited whatever the setting.

Two reports can be created at the time of the creation of the transfer movement; the printing of these reports are set on the sites table of the current site :
 Transfer/replenishment list
 Transfer/replenishment labels





The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

Transfer number.

Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system to the movement. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to a movement.

  • Date (field DAT)

Creation date of the transaction.

  • Time (field TIM)

Creation hour of the transaction.

  • Status (field TRFSTA)



Store of the original location of the stock object.

Address of the original location of the stock object.

  • field ADDSTC


  • Type (field ORISLOTYP)


Product code defined in the GEODE product table.

Start stock object number.

  • field CTRLIKNUM


  • Container (field CTRQTY)



  • Pd input (field PDI)


  • Pd output (field PDO)




Tab General


Creation of a normal type of transfer

 The data of the selected stock objects are displayed. Only the available quantity can be transferred.

 The movement code is mandatory and should be a movement code of transfer type; the list of Type value allows the keying in of the type nature, in our case, a normal type of transfer  (default value).

 The zones that can be filled in in case of a normal transfer are certain qualitative characteristics of an object, the quantity (in the case of partial transfer), and the destination address (manual addressing), to wit :

- Quantity and container : quantity and container of the stock object 
The container should be defined in the palletisation plan of the item, and should be of the same level as the container of the destination location.
In a reserve type of location, this quantity is always equal to 1, except if the container level of the object is equal to 5 (the smallest level).
If the user key in a quantity greater than 1, then the  system creates a movement transfers by a quantity of 1.
In a picking type of location, the objects whatever their container level are the quantity greater or equal to 1.

The original container of the object is displayed, it is the initial container of the object.

- Quantity and homogeneous container : quantity and inferior container of the stock object.
Calculated by the system according to the containers of the palletisation plan and the container keyed in for the transfer, these fields are modifiable by the user. The equivalence in CU is displayed.
In the case when the keying in can be expressed in another more adequate container, the system proposes to the user to express it in a different manner.

- Stock nature:it should be defined on the stock nature table

- Reservation code :qualitative characteristics of the stock object

 The transfer movement is only possible from reserve to reserve, or from the picking to the reserve. All the other displacing   (particularly the reserve to picking) are the replenishment movements, implemented from other functions.

* The  integrity controls between the store/address keyed in and the object to be transferred are carried out, particularly :
- The origin location store and the destination must be different
- If the storage type of the location is mono container then the transferred container should be identical to that of the object found on the location.
- If the storage type of the location is in homogeneous object or in standard homogeneous, then the transferred object should be of the same homogeneity as that of the object present of the location.
- If the storage type of the location indicates a ban on the container correspondence then the current container should be equal to reference container of the location
- If the storage type of the location is mono item, or assigned to an item, the item of the transfer should be that of the  stock object present on the location
- If the storage type of the location is mono depositor, or assigned to a depositor, the current depositor should be that that is assigned or that of the stock object present on the location
- If the storage type of the location is mono reservation, the reservation should be that of the stock object present on the location
- If the storage type of the location is mono origin, the origin should be that of the stock object present on the location
- If the storage type of the location is mono lot, the lot should be that of the stock object present on the location
- If the storage type of the location does not accept stock objects of lesser date, then the FIFO date should be later than that of the stock object present on the location
- If the storage type of the location is not « Reset to zero FIFO date in input » then the FIFO date of the stock object should not be nil.
- If the storage type of the location is « Mono FIFO date » then the FIFO dates of the stock object and the location should be of the same day or of the same month or of the same year according to the setting.
- If the storage type is « Control FIFO gap in input » and the item of the stock object has a unit of time of this discrepancy, then the difference of the FIFO dates of the location and the stock object should be included in this gap.
- The container of the stock object should be of the same level as the container of the location.
- If the container is different to reference container of the location, then the container correspondence should be allowed by the storage type and the input mode and should be defined between the transfer container and the reference container of the location of its store..
- The rotation classes of the container and the location should be identical if the storage type does not accept  the chaining of classes, if not the rotation class of the location  should be included in the chaining of the rotation classes of the container
- The assignment classes of the container and the location should be identical if the storage type does not accept  the chaining of classes, if not the assignment class of the location  should be included in the chaining of the assignment classes of the container
- The denial class of the location should be different from the assignment class of the container.
- The assignment class of the location should be different from the denial class of the container
- If the container is of the pallet level, then the stacking coefficient should be compatible with the capacity of the location

Creation of a Merging with or without accumulation type of transfer

The data of the selected stock objects are displayed. Only the available quantity can be transferred..

The movement code is mandatory and should be a movement code of transfer type; the list of Type value allows the keying in of the type nature, in our case, a merging with or without accumulation type of transfer.

The fields that can be filled in case of transfer with merging are identical to that of the normal transfers, plus the following zones :

Master item : The item code of the stock object wherein the transfer movement has been implemented; for the merging transfer with accumulation, the item code should be equal to that of the movement, it can be different for the movement transfers without accumulation

Master object and container linked N°: Destination linked object n° and the container associated to this object

In the case of merging without accumulation, the destination location should not be in CU level and the storage type of the location should not indicate homogeneous or standard homogeneous object.
It is possible to merge 2 « normal » objects between them, or a « normal » object and a master object..

In the case of merging with accumulation, the 2 merged stock objects should have the same lot n°, the same support, the same origin, belonging to the same FIFO discrepancy, have the same stock nature and the same reservation code.
In case when the merging of the 2 objects exceed the standard palletisation of the item, a warning message is sent to the user that should confirm the transaction
Lastly, the merging with accumulation is possible between two objects, each having no link to the other object

Creation of Whole container type of transfer

A whole container transfer allows the transfer of the stock objects linked to the container. It is not possible to do a partial movement. 

The data of the stock object selected are displayed. Only the available quantity can be transferred.

* The movement code is mandatory and should be a movement code of transfer type; the list of Type value allows the keying in of the type nature, in our case, a whole container type of transfer.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Adjustment movement number.

It is used to manage the quality-related differences at stock object level: expiry, reconditioning, etc.

  • Reservation no (field RSA)

Reservation number(s) of the stock object(s).


  • Wave no (field WAVNUM)

Numerical sequence assigned automatically by the system upon wave launching.

Picking replanning number having generated the stock transfer.

The movement code is used to make the distinction between movements of the same type.
It is required when creating:

  • An expected input
  • A supplier input
  • A factory input
  • A customer return
  • A DO
  • An adjustment
  • A transfer
  • A consumable input/output

The movement code is checked against the movement code table.

  • Type (field MVTTYP)

Tells the nature of the transfer movement type.


The term Container encompasses the type and code of the container.

  • Quantity (field CTRQTY)

Quantity to be transfered expressed in container.

The homogeneous container of a stock object is defined as the first container of a level other than level 1 (the pallet) whose CU stock quantity is a multiple.

  • Quantity (field HMGQTY)

Quantity expressed in the homogeneous container.

  • Number of CU (field CSUQTY)


  • field MAXCUQ


  • STK quantity (field STUQTY)


  • Unit (field UOMSYM)



  • Quantity (field ORIQTY)


  • Palletization plan (field PLZ)



Product code of the stock object concerned by the performed transfer movement. For merging with accrual transfers, the product code is equal to that of themovement and it can be different for transfer movements without accrual.

Number of the linked destination object and container number associated with this object.

  • field MRGCTRLIK



Destinationstore of the stock object(s).

Physicaldestination address of the stock object(s).

  • field ADDSTC


  • Avail space (field AVLQTY)


  • % occupied (field OCPRAT)


Identifier created by GEODE upon creation of the stock object.



Tab Controls


 Si le paramétrage le permet, un code opérateur peut être demandé lors de  la validation du transfert (non sa création). Lorsqu’il est saisi, au moment de la validation du transfert par l’option de Validation des transferts/Réappro ou par la validation par procédure portable, celui ci est affiché dans l’onglet Gestion avec la date et heure de validation.

 Affichage des informations diverses du mouvement de transfert : N° de lot, N° de support et les dates.
Les informations N° de lot et N° de support doivent être renseignées si transfert d’un objet de stock d’un emplacement picking indifférencié vers un emplacement de type réserve et que l’article est géré avec N° de lot et que le contenant transféré est géré avec N° de support.
De même, la date FIFO doit être renseignée par l’utilisateur si transfert d’un emplacement sans gestion de la date FIFO (type de stockage avec RAZ date FIFO en entrée) vers un emplacement avec gestion de la date FIFO.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Date (field PICDAT2)


  • Time (field PICTIM2)


  • Operator (field PICOPENAM)



  • Date (field VLDDAT2)

Validation date of the transfer.

  • Time (field VLDTIM2)

Validationtime of the transfer.

  • Operator (field VLDOPENAM)

Description of the operator code who validatedthe transfer.



  • Lot no. (field LOT)

Lot concerned by the return.

  • Support no. (field SPT)

Support number assigned to each stock object created from this entity.


  • Input (field INPDAT)

Date corresponding to the input to store of the stock object.

  • Manufacturing (field MND)

Production date corresponding to the end of the item production cycle.

  • Detention (field RTD)

Detention date. This date corresponds to the instant before which

the stock object is unavailable for an output movement.

(for instance, quarantine).

  • SBD (field SLD)

Sale-by Date (SbD). The SbD is generally used

as FIFO date for food products.

  • UBD (field USD)

Best Before Date (BBD). This date is also called

Optimum Use By Date. It is usually mentioned on

the packaging of food or pharmaceutical products.

  • SbD (field SND)

Use-by date (SBD). The UBD makes it possible to limit the circulation of a product in time:

- for instance, within the framework of a commercial operation (discount),

- or because of its expiry date.

  • FIFO date (field FIFDAT)

The FIFO date can determine the stock removal order of the products (depending on the setup) when an order picking is launched. This date is used to ensure that some operations like merging are possible.



Tab Link stock objects


In case of whole container type of transfer, the stock objects linked to the moved are displayed.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Container no. (field CTRLIKNUM)



  • No. (field CTRQTY)



  • Number PAC (field CSUQTY)


  • Pd input (field PDI)


  • Pd output (field PDO)


  • FIFO date (field FIFDAT)




Action icon

Stock objects
Previous page
Following page




Menu Bar

It allows to automatically address the selected stock object to do the transfer.

If a store was keyed in, the system tries to address in this store, if not it launched the algorithm of the research in input  to find the optimum address for the stock object.  
When the address is found and displayed, the user should confirm this addressing by pressing the the  button.


Menu Bar

Functions / Load analysis

Allows to launch the analysis of the workload of the selected transfer orders.

The workload analysis function is conditioned by the activity code LA2and by the presence of at least one active transfer movement.

The analysis will bear on the list active transfer movements.

The workload of a transfer movement is composed of the sum of  :
- the workload associated to the « pick » operation
- - the workload associated to the « deposit » operation

After a request of analysis of workload :
• a new analysis is created with the following characteristics :
- Indicator to be conserved = « no »
- Model  (for information) :
   ▪ that associated to the triplet (function, current site, current depositor) for a single depositor function
   ▪ By default, or for a multi depositors, that associated to the triplet (function, current site, depositor « in blank »).
   ▪ By default, that associated to the triplet (function, site « in blank », depositor « in blank »)
   ▪ By default, it is left to blank.
• The  calculation is launched for the analysis
• The operator accede to the screens of display of workload from where he can also accede to the information of the analysis (description and indicator « to be conserved ») and ask for the printing of the result of the analysis.

Functions / Serial numbers

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Store : data unknown

The store keyed in does not exist.

Incorrect format

The format of the address keyed in does not correspond to that of the store.

Location : data unknown

The location keyed in does not exist in the store selected.

Item : data unknown

The item code keyed in does not exist.

Item container: data unknown

The item container keyed in does not exist in the palletisation plan of the item.

No record selected

The criteria keyed in location/item don’t allow the selection of the stock object.

Movement code: data unknown

The movement code keyed in does not exist for the depositor.

Forbidden movement : Location blocked in input

The location is blocked in input.

Forbidden movement : Location is blocked for inventory

The location is being inventoried.

Complete object transfer for the store

The parameter « complete object transfer » of the destination store is equal to yes.

Location is full

The available space of the location can not receive the creation of a stock object.

Container level different to that of the location

The container level of the stock object is not of the same level as that of the location.

Quantity is greater than the standard quantity of the container XX1

The quantity keyed in is greater than the default container of the item file (indicative message)

Express the quantity in homogeneous container

The quantity and the container keyed in can be depending on the palletisation plan of the item expressed in another container of the palletisation plan; the system proposes to the user to convert it.

Whole container transfer : the movement transfer of the other linked objects will also be deleted.

If yes, the linked objects will be reinstated in their original locations.

Tables used

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