General parameters > Chapter Common Data > Parameter ESTBILINIT (Prog. status percentage init.) 

This parameter is used by the progress billing process when the estimated progress of a project, budget or task at Pending status is refreshed either automatically, or on demand.

Combined (Project progress/Forecast status) - This is the default value for this parameter. The Progress status Estimated progress (%) field (PRCCPLCAL) can be updated from either the Estimated progress (%) field (PRCCPL) on the project level, the budget level, or the task level, or alternatively from the next scheduled invoice percentage, if the Estimated progress (%) field is undefined on the project, budget, or task.

Forecast status only (Scheduled invoices) - The Progress status Estimated progress (%) field is updated from the next scheduled invoice percentage.

Project progress only - The Progress status Estimated progress (%) field is updated from the Estimated progress (%) field (PRCCPL) on the project level, the budget level, or the task level.

The estimated progress of the progress billing process is updated on demand by clicking a Refresh status action. When clicked, the Refresh status action "requests" a value for the Progress status Estimated progress (%) (PRCCPLCAL) field. However, before this value can be updated the Estimated progress (%) field must be initialized. You use this parameter to define the source that is to be used to populate the Estimated progress (%) field when the progress billing progress percentage is refreshed.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site.It belongs to Chapter TC (Common Data) and the Group PJM (Project management),The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.

Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :

 PJM : Project management