Stock > Dynamic Picking > Picking reorganization 

This function allows the view for every picking rearrangement campaign created by the  calculation of ideal classes, the  information of the selected item containers.

This function allows the view of the following information for each item container :
 The general data
 The statistical data
 The mean data


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The screen is made up of four tabs.



It identifies:

   the processed item from the field ‘depositor’ and ‘item’.

   the picking rearrangement from its number and state of progress of the item container reassignment .

A picking rearrangement campaign can be divided into several picking rearrangement according to physical criteria. 
The division criteria are :
 the store and the actual picking location aisle of the item container to be processed,
 the depositor, the family, the sub-family, the group and sub- group of the items to be processed

Each record of an item container on a picking rearrangement has a status showing its progression.
The status are :
- 1 ‘Wait ideal class: the system during the calculation of ideal classes was not able to assign to an item container an ideal class (either the ideal rotation class, or the ideal volume class, or both) because of an error in the setting or because of lack of available picking locations.
- 2 : Wait current picking blockage : the system had calculated the ideal classes of an item container already assigned to an active picking location (not blocked in input / output). 
The next step of the picking dynamisation for this item container, if the current picking location is not optimal, is to block the current picking location and to assign a new location more suited to the item container.
- 3 : Wait reassignment : the system had calculated the ideal classes of an item container not assigned to a picking location or assigned to a picking location that is blocked in input / output.
The next step of the picking dynamisation for this item container is  to assign a new location to the item container.
- 4 : Wait transfer generation : the item container was reassigned to a new picking location but there are some stock left on the original container to be transferred elsewhere..
- 5 : Wait movements validation : : the item container was reassigned to a new picking location and all the stock of the original location is being transferred.
- 6 : Cancelled : the reassignment of the picking container was cancelled.
- 7 : Validated : the picking container was reassigned to a new location and the stock of the former location were transferred.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system

upon creation of the picking replanning (upon launching of the calculation of the

ideal classes).

  • Status (field MADSTA)

Progress status of the picking replanning of the product container.

Code representing the depositor. In logistics terms, the concept of depositor makes it possible to process separate flows or traffics within the same site. It encompasses the concept of order-issuing customer for the service providers.

After the site, the depositor is the second access key to the Product, Input and Delivery Order files. For the location, the depositor code is entered if the location is allocated to the depositor or to the product, and if the location is single-depositor or single-product or if it is not empty.

Product code defined in the GEODE product table.



Tab Addressing


This tab contains :
 the characteristics of the original picking locations of the item container to be reassigned
 the characteristics of the new picking locations after reassignment
 the ideal rotation and volume classes  calculated by the process of calculation of ideal classes.

Rotation class

The ideal rotation class of a container corresponds to the rotation class of the picking location to which the container taking into account its promptings will be assigned, if the use of the picking was optimal. 

There are two methods used in determining the ideal rotation class

Method 1 : Calculations carried out according to existing locations

The determination of the rotation class includes :
 the management rules defined on the   sites table
 the management tables of  availabilities

All the containers managed in picking (item container having output movements in history or in forecast and managed in picking dynamisation (output mode function of the item) having an identical group of accessible picking locations, meaning that having the following characteristics identical  :
 depositor (according to the sites table, only if the reassignment is mono depositor)
 container code
 assigned store  (according to the sites table, only if the reassignment is mono store)
 storage type (according to the sites table, only if the reassignment is mono storage type)
 assignment class (according to the sites table, only if the reassignment is mono assignment class)
are classified on the order of the promptings.

At the same time, the system determines the number of picking locations  accessible to these containers by rotation class by taking into account the parameters of the  availability table.

It is therefore possible to assign to containers whose prompting is the most important, the least rotation class (alphabetical order) considering the number of available locations.

Example :
The site has 2 picking locations of class A, 3 picking locations of class B, 2 picking locations of class C defined in CU.
The picking reassignment mode is multi depositors, multi stores, multi assignment class, multi storage types.

The analyse of the 7 references stocked in CU picking gives the following results :


Prompting (Take/day)

Rotation class of the active picking

Ideal rotation class





























The reassignment to be considered will be the following :
Class B -> Class A : Item 2
Class A -> Class B : Item 3
Class C -> Class B : Item 5
Class B -> Class C : Item 6

Method 2 : Theoretical calculation of the ideal rotation class

The determination of the ideal rotation class is independent of the defined locations and rely only on the interval of accepted promptings set for each rotation class on the rotation classes table.

To each prompting can be directly assigned an ideal rotation class.

Ideal rotation class : corresponds to the ideal rotation class calculated by the method  (location or rotation table) ticked on the sites table.

Rotation class second criterion : corresponds to the ideal rotation class of the item container calculated by the method (location or rotation class) not ticked on the sites table.

Volume class

The ideal volume class of a container corresponds to the volume class of the picking location to where the container will be assigned considering its volumic flow, if the use of the pickings existing on the site was optimal.

There are two methods used in determining the ideal volume class

Method 1 : Calculations carried out according to existing locations

The determination of the volume class includes :
 the management rules defined on the sites table
 the management tables of availabilities

All the containers managed in picking (item container having output movements in history or in forecast and managed in picking dynamisation (output mode function of the item) having an identical group of accessible picking locations, meaning that having the following characteristics identical  :
 depositor (according to the sites table, only if the reassignment is mono depositor)
 container code
 assigned store (according to the sites table, only if the reassignment is mono store)
 storage type (according to the sites table, only if the reassignment is mono storage type)
 assignment class (according to the sites table, only if the reassignment is mono assignment class)
are classified on the order of volumic flows.

At the same time, the system determines the number of picking locations  accessible to these containers by volume class by taking into account the parameters of the  availability table and the  parameters of the volume classestable.

It is therefore possible as in the determination of the ideal rotation class, to assign to containers whose volumic flow is the most important, the least volume class (alphabetical order) considering the available locations.

Method 2 : Theoretical calculation of the ideal volume class

The determination of the ideal volume class is independent of the defined locations and rely only on the percentage of the target cover set on the sites table.

To each volumic flow may be associated an ideal location volume and therefore an ideal volume class. 

Ideal picking volume = Volumic flow * target cover

Ideal volume class : corresponds to the ideal volume class calculated by the method  (location or target cover) ticked on the sites table.

Volume class second criterion : corresponds to the ideal volume class of the item container calculated by the method (location or volume class) not ticked on the sites table.

Current address

The current address corresponds to the origin picking location (store + address) of the item container to be reassigned if it has one.

The system specifies :
 all the physical characteristics of the location : rotation class, assignment class, volume class and storage type (specifies the management rules of the location),
 the date of the last reassignment of the current picking location.
 the end of life date of the processed item set on the item record so as to know if the item to be reassigned is in end of life or not.
 the date of the first reassignment of the picking location corresponding to the date of the first output movement of the current picking location of the item container processed. 

Assigned address

The assigned address corresponds to the new picking location (store + address) assigned to the item container during the picking rearrangement.

The system specifies :
 all the physical characteristics of the location : rotation class, assignment class, volume class and storage type (specifies the management rules of the location),
 the assignment date of the item container to this new location.
 if the new picking location is a temporary or a definitive picking location for the item container.




The following fields are present on this tab :

ABC classes

Idealrotation class of the item container to be assigned to a new picking location.

Thisclass is calculated by the process of calculation of ideal classes according tothe method ( location or rotation class) ticked on the sites table.

Idealrotation class calculated by the process of calculation of ideal classesaccording to the method ( location or rotation class) not ticked on the sitestable.

Thisideal class is only for information and is not used in the process ofassignment of new picking location.

Volume class

Idealvolume class of the item container to be assigned to a new picking location.

Thisclass is calculated by the process of calculation of idealclasses according tothe method ( location or target cover) ticked on the sites table.


  Ideal volume class calculated by the processof calculation of ideal classes according to the method               (location or target cover) not ticked on thesites table.

Thisclass is for information only and is not used in the process of assigning to anew picking location

Current address

Store of the current picking location of the product container.

Address of the current picking location of the product container.

ABC class of the current picking location of the product containers.

Assignment class of the current picking location of the product container.

Volume type of the picking locations of the product containers.

Sorage type of the current picking locations of the product containers.

  • Last allocations (field LASALL)

Date of the latest reassignment of the current picking location.

  • 1st activity (field FIROUT)

Date of the first assignment of the picking location.

It corresponds to the date of the first output movement from the current picking location for the container of the processed product.

  • Item end of life (field ENDLIF)

Product end-of-life date.

This date is given for information purposes and it makes it possible to know when the product will no longer be sold or managed in stock.

Assigned address

Store of the new picking location of the product container to be reassigned.

Address of the new picking location of the product container to be reassigned.

ABC class of the new picking location of the product to be reassigned.

Assignment class of the new picking location of the product to be reassigned.

Volumeclass of the new picking location of the item to be reassigned.

Storage type of the picking location of the product container to be reassigned.

  • Assignment date (field ALLDAT)

Assignment date of the product container to the new picking location.

  • Temporary picking (field ALLTPY)

Tellif the new picking location is temporary or permanent.

Thepossible values are :

- No : the new picking location ispermanent.  

Thestock of the old picking location should therefore be transferred to free thelocation to another item container.

-Yes : the new picking location is temporary.

Theold picking location is only blocked withouttransfer nor removal  of the item container.  



Tab Accumulations


This details the statistical data and the mean data calculated by the system for each item container managed in picking (item with at least a picking output movement in history or in forecast) and managed in picking dynamisation (output mode function).
These data are necessary in determining the ideal classes of each item container. 


This part sums up for the processed item container and for the archived period of ideal classes calculation processing :
 the number of picking output movements of the processed item container
 the number of each group of picking output movements whose wave, DO, DO line, PO and parcel information are identical.
The calculation of the number of take (frequency of access to the location) will be carried out for each group of output movements whose wave, DO, DO line, PO and parcel information are identical because a set of takes for a DO line might generated several movements.
 The number of preparation orders corresponding to picking output movements
 The number of DO lines corresponding to picking output movements.


This part sums up for the processed item container and for the archived period of ideal classes calculation processing :
 The number of replenishment movements (merging of flows or not) and the number of transfer movements (merging of flows or not) whose item and the item container taken corresponds to the item container processed.
 The number of transfer/replenishment order corresponding to the counted transfer/replenishment movements.
The calculation of the number of take (frequency of access to the location) will be carried out for each replenishment or transfer because a set of takes for an item container on a transfer/replenishment order  might generate  several movements. .


This part sums up for the processed item container and for the ‘forecasted’ period of processing of the calculation of the  ideal classes, the number of picking output movements corresponding to the sales forecast set on the  forecasts table of output.

The start date of the forecast corresponds to the day included on the period of the calculation of the processing of the ideal classes and after the last movement of the site.

The number of forecasted output movements is proportional to the ‘forecasted‘ period of the processing.


No containers : corresponds to the total number of containers of each movement  (output, transfer and forecast) on the period taken into account.

Number PAC : corresponds to the quantity in unit of the number of containers

Nb takes : corresponds to the total number of takes associated to each  movement  (output, transfer and forecast) on the period taken into account.

The number of take cannot be inferred only of the number and the nature of the movements.
Indeed, a movement of several containers might correspond to 1 take for a light item and to several takes for heavy items.
Thus, the takes tableallows to specify the maximum number of containers per take according to the weight and the volume of the container.

The calculation of the number of takes will be carried out :
 for each set of output movements whose wave, DO, DO line, PO and parcel information are identical
 for the set  of replenishment or transfer movements
 for each forecast movement

Nb promptings :corresponds to the total promptings associated to each movement  (output, transfer and forecast) on the period taken into account.
A prompting corresponds a take weighted by a coefficient suppose to measure the difficulty of the handling of the take.  
This coefficient is set on the promptings tableaccording to the weight and the volume of the take.

Example :
Let an output movement of 25 CU of the item A whose palletisation plan is the following :
CC1 of 10 UCU
PP1 of10 CC1

The decomposition of the movement according to the pattern principle gives the following result :
25 CU = 2 CC1 + 5 UCU

The calculation table of the take indicates that :
Each CC1 container corresponds to a take
For the CU level, 2 CU makes up a take

The calculation table of the prompting indicates that :
The weighing coefficient to be applied on every pick de CC1 est 1,2.
The weighing coefficient to be applied on every pick de 2 UC est 1,1
The weighing coefficient to be applied on every pick de 1 UC est 1.

The prompting related to the movement is therefore :
(2*1.2) + (2*1.1) + (1*1) = 5.6

Weight :Corresponds to the total weight of the containers of the processed  movements (output, transfer and forecast) on the period taken into account

Volume :Corresponds to the total volume of the containers of the processed  movements (output, transfer and forecast) on the period taken into account.

Weighted total

Nb promptings :corresponds to the total of the promptings weighted by a seasonality coefficient, associated to each movement  (output, transfer and forecast) on the period taken into account..

The seasonality coefficient applied to each  prompting allows to weight in different way the promptings related to a given period and is defined from the   seasonalities table in the following manner :

Seasonality coefficient  = weighing of the period of reassignment /weighing coefficient of the  period of the processed movement

Weight :Corresponds to the total weight of the containers of the processed  movements (output, transfer and forecast) on the period taken into account, weighted by the seasonality coefficient.

Volume  :Corresponds to the total volume of the containers of the processed  movements (output, transfer and forecast) on the period taken into account, weighted by the seasonality coefficient.

Weighted mean per day

Nb promptings :The mean daily prompting is inferred from the total number of the weighted promptings by the formula :
WeightedPrompting (/ day) = Total nbr of weighted promptings / nbr of workable days

It is the mean daily prompting that allows to determine the ideal rotation classes of the item containers.

The mean daily weight is inferred from the weighted total weight by the formula :
Weighted weight (/ day) = Weighted total weight / nbr of workable days

The mean daily volume (volumic flow) is inferred from the weighted total volume by the formula:
Volumic flow (Vol / day) = Weighted total volume / nbr of workable days

The mean coverage of the picking associated to a container, expressed in days, is inferred from the volumic flow by the formula :
Coverage (Day) = Volume of picking / volumic flow

The system uses the data ‘volume of the picking location’, calculated from the volumic flow and the coverage set on the sites table, to determine the ideal volume classes of the item containers.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • PO no (field PKONBR)

Number of preparation orders corresponding to the picking output movements of the product container processed during the accumulation period of the ideal class calculation.

  • Nr of lines DO (field DOLNBR)

Number of DO lines corresponding to the picking output movements of the product container processed during the accumulation period of the ideal class calculation.

  • Regrouped nb mvts (field PRCNBR)

Number of each set of picking output movements of the product container dealt with during the processing cumulation period, having similar wave, DO, DO line, PO and parcel information.

The calculation of the number of removals (frequency of access to the location) will be carried out for each set of output movements having similar wave, DO, DO line, PO and parcel information

because the removals as a whole for a DO line can generate several movements.

  • No of movements (field OUMNBR)

Number of picking output movements of the product container processed during the accumulation period of the ideal class calculation.

Transfers / Replenish

  • TO nr (field RPNNBR)

Number of replenishment movements (merging of flows type or not) + number of transfer movements (merging of flows type or not) of the product container handled during the ideal class calculation accumulation period..

  • No of movements (field TRMNBR)

Numberof transfer/replenishment orders corresponding to the counted transfer :replenishmentmovements for the item container during the period of theaccumulation of theideal classes calculation.

Thecalculation of the number of picks (frequency of access to the location) willbe carried out for each replenishment/transfer order, because the totality ofthe picks for an item container on a replenishment/transfer order couldgenerate several  movements.


  • Start forecasts (field STRFRT)

The forecast start date corresponds to the day contained in the calculation period of the ideal class processing and based on the day of the last movement of the site.

  • No of movements (field FRTNBR)

Number of picking output movements relating to the product container processed during the process historical period corresponding to the sales forecasts set up in the output forecast table.


  • Nb promptings (field POMNBR)

Corresponds to the sum of promptings associated with each movement (output, transfer and forecasts) over the considered period.

A prompting corresponds to a removal weighted by a coefficient supposed to measure the material handling difficulty of said removal.

This coefficient is set up in the promptings table based on the weight and volume of the removal.

  • No containers (field CTRNBR)

Corresponds to the addition of the number of containers for each movement (output, transfer and forecasts) over the considered period

  • Weight (field OUTWEI)

Corresponds to the total weight of the containers for the processed movements (output, transfer and forecast) over the considered period.

  • field WEIUOS1


  • Number PAC (field CUQNBR)

Corresponds to the quantity in units of the number of containers

  • Volume (field OUTVOL)

Corresponds to the total volume of the containers for the processed movements (output, transfer and forecast) over the considered period.

  • field VOLUOS1


  • Nb takes (field PIKNBR)

Corresponds to the sum of the number of removals associated to each movement (output, transfer and forecasts) over the considered period.

The number of removals cannot be simply deducted from the number and nature of the movements.

In effect, the movement of several containers can correspond to 1 removal for a lightweight product and to several removals for a heavy product.

Thus, the removal table is used to specify the maximum number of containers by removal depending on the weight and volume of the container.

The calculation of the number of removals will be conducted:

- for each set of output movements having similar information (wave, DO, DO line, PO and parcel),

- for all the movements of a replenishment or transfer order,

- for each forecast movement.

Weighted total

  • Nb promptings (field SESPOM)

Corresponds to the sum of the promptings weighed by a seasonality coefficient, associated with each movement (output, transfer and forecasts) over the considered period.

The seasonality coefficient applied to each prompting is used to weigh differently the promptings relating to a given period and it is defined from the seasonality table as follows:

  • Weight (field SESWEI)

Corresponds to the total weight of the containers for the processed movements (output, transfer and forecast) over the considered period, weighed by the seasonality coefficient.

  • field WEIUOS2


  • Volume (field SESVOL)

Corresponds to the total volume of the containers for the processed movements (output, transfer and forecast) over the considered period, weighed by the seasonality coefficient.

  • field VOLUOS2


Weighted mean/day

  • Nb promptings (field DAYPOM)

The average daily prompting is deduced from the total number of promptings weighed using the following formula:

Weighed prompting (/day) = Total number of weighed promptings/nb of working days

The average daily prompting is used to determine the ideal ABC classes of the product containers.

  • Weight (field DAYWEI)

The average daily weight is deduced from the total weight weighed by means of the following formula:

Weighed veight (/ day) = Total weighed weight / nb of working days

  • field WEIUOS3


  • Volume (field DAYVOL)

The average daily volume (volume flow) is deduced from the total volume weighed by means of the following formula:

Volume flow (Vol / day) = Total weighed volume / nb of working days

The average picking coverage associated with a container, expressed in days, is deduced from the volum flow, using the following formula:

Coverage (Day) = Picking volume / volume flow

The system uses the volume data of the picking location, calculated from the volume flow and the coverage set up in the site table, to determine the ideal volume classes of the product containers.

  • field VOLUOS3




Tab Campaign


This tab sums up :
 the information of the campaign launched in picking rearrangement
 the status of progress of the picking rearrangement and of the campaign.


This part displays the container processed on the campaign, the reference of the campaign set during the launching of the process of the calculation of ideal classes, the campaign number generated by the system and the status of progress of the campaign.

The campaign has a status that shows its progress.
The status are :
- 1 ‘Wait ideal class’ : means that the rearrangement picking the least advanced of the campaign is on the status ‘Wait ideal class’
- 2 : Wait blockage of current picking : means that the rearrangement picking the least advanced of the campaign is on the status ‘Wait blockage of current picking’
- 3 : Wait reassignment: means that the rearrangement picking the least advanced of the campaign is on the status ‘Wait reassignment’.
- 4 : Wait transfer generation : means that the rearrangement picking the least advanced of the campaign is on the status ‘Wait transfer generation’.
- 5 : Wait movement validations : means that the rearrangement picking the least advanced of the campaign is on the status ‘Wait movement validation’ 
- 6 : Cancelled : means that all the rearrangement pickings of the campaign were cancelled.
- 7 : Validated : means that all the rearrangement pickings of the campaign were validated.


This part displays the processing period of the calculation of the ideal classes of the campaign.

Total start/end: corresponds to the processing dates of the calculation of ideal classes set during the launching by the user.

End archive : corresponds to the date of the last movement of the site included in the processing period.

Nr workable days:
it is determined from :
 the movements of the site for the archived period [Start date of the processing, End history date].
If there is a movement for the day of the processed period then it is considered as workable if not then it is considered as holiday.
 the calendarfor the forecast period [End history date + 1 day, End date of the processing]

Start/end reallocation : corresponds to the period during when the picking reorganization will be actualized.
These dates were set by the user during the launching of the calculation of ideal classes.

Ideal classes

Allows to display the method used for the calculation of the ideal rotation class and the ideal volume class.

Picking rearrangement

This part allows to show the status of progress of the picking rearrangement processed.

The picking rearrangement status are :
- 1 ‘Wait ideal class’ : means that the record the least advanced of the rearrangement picking is on the status ‘Wait ideal class’
- 2 : Wait blockage of current picking : means that the record the least advanced of the rearrangement picking is on the status ‘Wait blockage of current picking’
- 3 : Wait reassignment: means that the record the least advanced of the rearrangement picking is on the status ‘Wait reassignment’.
- 4 : Wait transfer generation : means that the record the least advanced of the rearrangement picking is on the status  ‘Wait transfer generation’.
- 5 : Wait movement validations : means that the record the least advanced of the rearrangement picking is on the status ‘Wait movement validation’ 
- 6 : Cancelled : means that all the records of the rearrangement pickings were cancelled.
- 7 : Validated : means that all the records of the rearrangement pickings were validated.


This part allows to define the characteristics of the picking rearrangement : mono or multi store, mono or multi aisle, mono or multi depositor, mono or multi family, mono or multi sub-family, mono or multi group  and mono or multi sub-group.




The following fields are present on this tab :


Numerical sequence automatically assigned by the system

upon creation of the picking replanning campaign (upon launching of the

calculation of the ideal classes).

  • Status (field MAHSTA)

Progress status of the picking replanning campaign.

The term Container encompasses the type and code of the container.

  • Reference (field REF)

Reference of the picking replanning campaign.

Picking reorganization

  • Status (field MALSTA)

Progress status of the Picking Replanning.


  • From totals (field STRSTT)

The ideal class calculation is performed from enterable dates.

The processing takes these dates into account in order to identify the movements carried out during this period.

If it is not entered, the start date is by default the current date - the number of calendar days of the calculation period set up in the site table,

the end date being the current date.

  • To totals (field ENDSTT)


  • End archive (field ENDHIS)

This date is defined by the system upon launching of the ideal class calculation.

It corresponds to the date of the last site movement included in the processing period.

  • Nr workable days (field WDYNBR)

Numberof working days determined by the definition of the calendar.

  • From reallocations (field STRRAL)

The reassignment calculation relating to the picking locations of ideal classes is carried out from enterable dates.

This reassignment period is used to calculate the seasonality coefficient.

If it is not entered, the start date is by default the current date,

the end date is the current date + the mini. number of calendar days for the activity before reassignment set up in the site table.

  • To reallocations (field ENDRAL)



  • field SNGSTO

If checked, GEODE generates replannings by entity upon generation.

In case of single store, then 1 RP by store, etc.

Store name in case of single-store replanning.

  • field SNGAIS

If checked, GEODE generates replannings by entity upon generation.

In case of single store, then 1 RP by store, etc.

  • Aisle (field AIS)

Name of the aisle in case of single-aisle replanning.

  • field SNGDEP

If checked, GEODE generates replannings by entity upon generation.

In case of single store, then 1 RP by store, etc.

Depositor code in case of single-depositor replanning.

  • field SNGFAM

If checked, GEODE generates replannings by entity upon generation.

In case of single store, then 1 RP by store, etc.

Family code in case of single-family replanning.

  • field SNGSFA

If checked, GEODE generates replannings by entity upon generation.

In case of single store, then 1 RP by store, etc.

Sub-family code in case of single sub-family replanning.

  • field SNGGRU

If checked, GEODE generates replannings by entity upon generation.

In case of single store, then 1 RP by store, etc.

Group code in case of single-group replanning.

  • field SNGSGR

If checked, GEODE generates replannings by entity upon generation.

In case of single store, then 1 RP by store, etc.

Sub-group code in case of single sub-group replanning.

Ideal classes

  • Turnover (field ABCCRI)

Used to define the calculation mode of the ideal ABC classes. If the parameter is set to location, the possible locations for the reassignment are sorted by ABC class order, from the highest to the lowest (with respect to the maximum number of promptings defined in the ABC class table). Products are also sorted by decreasing order of number of promptings. The ideal class for the product with the most promptings will be the ABC class of the first location (highest ABC class). The next product will have the ABC class of the second location, and so on and so forth. If If the parameter is set to ABC class, the ideal ABC class of a product is determined by comparing the number of promptings for this product with the maximum number of promptings defined for each class in the ABC class table.

  • Volume (field VOLCRI)

Used to define the calculation mode of the ideal volume classes.

If it is set to location, the possible locations for the

reassignment are sorted by volume class order, from the

highest to the lowest (with respect to the maximum volumes defined in the

volume class table). Products are also sorted by

volume order processed by decreasing day. The ideal product class

dealing the largest volume will be the volume class of

the first location (highest volume class). The next product

will have the volume class of the second location and so on and so forth.

If it is set to target coverage, the ideal volume class of a product

is determined by comparing the processed volume of this

product multiplied by the number of days of the target coverage,

with respect to the maximum volumes defned for each class in the

volume class table.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation