Financials > Interfaces > Sage payroll integration > Sage payroll transactions 

Use the Sage 50 payroll transactions function to enquire on and amend financial transactions created from XML files imported from Sage 50 Payroll.

You should use it to check all header and detail line values before you post the journal, especially the Site and Account Codes that have been transcribed from Sage 50 Payroll values.

When you have reviewed the transaction you can:
  • Post it as an automatic journal 
  • Delete it, correct the transcription tables and import it again.

Splitting large files

Sage X3 can only accept transactions with a maximum of 9,999 lines. If the Sage 50 XML X3 Import Conversion Tool processes a file with more than 5,000 lines it will split the output into two, or more, XML files to be transcribed into separate Sage X3 transactions. The files produced will have a '-n' suffix so, for example a Sage 50 Payroll file with 3,000 lines would result in a single file with a file identifier such as 20140701151617, whereas a Sage 50 Payroll file with 9,000 lines would result in two files with identifiers such as 20140701151617-1 and 20140701151617-2.

Because these import transactions have been created from the same Sage 50 Payroll file, you should post all the journals, created from related transaction files, at the same time.

 5,000 is the default number of lines, it can be configured in the Sage 50 XML X3 Import Conversion Tool, please refer to the accompanying PDFs for guidance and instructions.


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Screen management

There are two selection lists in the list panel; one includes only unposted transactions and the other includes all imported payroll transactions.



The header displays details of the imported file and the transaction created from it, the fields are read-only and cannot be amended.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Company name (field CPYNAM)


  • Identifier (field RECID)


  • Your reference (field REF)


  • Internal reference (field INTREF)


  • Detailed (field FLGDET)


  • Validated (field FLGVAL)


  • Site (field TMPFCY)




Tab Summary


The summary tab displays details of the imported file and the transaction created from it. All fields with values from Sage 50 Payroll are read-only.




The following fields are present on this tab :



  • Employee (field BPRMURANO)


  • Posted (field STA)



  • Journal (field NUM)


  • Accounting date (field ACCDAT)


  • Report date (field RPODAT)


  • Report time (field RPOTIM)


  • Total (field TOT)



  • Lot (field LOT)


  • Number (field NUMMURANO)


  • Import file (field IMPFIL)


  • Source file name (field SRCFIL)




Tab Detail


The detail tab displays all the detail lines from the imported file. Values contained in the imported file cannot be amended, but those created during the import can be corrected if required.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Narrative (field NARRATIVE)


  • Source account (field TMPACC1)












  • Debit (field DEB)


  • Credit (field CDT)


  • Distribution (field DSP)






















  • Source line (field SRC_LINE)


  • Code (field ACC_CODE)


  • Cost Centre (field COSTCENTRE)


  • Department (field DEPT)


  • Employee (field EMPLOYEE)



  • Imported credits (field CRTOT)



  • Imported debits (field DBTOT)



  • Source value (field SRCTOT)






By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

 S-MURANA : Murano Payroll analysis

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific buttons

The Postaction is only available if:

  • The Debit and Credit totals agree;
  • The journal has not already been posted;
  • You have saved any changes made.

When you have reviewed the details of the imported transaction and made any necessary changes click Post; a popup window will be displayed asking you to confirm your intention, click Yesto continue.

Use the Deleteaction to remove the transaction without posting it. This will, for example, let you add or correct transcription values using the Sage 50 import transcribe function and then import the XML file again.

Menu Bar

Zoom / Journal

If the journal has been posted you will be able to use the Zoom > Journalaction to display the journalcreated.

Zoom / Transcribe

You can use the Zoom> Transcribeaction to launch the Sage 50 import transcribe function where you can add or correct transcription values and return here, to the Sage 50 Payroll transactions function.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

A problem was encountered, record not deleted
If the Supervisor encounters a problem, such as a locked record or corrupt data, when deleting a transaction the deletion is abandoned and nothing is deleted. You will have to investigate and correct the cause before trying to delete the transaction again.

Journal posting not permitted, transaction does not balance
The most likely cause of a transaction with debits and credits that don't balance is a split imported XML file with no offset account. If the Sage 50 XML X3 Import Conversion Tool has split a file and the Site used does not have an offset account you will need to:
  • delete all the transactions created by the import;
  • use the Sage 50 import transcribe function to add an offset account to the Site's configuration;
  • import the XML file again.

Tables used

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