Refer to documentation Implementation
The Delivery Note is in "inquiry" mode.
It is described via 5 screens, among which 4 tabs.
Identifier of the delivery note.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Delivery Note number. |
| Specifies the DN type. If the "inter-site" is activated, this means that the DN has been generated within the framework of an "inter-site" round. |
| Creation date of the Delivery Note. |
| Creation time of the Delivery Note. |
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| Carriage Note number. |
| Carriage receipt number. |
Management information recovered from the DO header that gave rise to the delivery note.
The shipment date is the actual date upon which the DN was generated upon DO shipment confirmation.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Customer reference. |
| Order reference for the customer. |
| Level 3 order number. |
| Level 3 order date. |
| Level 3 order reference. |
| Code representing the preparation mode. The preparation mode regroups all the management rules linked to each DO. It makes it possible to specify the processing mode of said DO upon preparation launching. |
| The movement code is used to make the distinction between movements of the same type.
The movement code is checked against the movement code table. |
| Code of the preparation area, checked against the preparation area table. The notion of Preparation area is used when splitting the Picking Orders. |
| Specifies if the customer accepts to be delivered in part; there are three possibilities, either yes (the customer accepts, irrespective of the requested quantity), or by line (the customer accepts a partial delivery provided the whole line is delivered), or no, (the customer does not accept a partial delivery). |
| Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon validation of the DO header. This number features an information specific to the system, all depositors included. This piece of information features a unique access key to a Delivery Order. |
| Document reference. |
| Numerical sequence assigned automatically by the system upon wave launching. |
| Provisional delivey date of the DO. By default, it is equal to the entry date of the DO. It remains modifiable. |
| Provisional delivey time of the DO. By default, it is equal to the entry time of the DO. It remains modifiable. |
| Shipment date for the entity. |
| Shipment time for the entity. |
Delivery note
| Name of the report for the print-out of the DN and packing list, jointly printed if the DN is in the packing stage. The name set up here is used as the default value of the corresponding DO header field. |
| Setup of the requested language to print the delivery note and the packing list. |
This concerns the information on the ship-to customer, recovered from the DO header.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| Code of the ship-to customer who must be defined in the Customer table. |
| Country code of the ship-to customer. |
| Country description of the ship-to customer. |
| Company name of the ship-to customer. |
| Ship-to customer address. |
| Postal code of the ship-to customer. |
| Ship-to customer's town. |
| Ship-to customer status. |
| Ship-to customer's telephone number. |
| Fax number of the ship-to customer. |
| Comments that will be printed on the Delivery Note. |
This concerns the information on the billed customer, recovered from the DO header.
The following fields are present on this tab :
| The invoicing customer code can be different from the ship-to customer code. This code is controlled in the customer code table. |
| Country code of the bill-to customer. |
| Country description of the bill-to customer. |
| Company name of the bill-to customer. |
| Bill-to customer address. |
| Postal code of the bill-to customer. |
| Bill-to customer's town. |
| Bill-to customer status. |
| Bill-to customer's telephone number. |
| Fax number of the bill-to customer. |
| Comments. |
This concerns the Delivery Note shipment information.
The following fields are present on this tab :
|   |
| A generic round is a set delivery round (with respect to days and maximum shipping time), a round being the content of a truck. |
| Number assigned by the system and used to identify the round in a unique way within a site. |
| Order in which the round must be loaded. This information is used to allocate an unloading or loading sequence number to the DOs of a round. |
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|   |
| Destination site of the "inter-site" DN. |
| Code identifying the carrier. This code must be defined in the carrier table. |
|   |
| Usually, the transport mode corresponds to the notions of messaging, freight, express,... The transport mode is checked against the transport modes table. |
|   |
| Carrier reference. |
| The freight type can contain the Incoterm codes, for example (freight charges, paid, etc.). |
| Delivery field of the ship-to customer. |
| Transport cost of the DN generated upon shipment confirmation or when recalculating the transport cost. |
|   |
| Number of parcels of the load. |
| Number of Shipping Units of the load. |
| Number of DO lines of the loading. |
Block number 5
| Net weight. Four digits after the comma |
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| Loading volume. |
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| Linear metering of an entity. |
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This concerns the Delivery Note carrier EDI information.
The tab displays:
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 2
| Used to know if the transport EDI is managed for the DN and, if this is the case, what its progress status is. The possible values are: 'Pending': DN managed by the transport EDI and not having received its last EDI message 'Completed': DN managed by the transport EDI and having received its last EDI message 'Not concerned': DN not managed by the transport EDI |
| The magnifier is used to display all the EDI messages already received by the processed DN. |
| Mentions the type of entity managed in the EDI messages. The processed entity can be either the CR, the DN, the SU or the parcel. |
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Message of the strongest gravity
| Number of the EDI message. Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system upon creation of an EDI message, either via an interface or manually. This number is an information specific to the site, all depositors included. This information features a unique access key to the EDI message. |
| Type and number of the event processed in the EDI message. |
| Specifies a hierarchy on the reason codes based on the gravity. For instance: a 'compliant' reason code has a gravity code equal to 0. |
| It describes the situation of the entity (removed, delivery under progress, etc.) Statuses are defined for all the carriers and their codification is defined upon each interchange agreement with the carrier. |
| The phase code stipulates the order in the message reception. It enables the system to ensure that, upon return message integration, the phase code is higher thant the phase code of those messages already received for the processed entity. |
| The reason code provides a justification or an explanation for a status (eg. missing, damaged, etc.) It is defined upon interchange agreement with the carrier. |
| Date and time of the event processed in the EDI message. Upon integration of the EDI messages, consistency checks are performed between the event dates and times of the new message and those messages already received for the entity. The event date and time of the new message must be prior to those of the already received messages. |
|   |
| Used to specify whether or not the EDI message is the last one to be received from the pairs (status code, reason code) for the processed entity. The possible values are: Yes: last message to be received for the entity No: the system accepts to receive other message for the entity |
| Processing date and time of the event described in the EDI message. |
|   |
| Date and time of the next message to be received for the entity processed in the EDI message |
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By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
BL : Delivery note
LISTCOL : Customer packing document
This can be changed using a different setup.
Display of the shipping units of the shipped DN.
Display of the parcels of the shipped DN.
Display of the movements of the shipped DN.