A return-type message is at the start of the transport service provider and destined to Warehousing.
This function is used above all to close a DN with an "in progess" EDI status.
It is used when the last message is not transmitted with EDI, but with a manual means: by fax or by telephone.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The screen is composed of two tabs:
It is used to define the type and the number of the EDI message-processed entity
EDI messages can involve four different entity types:
Upon creating the message, the system checks that:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
| Number of the EDI message. Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon creation of an EDI message, either via an interface or manually. This number is an information specific to the site, all depositors included. This information features a unique access key to the EDI message. |
| Mentions the type of entity managed in the EDI messages. The processed entity can be either the CR, the DN, the SU or the parcel. |
Block number 2
|   |
| Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It encompasses the concept of order-issuing customer for the service providers. After the site, the depositor is the second access key to the Product, Input and Delivery Order files. For the location, the depositor code is entered if the location is allocated to the depositor or to the product, and if the location is single-depositor or single-product or if it is not empty. |
| Carriage receipt number. |
|   |
| Shipping unit number. |
| Delivery Note number. |
| The magnifier is used to display all the EDI messages already received by the processed DN. |
| Carrier parcel number associated with the internal parcel number. |
|   |
| Parcel number (sequence automatically generated by the sytem upon parcel creation). |
| The magnifier is used to display all the EDI messages already received for the processed parcel. |
It is used to define the EDI message details
The operator MUST enter:
The operator can also enter:
Upon validating the EDI message, the system:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
|   |
| It describes the situation of the entity (removed, delivery under progress, etc.) Statuses are defined for all the carriers and their codification is defined upon each interchange agreement with the carrier. |
|   |
| The reason code provides a justification or an explanation for a status (eg. missing, damaged, etc.) It is defined upon interchange agreement with the carrier. |
| Date and time of the event processed in the EDI message. Upon integration of the EDI messages, consistency checks are performed between the event dates and times of the new message and those messages already received for the entity. The event date and time of the new message must be prior to those of the already received messages. |
|   |
|   |
| Processing date and time of the event described in the EDI message. |
|   |
| Date and time of the next message to be received for the entity processed in the EDI message |
|   |
Block number 2
|   |
Block number 3
| Operator validating the transaction. |
|   |
|   |
|   |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
EXPEDI : Carriage statistic
This can be changed using a different setup.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
"Depositor" field error, Record does not exist
The entered value must exist in the depositor table for the current site.
"CR n°" field error, mandatory field
The entered value must not be blank.
"CR n°" field error, CR not determined
The entered value must exist in the CR table for the current site.
"CR n°" field error, EDI management level: Parcel or SU or DN
The entered CR is already managed in EDI in a different level: parcel, SU or DN
"DN n°" field error, mandatory field
The entered value must not be blank.
"DN n°" field error, DN not determined
The entered value must exist in the DN table for the current site.
"DN n°" field error, EDI management <> Under progress for the DN
The entered DN is completely delivered or not managed by the EDI.
"DN n°" field error, EDI management level: Parcel, SU orCR
The entered DN is already managed in EDI in a different level: parcel, SU or CR
"SU n°" field error, mandatory field
The entered value must not be blank.
"SU n°" field error, SU not determined
The entered value must exist in the SU table for the current site.
"SU n°" field error, SU not shipped
The entered SU is not shipped yet (SU at status 6, 7 or 8)
"SU n°" field error, EDI management <> Under progress for the DN
The DN of the entered SU is completely delivered or not managed by the EDI.
"SU n°" field error, EDI management level: Parcel or DN or CR
The entered SU is already managed in EDI in a different level: parcel, DN or CR
"Parcel n°" field error, mandatory field
The entered value must not be blank.
"Parcel n°" field error, Parcel not determined
The entered value must exist in the parcel table for the current site.
"Parcel n°" field error, parcel not shipped
The entered parcel is not shipped yet (parcel at status 6, 7 or 8)
"Parcel n°" field error, EDI management <> Under progress for the DN
The DN of the entered parcel is completely delivered or not managed by the EDI.
"Parcel n°" field error, EDI management level: SU ou DN ou CR
The entered parcel is already managed in EDI in a different level: SU, DN or CR
"Status code" field error, mandatory field
The entered value must not be blank.
"Status code" field error, Record does not exist
The entered value must exist in the status table for the current site.
"Reason code" field error, mandatory field
The entered value must not be blank.
"Reason code" field error, Record does not exist
The entered value must exist in the reason table for the current site.
"Reason code" field error, Pairs do not exist
The entered pairs (status code, reason code) must exist in the equivalence table for the current site.
Application error, mandatory field
The entered value must not be blank
This message is applied to field "Event time".
Application error, Incorrect time
The entered value must be of time format.
This message is applied to fields "Event time", "Processing time" and "Next message time".
"Operator code" field error, mandatory field
The entered value must not be blank.
"Operator code" field error, Invalid operator code
The entered value must exist in the operator code table and must enable realising the carrier EDI.
Application error, Phase is incoherent with last message
The message phase must be superior or equal to that of the last message received for the processed entity.
Application error, Message earlier than last message
The message event date and time must be superior to those of the last message received for the processed entity.
Application error, Last message already received
The processed entity already received its end message.