Sales > Orders > Orders > Orders - Implementation 


Activity codes

The following activity codes (sorted by type) may have an impact on the way the function operates :

Dependent activity codes

These codes are never entered in folder management, because their value is calculated :

 KAG (Argentinean localization), RE1 (Sales rep 1), RE2 (Sales rep 2), SI1 (Product statistical group 1), SI2 (Product statistical group 2), SI3 (Product statistical group 3), SI4 (Product statistical group 4), SI5 (Product statistical group 5), SP1 (Sales charge / discount 1), SP2 (Sales charge / discount 2), SP3 (Sales charge / discount 3), SP4 (Sales charge / discount 4), SP5 (Sales charge / discount 5), SP6 (Sales charge / discount 6), SP7 (Sales charge / discount 7), SP8 (Sales charge / discount 8), SP9 (Sales charge / discount 9).


 CFG : Configurator

 DEB : EU exchange declaration

 ECC : Product version management

 EDIX3 : Paperless document exchange

 LND : Loan management

 LTA : Local taxing

 PJM : Project management

 PREPM : Prepayment invoice management

 SDD : SDD management

 SEPP : Credit card integration

 SMI : Integrale migration

 WRH : Warehouse management


 ANA : No. of analytical dimensions

 BOD : Number of BOM components

 REP : Sales reps

 SFI : Max. no. entered inv. elts

 SFIV : Max. no. valued inv. elts

 SFL : No. invoice elts distributed

 SOH : Number of sales order lines

 SPR : Maximum sales charges/discount

 STC : Sales statistical groups

 STI : Product statistical groups


 KPO : Portuguese Localization

 KUS : Localization USA

General parameters

The following general parameters may change the way the function is working :


 PURCTLPRI0 (defined at level Site) : Purchase price existence control


 GENSHT (defined at level Site) : Generate shortages

Common Data

 CTLOPPCOD (defined at level Folder) : Project code control

 NOTATI (defined at level Site) : Price / Amount +tax / -tax

 OSTCTL (defined at level Company) : Cus. author. credit ctrl level

 OSTDRAFT (defined at level Company) : Customer credit notes P/R amt.

 PJTSNGDOC (defined at level Company) : Single-project document

 SALDSPVOU (defined at level Company) : Volume unit to affect

 SALDSPWEU (defined at level Company) : Weight units to affect


 ALLTYP (defined at level Company) : Allocation type

 APPSOH (defined at level Company) : Order signature management

 CCLRENORD (defined at level Company) : Order cancellation reason

 CTLBETFCY (defined at level Site) : Credit&price intersite ctrl

 CTLTAX (defined at level Company) : Tax code control

 DACMANSAL (defined at level Site) : Default price reason - manual

 DAYNBR (defined at level Company) : Calculate expected issue date

 DIRORDCTL (defined at level Company) : Back-to-back if credit exceeded

 FOCPRI (defined at level Site) : Free product valuation

 GRPNBRFOC (defined at level Site) : Grouped prices : free

 GRPPRI (defined at level Site) : Group price management

 HLDREL (defined at level User) : Authorize manual order hold

 INIALLORD (defined at level Company) : Init qty to allocate to order

 INVCNDFREE (defined at level Company) : Free item invoicing term

 LINBPD (defined at level Site) : Ship-to customer on detail

 LINREP (defined at level Site) : Sales rep on detail

 LOKORD (defined at level Site) : Order blocked if no prepayment

 OSTLND (defined at level Company) : Loan in order total

 OSTORD (defined at level Company) : On order in order total

 RSTALLORD (defined at level Site) : Re-instate order allocations

 SALREN (defined at level Site) : Require price reasons

 SALREV (defined at level Site) : Revision management

 SALRND (defined at level Site) : Round unit price

 SALTEXLIN (defined at level Site) : Product text tracking

 SALTEXORD (defined at level Site) : Order text position

 SCDTUNL (defined at level User) : Authorization to unlock order

 SDACLOK (defined at level User) : Non block ctrl price,profit,qt

 SDHTYPLND (defined at level Site) : Loan delivery type

 SDHTYPNOR (defined at level Site) : Standard delivery type

 SIVTYP (defined at level Site) : User invoice type

 SOHAPPALL (defined at level Company) : Allocation on unsigned order

 SOHAPPCLE (defined at level Company) : Close order if sig. rejected

 SOHAPPORD (defined at level Company) : Product WIP on unsig. order

 SOHAPPOST (defined at level Company) : Author. credit on unsig. order

 SOHTYPINV (defined at level User) : Direct invoice order type

 SOHTYPLND (defined at level User) : Loan order type

 SOHTYPNOR (defined at level User) : Normal order type

 SOHVALLIG (defined at level Company) : Line order valuation

 SPRIMOD (defined at level User) : Modify prices/discounts

 UPDCUR (defined at level Site) : Modify currency

 UPDPRISAL (defined at level Site) : Default price reason - base

 USERERBPC (defined at level Site) : Consumption of cust. reserv.

 WRNEXETAX (defined at level Company) : EXETAX use warning

Sequence numbers

The sequence numbers used to number the documents managed by this function are :

 INV : Inventory Counts

 INV : Inventory Counts

 INV : Inventory Counts

The sequence number assignment function defines the sequence number which is used

Accounting interface

Default dimensions

The default dimensions sections assignment is performed through the following codes :

(defined at level Company)

 SOH (All companies ) : Sales Order header

 SOP (All companies ) : Sales Order Line

 SOV (All companies ) : Order invoice elements


This function is object managed. The creation, modification, anddeletion operations can be activated or deactivated for a given user.Filters by rolescan also be associated with this function.

As data is linked to a site, a filter per site can be activated.

The following options can be activated or deactivated for each user :








 Purchase back-to-back order

 Manufacturing automatic PO

Entry transactions

This function is managed with entry transactions which can be set up.

A standard transaction is suggested when installing the software. A setup function is used to modify this standard transaction or create new personalized transactions. This setup essentially exists to specify some functional characteristics of the transaction and display as well as the default loading for certain fields.

Other prerequisites

Miscellaneous tables

The following miscellaneous tables are used by the function. They must be populated if necessary :

 Miscellaneous table number 201 : Close reasons

Tables to be completed

The following tables are used by the function. Their content must be updated if necessary :


Table description


Order type table


Payment term table


Delivery mode table

Product record

For loan orders, the product must be managed by location (Product/site record, Management section) and the loan authorization must be selected (Product record, Sales section).

To perform a back-to-back order on a product, the Back-to-back order check box of the Sales section must be selected. There are three types of direct orders:

  • The purchase back-to-back order with receipt
  • The direct purchase back-to-back order (the supplier delivers the goods to the customer)
  • The production back-to-back order

The type of back-to-back order suggested by default depends on the product category, on the type of reorder suggestion defined on the Product-site record and on the Direct quantity defined in the Sales section of the product record.

For orders applying to service contracts, the order type used must be either normal or a direct invoicing. The product entered in the order line must not be managed in stock but it must be set to the service contract type and associated with a reference service contract in the After-salessection. On exiting order entry, the line carrying the contract product is automatically closed (which implies that a service contract are not included in the customer credit), and the service contract are automatically created using the contracts of the template contract.
The service contract start date is equal to the shipment date and the contract amount (on an annual basis) is equal to the net price entered in the order.
If the quantity entered for a service contract is greater than one unit, a message asks you the following question when saving the order: “Do you want to create several identical contracts?”
- If you answer No, the system only creates a single service contract for an amount equal to the net price multiplied by the entered quantity.
- If you answer Yes, the system creates as many service contracts as there are ordered quantities.

It should be specified that the contract product cannot be delivered and that the invoicing of this order line can be carried out by picking the contract available in the invoice management or automatic invoicing processing of service contracts. The invoiced amount then depends on the service contract and on the invoicing frequency. The amount entered in the order line corresponds to the total fee of the contract (see Service contracts management).

Customer record

For loan orders, the customer must be authorized for loans (Customer record, Management section).
Moreover, a Customer type location (stock at a BP premises) must be defined for the relevant delivery address.

Linked workflow rules

The following rules are active when the APPSOH sales parameter authorizes the Management of the signature circuit on orders:

Tables used

The following tables are implemented by the function :


Table description




Business partner


Customer transactions




Ship-to customer


Analytical accounting lines




Open items


Customer product


Product category






Product-site totals


Products - sales






Price structure (cust/supp)


Sales rep


Sales orders - header


Sales orders - price


Sales orders - quantities


Sales price list search


Customer price lists


Quote header


Quote detail






Sales document - footer el.


Sales document - tax


Currency table


Delivery mode table


Print template table


Order type table


Table of units of measure


Sales order history - header


Sales order history - price


Sales order history - Qties.



80 80   8  Back-to-back

This option is used to generate a purchase back-to-back order in a customized manner, without using the automatic generation function Purchase back-to-back orders.

Update 8.0.0 and higher:
Purchase back-to-back orders are prohibited when the PURCTLPRI0 - Purchase price existence control parameter (ACH chapter, PRI group) is set to 'Control' and the product has no price:

  • The system has found no purchase price list for the back-to-back order supplier.
  • no purchase base price is entered on the product record,
  • The product has no standard cost, or the PURPRICE - Price by default standard cost parameter (chapter ACH, group PRI) is set to 'No'.
